Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4737: Dongji Qingxu Shenzun!

I don't know how deep the ground is, in this huge coffin!

But there was a flaming skeletal war horse, pulling an old bronze chariot, and suddenly stopped in front of Chen Feng.

This scene can be described as weird to the extreme.

But among them, it reveals one of the indescribable sacreds.

Then, in the dark mist, one after another, bronze chariots came out.

In a blink of an eye, there are hundreds of vehicles, forming a huge array of cars.

Stopping in front of Chen Feng, there is a bit of epic meaning!

On the front bronze chariot, the driver slowly floated down.

Walking in front of Chen Feng, he made a gesture of'please'.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and stepped on it.

The next moment, the huge bronze car array hurried forward.

The clear hoof sounds like a violent storm sounded intensively.

The next moment, he rushed into the dark mist.

After entering this dark fog, Chen Feng suddenly felt that space and time seemed to have lost its meaning here.

Dark and foggy, a little bit like an empty tunnel at that time.

I don't know how long I have been running inside, it seems to be a year, and it seems to be a flash.

The next moment, the bronze car array suddenly rushed out of the darkness and fog.

In front of Chen Feng, it suddenly became clear.

He saw that this place was no different from before.

It is still a towering metal wall and a metal ground.

However, the distance that can be seen here is much larger than before.

The bronze car array stopped abruptly, as neat as one person!

Chen Feng walked down slowly, but no one was seen after looking around.

Suddenly, his gaze was fixed, but his gaze was attracted by the metal wall.

Chen Feng saw that there were murals on it.

The murals are very rough, as if they were painted on them.

The content of the mural is cruel.

Probably it was a person who was told, all his relatives were killed, and he was also killed.

The body was torn apart by the car and thrown out in disorder.

Then they were suppressed separately.

However, the rough picture seems to have magical powers.

Chen Feng looked at this painting, as if he could think of the pain, anger, depression, and despair in the person who painted it!

But at this moment, suddenly, an old voice came from behind him.

"You finally came?"

Chen Feng's heart jumped fiercely.

But then, it turned into calm.

He has been here for a while, but he has never sensed the existence of other people.

This voice sounded abruptly, which meant that the opponent's strength absolutely surpassed himself.

If he is going to disadvantage him, then he will have nothing to fight back.

It doesn't make much sense to panic now.

It is better to face calmly.

He slowly turned around.

In the black mist behind him, there was a figure looming, but he couldn't see clearly.

"I have been waiting for you here for millions of years.'

The voice spoke slowly.

The voice is very crisp, even a bit immature, just like a child's voice.

But the tone is so mature.

He is just a little child, but he is telling his own experience in the past thousands of years.

This contrast is extremely strange.

Chen Feng felt that the figure's gaze seemed to be looking at himself.

"good very good."

"It seems that after a million years, that guy still has enough vicious eyes."

"You are very good."

"That kind of mental attack, even the martial artist of the Star Soul Martial God Realm may not be able to stop it, I didn't expect you to stop it!"

Chen Feng was startled: "This person actually knows the night watchman and also knows my relationship with the night watchman."

It seems that everything is invisible in his eyes.

Chen Feng's voice was deep: "Who are you?"

"Haha, you are in my tomb, but you still don't know who I am?"

This figure laughed: "I am the master teacher of Yuxu Immortal Sect!"

"It's you? Dongji Qingxu God?"

Chen Feng shouted in disbelief.

The head teacher of Yuxu Immortal Sect is powerful and dominates the roost. His name is: Dongji Qingxu God!

These six words were repeated countless times by the night watchman!

He turned out to be Dongji Qingxu God!

Chen Feng's heart trembled fiercely: "Isn't Dongji Qingxu God Venerable already dead? Isn't he dead clean and thorough?"

"He is still here and talking to me?"

"Moreover, this is not a thought left behind, he clearly has his own thinking ability!"

It's just that Chen Feng organized the language, but hasn't asked.

The dark shadow chuckled: "It's just that you are surprised, I am dead, who else is here to talk to you now, right?"

Chen Feng nodded.

As soon as the voice fell, the mist suddenly dispersed.

Chen Feng finally saw the true face of the figure.

His heart was shocked.

It turned out that what he had felt before was correct, this turned out to be a child.

He looked just three or four years old, with a tender and chubby complexion.

It's even cute.

It's just that his eyes...

What kind of eyes are those, I don't know how many years have gone through, vicissitudes and sophistication.

The child smiled slightly:

"The one in front of you is Dongji Qingxu God, not Dongji Qingxu God."

"Because that me is indeed dead."

"The current me is just an external incarnation of him."

He explained with a smile: "I had a chance encounter back then. It was a sect that was once prominent in a certain big world, and an ancient heritage handed down."

"That sect is best at cultivating the external incarnation."

"This external avatar is extremely miraculous. Even if a person dies, the external avatar can continue to live and grow back into his appearance."

"An incarnation outside of the body can protect him after reincarnation and rebirth, without losing his mind and memory."

Chen Feng was shocked when he heard it.

This external avatar is so magical?

Chen Feng had never heard of everything he said.

He felt as if a new world had been opened before him.

Dongji Qingxu Shenzun laughed at himself: "Unfortunately, I just turned into an external incarnation, and those enemies were killed."

"That day, I was indeed dead."

"Just like that, they still don't worry."

"They were afraid of me, so they chopped my body into six pieces, head, limbs, and torso!"

"Stuck in six giant coffins separately!"

"Furthermore, the Seven Tribulations Formation of Xuansha Soul Slaying Soul was laid outside each coffin, sealing the remnant soul that I might recover."

"They don't know, I don't have a remnant soul, but there is an incarnation outside of me!"

"The incarnation outside the body is not born in the head, but in the pubic area of ​​the torso."

"and so……"

He laughed: "As soon as they walked away with their front feet, my incarnation crawled out of the back feet."

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