Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 474: Fierce battle

Chen Feng looked at him, her eyes narrowed slightly, Yue Linglong walked to the side of Chen Feng and smiled slightly: "Chen Feng, don't be familiar with him, he has always been like this."

Chen Feng slowly shook his head, did not speak, a trace of murderous aura quietly converged, but it never disappeared, just hiding in the deepest part of his eyes.

He has always been revengeful.

He walked a few hundred meters further, and suddenly there was a scream in front of him, and then Feng Zicheng's voice came: "Junior sister, hurry up, you found those monsters here again!"

Everyone hurried forward, climbed to the top of the mound in front, and then saw three captains of the spear demon soldiers who were as tall as houses, rushing toward this side with murderous aura.

Feng Zichengming had his sword out of its sheath, and while slowly backing away, he turned to greet them.

Seeing the three spear demon captains, Yue Linglong breathed a sigh of relief. She could still deal with this kind of monster. She was now afraid of the appearance of the kind of tyrannical monster that she had never seen before.

Yue Linglong leaped into the air, and the long sword in her hand was unsheathed.

This is a long sword like an ice moon, thin as Zen wings, shining with shallow white light, like a first quarter moon shrouded in mist, clear, ethereal, and elegant.

The captain of a spear demon soldier uttered a dull roar in his throat, and the spear in his hand stabbed at him fiercely.

Yue Linglong smiled slightly, and the long sword in her hand flashed, she cut off the spear head of the spear, and she had flashed to the back of the spear demon captain very elegantly, and the long sword pierced his knee. Melt a big hole the size of a basin directly there.

When Chen Feng saw this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yue Linglong's lower body technique is extremely ethereal, without the slightest air of firework but very fast, and it is still above my ethereal step!"

Yue Linglong's long sword turned around and attracted the two spear demon captains aside and glued them together.

She shouted: "I will deal with these two, brother, you and Chen Feng, you two, deal with the remaining one."

While she was talking, she dodges the offensive of the two spear demon captains, and can still counterattack. Moreover, Chen Feng saw that she was actually quite relaxed, obviously not doing her best.

Chen Feng thought to himself: "Her strength, I'm afraid it is still above my estimation, maybe she has already broken through the fourth floor of the Divine Gate Realm, and can easily deal with the two spear demon captains."

Chen Feng and Feng Zicheng agreed and killed the remaining spear demon captain.

Just as Chen Feng pulled out the Purple Moon Knife, Feng Zicheng suddenly looked back at him, snorted, and said disdainfully: "Go away, you are a trash, you are not allowed to interfere. I alone can deal with this spear demon captain."

After speaking, with a sharp roar, the long sword was unsheathed and pierced towards the leader of the spear demon soldier.

He felt that he was neglected, he was extremely jealous, and he also deliberately wanted to show it in front of Feng Nu, so he prepared himself to deal with the captain of the spear demon soldier, not wanting Chen Feng to steal his limelight!

Compared with his junior sister Yue Linglong, Feng Zicheng's strength is much worse. After he cut out with a single sword, the spear of the spear demon captain on the opposite side pierced fiercely. The two hit each other, and Feng Zicheng was directly knocked back. Four or five steps, the breath is a bit unstable.

And the Captain of the Spear Demon Soldier was just two or three steps back!

Feng Nu sneered and let out a sneer with a trace of disdain.

Hearing this sneer, Feng Zicheng's face flushed, feeling that he had lost face, and he screamed, and the sword was pierced fiercely.

This move is obviously a powerful martial skill. After the long sword is pierced out, it swirls the air and turns into a huge cyclone. Hundreds of air swords are condensed in the cyclone, densely packed, towards the captain of the spear demon soldier. Stabbed hard.

The spear demon captain waved the spear in his hand, and only had time to block a small part of it, and most of them stabbed him!

Numerous holes were pierced out, a large amount of black gas steamed up, and the captain of the spear demon soldier was pierced with countless sieves.

In the throat of the spear demon captain, there was an angry and painful roar. The spear in his hand was used as a stick and swept out with tens of thousands of kilograms of force. The speed was extremely fast, and there was demon energy on the spear.

He swung it over, like a huge wall slammed into it. As long as he was hit, Feng Zicheng was afraid that his bones would break.

He took a deep breath, his figure flickered, and he came behind the Captain of the Spear Demon Soldier.

This body technique is exactly the same as that used by Yue Linglong just now, but it is obvious that his attainments are much worse than that of his junior sister. This time has obviously consumed a huge amount of vitality, his face paled for a moment, and he almost didn't stand on his feet. stable.

Obviously, he had suffered internal injuries and forcibly used martial arts beyond the scope of his ability.

Then he roared again, holding the long sword in both hands, and slashing out.

A huge arc of light slashed towards the leader of the spear demon soldier at a very fast speed, and bombarded the body of the leader of the spear demon soldier. The monster's throat made a horrible cry before death, and was directly cut into two.

Before the body fell to the ground, it turned into devilish energy and rose up, disappearing.

Slashing out this sword is obviously far beyond Feng Zicheng's range of abilities, and even more powerful than the backlash against him by that move just now.

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