Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4745: Scary old man!

This time the fluctuation was extremely slight.

Even Chen Feng didn't notice it, nor did anyone notice it.

Then, he fell into the vast night, among the stars.

But this time the fluctuation is like a butterfly, gently flapping its wings, quietly spreading to infinite distance.

Spread all the way!

Everyone failed to find out.

But for someone!

This movement is as huge as a storm! Conspicuous!

And at this moment, somewhere far away from this area is unknown.

This is a fairy mountain.

An uncompromising fairy mountain.

It is not floating on the nine heavens, its foundation is still on the earth.

However, its foundation is extremely huge!

I'm afraid there are tens of millions of miles away!

This mountain is also extremely high, towering into the sky.

Its height exceeds tens of thousands of miles.

This mountain is so high that it pierced endless clouds and endless wind.

It makes people feel whether it will directly pierce the Xuanhuang Zhongqian world and come into the void of the universe!

The top of the fairy mountain is surrounded by white clouds.

It is like a fairy residence.

In fact, this is indeed an out-and-out fairy residence.

The mountains are full of all kinds of magical plants, and each kind of plant exudes powerful spiritual fluctuations, and the breath is terrifying.

It is covered with precious fruits of various colors, adorned with all kinds of heaven, spirit and earth treasures.

There are springs everywhere in the mountains.

Every mouthful of spring water is filled with extremely huge spiritual energy.

This is not simply water, but a source of strength after another.

Between the hills and gully, among the dense forests and hundreds of flowers, from time to time, colorful and colorful fairy beasts fly up.

In the dense forest, various beasts roared and roared.

A white crane about a hundred meters in size, with a white feather and a vermilion beak, is extremely handsome.

There are naturally countless ancient lines on the wings, and they gather into a huge totem of the fate of the mysterious bird, which landed from above the nine heavens and issued a crisp cry that shook the sky.

A fairy mountain!

And halfway through this huge mountain, there is a huge ocean.

The blue waves are mighty, turbulent, and extremely magnificent.

The whole ocean is floating above the sky.

And just the height of the fairy mountain above this ocean has reached tens of thousands of miles.

Above the ocean, above the main body of the fairy mountain, there is a palace at intervals.

Or sit on a separate mountain peak, or sit beside the valley, beside the cliff.

The scenery is beautiful.

The area surrounding each palace is extremely large, and the surrounding valleys and lakes are all-encompassing.

The higher the palace, the more magnificent and gorgeous.

Above the sky, from time to time I see immortal cultivators passing through the sky, with a strong aura, like splitting the sky!

The highest point of this entire fairy mountain seems to have reached a height beyond the sky!

The height here has reached a limit, almost beyond human imagination.

Standing here, it seems that the stars in the sky are within reach.

The surrounding scenery does not seem to be in this mysterious and yellow world, but in the void of the universe!

Being here, a barren and lonely.

At the top of the mountain, there is only a lone boulder with a radius of about 100 meters.

It looked like a huge egg.

On the boulder, there is a small cottage.

This straw stove, but three rooms, is extremely simple.

It looks like it was built by people with hundred-year-old bamboo, but it shows some ingenuity in its simplicity.

There are clear and shallow green grass around the Cao Lu, with a radius of ten feet.

There are several clusters of bamboo, swaying in the wind.

There is nothing else.

It is in sharp contrast with the luxurious and magnificent palaces down the mountain.

But this cottage stands at the top of the fairy mountain!

It's more like standing in the void of the universe.

It is not only obvious, but it also blends with the surrounding environment.

Around the Caolu, there was a faint cyan mist that kept lingering.

The cyan mist is not the power of the stars, but seems to be stronger than the power of the stars, with a touch of fairy aura.

At the moment when Chen Feng stepped out of the tomb of Dongji Qingxu God!

In the grass cottage, there was a presence, and suddenly opened his eyes.

There was nothing in this cottage.

Only in the middle, there is an old man sitting cross-legged.

The elderly cannot see their age or even their faces.

There seemed to be countless faces flashing past his face.

Just wearing a linen robe, floating there quietly.

And around him, the whole world seemed to stop moving.

In that time and space, here, the rules have even changed slightly.

And if you take a closer look at him, you will find that he does not seem to exist in this world.

All power, all time and space, began to change around him!

That feeling makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

It seems that here, the rules of the familiar world before him are completely useless!

The sky may not be above, and the earth may not be below.

The water does not necessarily flow down, and the heavy rain does not necessarily fall from the sky.

Even time is not necessarily directed towards flowing...

Strange, uncomfortable, but extremely powerful!

But at this time, this powerful and terrifying old man couldn't help but twitched!

A look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he suddenly snarled: "Where is the ruins of the Yuxu Immortal Gate, there is something abnormal?"

If it were seen by his disciples, he would definitely be shocked!

This old man has no idea how many years he has not had such an expression!

In their eyes, the ancestor of the sect, the top powerhouse with terrifying strength, has never been in a hurry.

As if nothing can start the waves in his heart!

But if what the old man said out of his mouth, they would be even more shocked if they heard it!

The ruins of Yuxu Immortal Gate are more than a hundred million miles away from here?

Moreover, it has been annihilated for a million years!

What happened there was shocking enough.

But what is even more shocking is that the ancestors could sense it so far away!

In the next moment, he will be back to the original.

However, when the palm of his hand turned, a roll of bamboo slips appeared.

This roll of bamboo slips has been damaged in many places, and some places have decayed and are almost broken.

I don't know how many years have passed.

The old man slowly unfolded the ancient bamboo roll with both hands.

Although his face was as usual, his hands were trembling slightly, showing how agitated his emotions are now.

But when the bamboo slip was unfolded, there was nothing on it!

A cold color flashed in the old man's eyes: "Is it a variable that I didn't expect?"

The next moment, the old man suddenly let out a low growl, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

In that blood, there is actually a shining star! The sun rises and the moon sets! White Rabbit Ascends!

It seems that the entire universe is contained in it!

And this is just a bite of his blood!

When the blood was spilled on it, the bamboo slips, which were originally blank, finally changed!

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