Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4731: Da Zhou Tian Origin Star Power

And as Chen Feng's martial soul space appeared, a small figure sprang out of it.

He slipped into Chen Feng's arms and rubbed hard.

Then, he climbed to the shoulder.

The little furry head rubbed against Chen Feng's face, as if to comfort him.

Chen Feng was taken aback.

Then I saw clearly that what came out was actually a blood wind.

At this moment, the little paws of Bloodwind held Chen Feng's face.

A pair of black eyes stared at Chen Feng like Moyu.

His eyes were full of worry.

"Bloodwind, why did you come out?"

Chen Feng shouted out of voice.

Before, Blood Wind had been staying with Zhu Nine Yin Martial Soul in the Martial Soul Space.

The two guys played very well, although from time to time they get into a ball, you slap me, and I slap you underneath.

But after all, it was just a joke.

When playing, I feel that the other party is an excellent playmate.

Simply, Blood Wind lived in the Martial Soul Space.

Anyway, his physique is extremely special, even Chen Feng can't figure out whether he is a physical or an incorporeal body.

You can always go anywhere.

It doesn't matter.

During this time, I don't know what the blood wind is doing, and has never shown up.

Now it appears suddenly.

Chen Feng was startled first, then his expression changed in amazement, and he shouted sharply: "Blood Wind! Get me back!"

"This is not where you came from! Are you going to die?"

What Chen Feng said was vicious.

Because he knew that Bloodwind had never been afraid of himself.

If you don't speak more fiercely, I'm afraid he will not obey at all.

Although it was a vicious word, it was completely worried about the blood wind.

Even now, Chen Feng still remembered the safety of the blood wind and refused to let him die.

However, Xuefeng was looking at Chen Feng with worry in his eyes.

Then, he took a deep look at Chen Feng, but a look of determination flashed across his eyes, and he flew out quietly.

For some reason, when Chen Feng saw this gaze, an extremely ominous premonition surged in Chen Feng's heart!

He instinctively shouted: "No blood wind!"

But the next moment, Chen Feng found that he could not move.

The blood wind had already floated before that giant door.

There was a solemn expression on his face.

The next moment, suddenly, the entire nine-star Conferred God Array trembles violently!

Even the entire Dragon Vessel Continent trembled a bit!

At this moment, a starlight appeared in front of everyone.

A touch of icy blue mixed in the cold white.

The strands of ice blue and **** came through from the nine-star Conferred God array.

Landed on the blood wind!

This kind of power is extremely high!

Chen Feng looked at it and whispered.

He is no stranger to this power, the blood wind had absorbed this power that day!

It seems to be the bright starlight of some huge star!

After the ice-blue power entered the body of the blood wind, instantly, a giant wolf phantom appeared on the head of the blood wind!

The whole body is icy blue, and the outer cover is cold and white!

Scream up to the sky!

In the next moment, the ice-blue giant wolf phantom roared fiercely, passed through the giant gate, and came into the void of the universe.

It kept rushing forward, and wherever it passed, a huge space channel appeared!

Everyone is shocked!

He actually wanted to open a void passage in this way.

The strands of ice blue power leaked from the blood wind, and then entered the ice blue giant wolf phantom.

To maintain the giant wolf phantom to continue to run forward, and continue to spread the space channel forward!

This process is obviously extremely painful for Blood Wind.

He was tight and trembling slightly.

However, there is no intention to stop!

The space channel spreads forward at an extremely fast speed.

This spatial passage not only looks much more stable than the one constructed by the night watchman just now, but it also moves forward much faster than the one constructed by the night watchman.

Bloodwind used this power to create a spatial channel for Chen Feng!

Chen Feng's eyes widened: "Impossible!"

"How could it be possible for the blood wind to build a channel better than the night watchman with this cultivation base? Faster?"

But then, he saw the expression of blood wind.

Suddenly, there was a twitch in my heart, unspeakable pain!

"Bloodwind's cultivation base is so well constructed, so how much pain did he endure? How much did he pay?"

Those ice-blue powers sprinkled into the blood wind body, and continued to pour into the giant wolf phantom.

The figure of the blood wind is already a bit lighter than before.

And at almost the same moment, both the night watchman and the real herring trembled in shock.

Even their offensive slowed down a bit.

Unanimously, they shouted in unison: "Great Zhou Tian's original star power! This turned out to be Great Zhou Tian's original star power!"

"It is not only the original star power of the Great Zhou Tian, ​​but also the quality of this star power, at least it is also the original star power of the Great Zhou Tian of a mighty world!"

Da Zhou Tian's origin star power?

The origin star power of the Great Zhoutian of the Great World?

Chen Feng trembled: "What is that?"

The night watchman said solemnly: "The original star power is a higher level power than the power of the stars!"

"It is the aggregation of the power essence of a star, but the highly condensed power of the star, a source of star power, which is worth the power of an unknown number of ordinary stars!"

Chen Feng nodded: "That's it!"

"This kind of power, I felt terrible before, but I can't tell you where the horror is!"

"It turns out that this turned out to belong to a vast world, is the origin star power?"

The real herring was full of horror.

Watching the blood wind is like watching a monster.

He yelled out: "Chen Feng, you, your pet, what level of existence do you have?"

"He can actually draw out the origin star power of a big world star?"

"Is it a holy beast! Fairy beast! Divine beast! Nothing?"

He looked at Chen Feng and said with emotion: "Chen Feng! Good chance! You really have a good chance!"

The real herring was jealous, staring at Chen Feng and said, "You ignorant kid, you really are out of shit!"

While dealing with the man’s hand bones, he said excitedly:

"Small Thousand World, Middle Thousand World, Big Thousand World!"

"The bigger and stronger the world, the more powerful it is, and the power of its origin is extremely powerful!"

"The original star power of the Great Zhoutian of a great thousand world is its most quintessential original power."

"Even the top powerhouses in this vast world may not be qualified to use them!"

"So, do you understand?"

He pointed to the night watchman, and then to himself: "My two are just the powerhouses in the world, neither of them are top-notch."

"The two of me can't even use the great Zhoutian origin star power of my mid-thousand world."

"You boy, really lucky!"

When he said this, Chen Feng felt a huge shock in his heart, and he completely understood it!

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