Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4716: Evil array!

Some of them re-completed some of the broken lines on the magic circle, while others placed various precious and incomparable materials at the key points of the magic circle.

The whole circle has not been filled yet, but there is already a vaguely terrifying aura inside.

In fact, the reason why the six great hidden sects knew of this huge opportunity once in a million years, knew that there would be a great treasure, and even knew the time when that great treasure was born, was because they discovered this underground palace!

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the six great hidden sects at the time discovered this place by accident.

At that time, this underground hall was already dilapidated and abandoned for a long time.

And that crucial magic circle has already suffered a lot of damage.

It seems that most of it was blown up.

It seems that this magic circle has been activated once. After this time, not only the circle has been destroyed a lot, but the entire hall is in danger of collapse.

The six hidden sects discovered this place, and after knowing the preciousness of this place, they used countless manpower and material resources.

Restore this formation.

However, to open this magic circle, extremely harsh conditions are required.

For example, a large number of various treasures!

These treasures are both rare and precious, and at the same time extremely scarce on the Dragon Vein Continent.

For example, the debris polished from the horns of a certain seven-star monster emperor...

All these things.

So how many people would die if only to obtain such a material? How much energy is spent?

In fact, the reason why the entire six hidden sects dormant for hundreds of thousands of years is not willingly.

Instead, they put all their energy on collecting all kinds of treasures.

Moreover, they are also afraid that the six hidden sects will continue to occupy the Dragon Vein Continent, and the trees will attract the wind, and then this secret may be discovered by others.

Therefore, simply withdraw from the Dragon Vein Continent.

It can collect treasures without attracting attention.

Just leave a team of elites of various schools to guard here.

Sure enough, no problems occurred in hundreds of thousands of years, and they waited until this most critical day!

In other words, they have been preparing for today for hundreds of thousands of years, and they are all working hard for today's things.

For hundreds of thousands of years, his perseverance is awe-inspiring!

If anyone is quite familiar with Chaoge Tianzi City, they will know that the location here is almost directly below the center of Chaoge Tianzi City.

Chaoge Tianzi City, on the whole, is close to a circle.

And this place is just below the center of this circle.

Moreover, the midpoint of the height of Chaoge Tianzi City from the bottom to the top is also here.

In other words, the location of this huge underground cave, whether it is up, down, left, or right, is the center of Chaoge Tianzi City!

At the time of a cup of tea, the entire circle was filled.

The moment the magic circle was filled, there was a violent tremor.

At this moment, all the lines of the magic circle were bright for a moment.

The whole array is brilliant, and everyone's eyes can't be opened!

Then, Guanghua disappeared again.

Venerable Giant Whale looked at all this with excitement and anticipation.

And many of the six hidden sects, tens of thousands of strong, are also full of excitement!

Time is getting closer!

After another hour!

The whole world seemed to tremble slightly.

Venerable Giant Whale's eyes lighted up, and he laughed loudly: "The hour has come!"

"I am waiting for the day I have been waiting for millions of years, and this moment has finally arrived!"

It turned out that it was noon!

The great opportunity that happens only once in a million years has arrived!

Everyone was extremely excited, and many of them even let out a low growl.

For them, today is of great significance.

The six hidden sects have endured hundreds of thousands of years for this moment!

After today, they will be able to get that peerless treasure, and their strength can be increased crazily!

They can live in the sun again, and they can dominate the Dragon Vein Continent!

Venerable Giant Whale, raised his right hand heavily and fell heavily, roaring all his life: "Bring them all up!"

Everyone responded.

Then, behind everyone, many stone gates were suddenly opened.

One huge prison after another was dragged out.

Each huge prison has a radius of 100 meters, but inside it is actually a lot of warriors and monsters.

These warriors and monster beasts are already in a coma, and they are there.

But they are still alive.

Moreover, the strength of every warrior and monster beast turned out to be very powerful!

Experts in the Martial Emperor Realm and Demon Emperor Realm are everywhere!

Everyone seemed to have been fed a lot of elixir. Although they were unconscious, each one had a red complexion and was full of blood.

The overflowing is almost exploded!

Hundreds of thousands of warriors and powerful monsters were all brought to the edge of that formation, and a large area was crushed in darkness.

The blood and energy are fused together, almost overturning this hall!

I don't know when the Six Great Hidden Sects caught so many warriors and monsters!

Venerable Giant Whale's eyes flashed fiercely, and he screamed: "Throw it!"


After everyone should be, they opened those huge cages.

Then, those warriors and monsters were directly thrown into the magic circle.

When these warriors and monster beasts, these existences with powerful blood, entered the magic circle.

In an instant, the magic circle felt.

It was like a living creature came alive.

There was an emotion called extreme excitement inside, and it came out suddenly!

The entire magic circle squirmed gently.

Then, countless black smoke appeared on it.

Every black smoke envelops a warrior or monster.

The moment of darkness enveloped these warriors and monsters.

In the next moment, these monsters and warriors turned directly into endless transpiration of blood energy and melted into the black smoke.

Everything about them was absorbed by the black smoke.

In an instant, the black smoke grew countless times.

After absorbing the blood essence of these powerhouses and monster beasts, the black smoke seemed to have spirituality, quickly recovered and returned to that formation.

Quickly blend into it.

In an instant, the lines on the formation were lit up.

A wave of black power traversed through those formations.

The black transpired, and there was a strong blood.

In an instant, the entire huge hall was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood, and it was vomiting.

It turns out that this magic circle can only be opened at the cost of devouring the flesh and soul of countless powerful creatures!

I don't know what a terrifying evil formation it is!

I don't know what evil stuff is sealed inside!

But what they don't know is.

At this moment, outside the Dragon Vessel Continent, above the nine heavens, that huge nine-star Conferred God Array!

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