Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4687: Great Array of Killing Gods!

The number has almost reached tens of millions, and each of them is quite strong.

It is also a resounding powerhouse on the Dragon Vein Continent.

Now, they all gather here.

Among them, there were nine powerful forces who followed Chen Feng on a Ruyi Boat.

None of them dare not come!

Countless tyrannical auras rose to the sky, mixed with each other, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

Although they are not weak, they seem to be messy.

Especially when compared with the invincible army that is waiting for you below!

They saw the God of War Palace, and then they saw a large army.

There are a hundred huge legions, ten million strong men in the God of War Palace.

Knife Ge Rulin, the battle armor reflects the sunlight above the sky, and it seems to be able to dazzle Huaren's eyes.

More importantly, the murderous spirit went straight into the sky!

The murderous aura was so strong that it flooded all over the world, making these millions of powerhouses feel suffocated.

Everyone shrank quietly and swallowed.

Some people even stepped back quietly, with a look of horror on their faces.

Although they also have millions of strong people, although the number of people on the opposite side is not much more than them, even though the strength of the 10 million people on the opposite side is not even comparable to them!

But this is a well-trained and ruthless Jagged Legion!

Bring them powerful coercion and fear.

Everyone has no doubt that if millions of people join together on their own side, they will definitely not be the opponent of this ten million iron-blooded legion!

These warriors who had been noisy and noisy suddenly fell silent.

It was a dead silence, silent.

The army of the ten million God of War Mansion below raised its head slightly.

Look at these warriors who are pressing over like dark clouds.

Although the opponent is strong and large in number, they don't care at all.

On the contrary, there was an expression of contempt on his face.

Such a mob, they have already killed how many!

On the foremost Qingluan Ruyi Boat.

Chen Feng lean on the railing and looked forward and let out a sigh of relief.

"The army of the God of War really deserves its reputation!"

"It is conceivable that if they used the powerful formation passed down from the God of War Palace to trap the enemy in it."

"Facing this tens of thousands of warriors who can't retreat or kill like a tide, and can use their power ten times a hundred times, they are not afraid of death!"

"No matter how powerful a person is, he will feel terrified and desperate!"

Then, suddenly if he felt something, he raised his head slightly.

It collided with Xiahou Jiuyuan's eyes.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, calmly.

Qingluan Ruyizhou all the way forward, everyone followed.

Soon, he came to the front of the battlefield.

Opposite Xiahou Jiuyuan who stood on the top of the city.

Being so close to the battlefield, this suffocating atmosphere almost suppressed them even unable to speak.

Many people are even more skeptical.

"Today, Chen Feng used his own strength to challenge Shenfu. Is it possible to win?"

Xiahou Jiuyuan looked at Chen Feng, his eyes flashed, and suddenly raised his voice: "Chen Feng, why are you here?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, and said every word: "Come to win the dragon vein!"

Hearing this, Xiahou Jiuyuan's eyes suddenly twitched.

Chen Feng's answer did not surprise him.

But when he heard Chen Feng say it personally, he was still unspeakable and angry!

"Dare you challenge me?"

"Dare you provoke me?"

"Do you want to seize the position of the first person in the Dragon Vein Continent?"

But when Chen Feng said this sentence, he had nothing to refute.

Because he knows, or to say, no one knows Chen Feng's current strength better than him!

Xiahou Jiuyuan said lightly: "Since your news came that day, I knew that you had found the way to break through the Martial Emperor Realm, didn't you?"

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "That's right."

Xiahou Rescue showed unabashed jealousy in his eyes.

This road, he has been searching for so many years, but he has never set foot.

And Chen Feng was found at a young age!

The extreme envy and jealousy in his heart is even more killing intent!

He stared at Chen Feng and said word by word: "Chen Feng, since you are so powerful, then I can only ruin you!"

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head: "I don't think you have this ability!"

"No, I have!"

Xiahou Jiuyuan slowly uttered three words, gritted his teeth.

Although I feel that my strength may not be Chen Feng's opponent, Xiahou Jiuyuan is still confident!


His eyes drooped slightly: "I have this ten million army!"

He suddenly let out a low growl: "Set up an array!"

Suddenly, all the ten million army roared, and all kinds of light shone.

Everyone is flying.

Almost in an instant, these hundred legions formed a big formation!

This big formation, the whole body was like a wandering dragon, gleaming with blood red light, full of murderous aura.

There is blood-red light gushing out of everyone's body, mixed with murderous and iron-blooded aura!

Connected in twos, connected in fours and fours, connected in a legion, and then the legion and the legion are also connected together!

The huge blood-red dragon kills the formation, flaring its teeth and claws in the air.

Dragon horns, dragon whiskers, dragon body, dragon claws... everything is available.

This blood-red giant dragon killing array is not only in its shape, but is actually swimming in it with extremely terrifying killing intent!

And at the moment when the blood-red dragon was ready to kill!

Chen Feng felt that the strength of everyone inside was condensed together instantly.

The power of this tens of millions of powerful people instantly turned into strength.

After that, it was magnified ten times a hundred times by the formation!

The internal force is tyrannical to the extreme, and it is overwhelmingly depressed!

Even Chen Feng felt a little suffocated.

The powerhouses behind Chen Feng all showed awe.

They felt that just the momentum after the formation of this formation seemed to be enough to crush themselves and others!

"No wonder the God of War Palace is invincible. Who is the adversary in this big formation?"

Xiahou Jiuyuan's figure flashed before he came to the big formation, standing high on the dragon head.

"Chen Feng, have you seen it?"

"This is my God of War Mansion's ten-faced killing **** array! If you want to be an enemy of me, you must pass them first!"

His wild laughter echoed.

"It turns out that this is the Ten-faced Killing God Formation in the God of War Palace?"

"I heard that the Ten-sided Killing God Formation is the largest formation in the God of War Palace and the most complex formation. It requires a whole hundred legions and ten million strong."

"Yes, but as long as this big formation succeeds in condensing, it will have extremely terrifying power."

"I heard that the God of War Palace has been used several times in history, and there has been no failure!"

Chen Feng touched his nose, and said faintly: "It seems that you are not willing to single out with me, but you want me to deal with this big battle."

Xiahou Jiuyuan raised his chin: "Yes, you are not qualified to fight with me now."

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