Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4741: Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar: first glimpse of the way!

Chen Feng's face was solemn, and there was a light golden light on his body.

And behind his body, an ancient Buddha phantom also closed his eyes and hung down.

With the golden sutra of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Chen Feng's body is recovering rapidly.

Buddhism practices such as the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva of Buddhism are far more capable of restoring than others.

At the same time, the mental consciousness of the Buddha's angry lion roar gong flowed through Chen Feng's heart.

This mentality is extremely profound.

It is extremely difficult to comprehend one sentence or two, and it is difficult to understand.

However, Chen Feng did not feel discouraged, studying each word carefully.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly, in Chen Feng's golden spiritual world, the earth was turned upside down, violently shaking!

In the next moment, there are strands, countless golden spiritual powers flying out of his spiritual world.

Then, hovering here.

But no one controls it and it's messy.

But the next moment, Chen Feng's mind sank into it.

Then, the Buddha's mentality of the angry lion roaring power flowed in his mind.

After being manifested into this spiritual world, that mentality actually turned into huge words one after another directly in the sky.

And when the profound meaning of these Buddha's angry eyes and roaring skills appeared here, the situation changed drastically.

When a font fell, there were countless golden mental powers adsorbed on it instantly.

Then, after the font absorbed the golden spiritual power, it turned into a thin purple-white light.

The fonts continued to fall one after another, and countless mental powers were absorbed into it.

One after another purple-white rays of light took shape.

Just as in this golden spiritual world, there is an invisible existence.

Holding a paintbrush, stroke after stroke, outline a general outline.

Finally, the silhouette took shape.

It was a huge lion head!

Of course, it's just a very rough outline, and it can only be seen roughly, without any finesse.

At this point, there are no more words left.

Because the profound meanings that Chen Feng had penetrated are now exhausted.

The rest have not been penetrated yet.

Only words that Chen Feng has penetrated and thoroughly understood can appear here.

But even so, at this time, the purple-white rays of light in the golden spiritual world have already turned into a huge lion head silhouette!

A chuckle appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

"Even though this Buddha's angry lion roar technique, I haven't practiced it yet, and I haven't even done it at first.

"But, it has gradually touched a trace of the doorway."

Chen Feng's gaze condensed: "The Buddha's angry eyes, lion roar, the first realm, is the first glimpse!"

"Next, I will enter the first state!"

"The speed is still a bit slow. I think once I enter the world of Xuanhuang, I will have enough power to protect myself."

"And this Buddha's angry lion roar skill, obviously can become a hole card for me, and it will play a role at critical times."

"In this case, we still have to speed up!"

Chen Feng was not very satisfied with the speed of his cultivation.

But if it were to let others know, even those geniuses in the Xuanhuang world would be shocked and speechless.

Powerful cultivation techniques such as the Buddha's Angry Eye Lion Roar Technique, placed in the top sects like Yuxu Immortal Gate, are enough for a true disciple's skill at the bottom of the box.

Even if it is such a super genius, it may take more than ten years or even decades to cultivate!

Only by fine polishing can you feel a trace of the doorway.

However, Chen Feng has achieved such a harvest in just a few days.

The rapid progress is jaw-dropping!

During these few days of digging the passage, Chen Feng has not been idle either.

When I have a little leisure time, I painstakingly practice the Buddha's angry lion roar.

He also progressed extremely fast.

This Buddha's angry eyes, lion roaring technique, there are two points in the practice.

First, how is the basic exercise?

The more basic exercises conform to the Buddhism origin, the faster the practice will be.

The second is mental power.

The stronger the mental power, the faster you can cultivate.

I have to say, Dongji Qingxu God, his eyes are really vicious enough.

At a glance, Chen Feng has great advantages in both aspects.

His spiritual power is extremely powerful, and even more powerful after the golden spiritual world has swallowed those hundreds of thousands of soul-eaters.

Vaguely opening the second floor.

But even if the second floor hadn't been opened yet, his mental power was enough.

Compared to warriors of the same level, or even warriors who surpassed his several realms, Chen Feng's mental power is stronger!

At the same time, because Chen Feng cultivated the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva of Comprehension and Freedom, it is the highest method of Buddhist cultivation.

Therefore, he used the Golden Scriptures of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara as the foundation to practice the Buddha's angry eyes and lion roar, which is naturally more effective and extremely fast.

Chen Feng has been walking through the hard soil for three days and three nights.

He felt all the way, and went diagonally upward.

Still white as snow, lightly young.

But there was also unstoppable fatigue between the eyebrows.

For him, this consumption is also extremely huge.

All the way forward, finally, a portal appeared in front of him.

Above the portal, a stone gate.

On the stone gate, there are countless magic circles engraved.

A layer of light dark black power covers it.

If you want to go out, you have to penetrate this circle.

Obviously, this is exactly the Seven Tribulations Formation of Xuansha Soul Punishing Soul laid down by those sects mentioned by Dongji Qingxu God Venerable!

As if perceiving the arrival of Chen Feng, there was strength in the Seven Tribulations Formation of Xuansha's Soul Punishment in an instant.

Then, in the magic circle, one after another soul devourers flew out, reaching nearly a million in an instant.

Furiously rushed towards Chen Feng.

This Xuan Sha Zhu Soul Qi Jue Formation is now a general formation that seals the entire tomb of the East Extreme Qingxu God Venerable.

It was much stronger than the Seven Jues Formation of Xuansha Soul Slaying in a single coffin he faced before.

Therefore, Soul Eater is also several times more numerous.

But if Chen Feng has a golden spiritual world, how can he be afraid?

The more he came, the better, and Quan should add his mental strength.

Chen Feng let out a long laugh: "Good job!"

Chen Feng followed suit.

It was just a cup of tea. These hundreds of thousands of soul-eaters died cleanly in Chen Feng's golden spiritual world.

The golden spiritual world turned these soul-eaters into the purest spiritual power.

In the next moment, the golden spiritual world will absorb these forces.

But at this time, the outline of the huge purple-white lion head suddenly opened its huge mouth and sucked hard.

Suddenly, this infinite original spiritual power was directly absorbed by him.

The spiritual power of these soul-eaters is extremely pure, and the amount of millions of heads is also extremely large.

After being sucked in, an infinite purple-white light burst out in an instant.

Almost in an instant, countless purple-white rays of light emerged.

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