Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4662: kneel!

With an expression of disbelief on Jin Yuxie's face, she glared at Fairy Yuheng: "He forced me to kneel and beg him to stay? You actually supported him?"

"Nonsense, I don't support who he supports?"

The smile on Fairy Yuheng's face disappeared without a trace.

"Before, you suppressed Chen Feng repeatedly and tried to force Chen Feng to leave."

"Now, Chen Feng is being scrambled by everyone as a genius. The condition for him to stay in the Beidou team is that you kneel down and beg him!"

"Of course I support him! Who made you do so many stupid things before!"

Jin Yuxie's face suddenly turned blue and red.

There was a low laugh from the people around.

"This golden jade evil, today's face is lost."

"Yes, being so humiliated in public by the younger generation in my team, and people of the same generation don't help him."

"Deserve it! Chen Feng is such a genius, it can be seen before, he actually suppressed Chen Feng?"

"It's so stupid, I'm ashamed of my home!"

These words were even more like a slap in the face of a fan on Jin Yuxie's face, making him want to find a place to sew in.

Under his anger and anger, an anger suddenly ignited.

His eyes turned blood red in an instant, and he hated Chen Feng very much, and said gloomily:

"Chen Feng, don't think that you are a little talented now. I won't dare to deal with you if you have a good destiny title!"

"Now, you are still a member of our Beidou team!"

After all, he killed Chen Feng directly, his face full of hideous expression!

"I will break your hands and feet, break your hamstrings, and break your star veins!"

"I think you are still arrogant then?"

"I can't cure you yet?"

Moreover, there was a flash of greed in his eyes.

He also has an unspecified purpose.

That is, if Chen Feng is abolished by him, maybe he has the opportunity to steal his destiny title for himself!

"This is the destiny title of the dignified day one grade, if I get it..."

Thinking of this, the greed in his heart completely defeated his own reason.

He came to the top of Chen Feng's head in an instant, and slapped him with a palm, showing great momentum.

He is a strong man who has stepped into the Star Soul Martial God Realm for many years, at least around the fourth and fifth ranks of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

This shot was definitely not something Chen Feng could resist.

And because Chen Feng is a member of the Beidou team, he did not violate the rules of the rule of heaven!

Everyone was stunned for a while.

"This Jin Yuxie is too stupid? He wants to completely drive Chen Feng away!"

"The first time I saw such a stupid person."

But it cannot interfere.

After all, this is something within the Beidou team.

A cold color flashed in Fairy Yuheng's eyes, but he didn't care.

There was a leisurely smile at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, as if he didn't care.

Just as the Jin Yuxie offensive was about to fall on top of Chen Feng's head, suddenly, an old low voice sounded: "Bastard, when are you going to be wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Jin Yuxie was struck by lightning!

The whole body was shocked for an instant, and his face became white: "Master, are you here?"

"If I don't come, I don't know where you will be embarrassed!"

The old voice sneered.

A tyrannical force surged from the diagonal thorn, directly smashing the Jin Yuxie offensive.

It even repelled Jin Yuxie directly!

In the void, a figure appeared.

He is a white-haired old man!

He wore a black robe, his figure was dry and thin, and his body was a little rickets.

A pair of eyes are scarlet.

After seeing the white-haired old man, Fairy Yuheng and Jin Yuxie bowed deeply and saluted at the same time: "I have seen Master."

Chen Feng was shocked when he saw it.

Fairy Yuheng had told him in private before.

She and Jin Yuxie each had their own ancestors and origins in their original world.

Moreover, the backgrounds are not small.

But after coming to the top of the sky, it was by chance and coincidence that he worshipped the same master.

The real name of this master is unknown, but everyone calls him: Venerable Guhong.

He is the founder of the Beidou team and a senior powerhouse.

It is said that it has been a hundred years since entering the top of the sky.

Both Fairy Yuheng and Jin Yuxie had been saved by him before they were admitted to the sect.

If not, it would be impossible for the two of them to stay in the Beidou team if they didn't make a contract.

"It turns out that this is Venerable Guhong?"

Chen Feng looked at this old man, only to feel that his breath was unfathomable like an abyss like the sea.

I can't tell how strong it is.

It just feels much stronger than Fairy Yuheng.

When this old man arrived, even many other sects bowed and saluted.

Obviously, he has a wide range of connections and a high status.

Venerable Guhong smiled and nodded to everyone: "Let you laugh, this time I am ashamed."

Then, he turned to look at Jin Yuxie and said coldly:

"Jin Yuxie is very good, you are doing very well."

He suddenly let out a low growl: "Don't hurry down on your knees!"


Jin Yuxie was dumbfounded, looked at Venerable Guhong, and stammered: "Master, you, you want me to kneel down for Chen Feng?"

Venerable Guhong sneered: "Jin Yuxie, if Chen Feng makes unreasonable troubles and uses this as an excuse to force you to kneel, I will never put pressure on you."

"On the contrary, if he is this class and wants to leave, then I won't keep him."

"It's all about chasing him to death in the future!"


Venerable Guhong's eyes were cold and stern: "Don't think I don't know what you do."

"Since Chen Feng entered, you haven't provoked you, but you have repeatedly suppressed him!"

"Is this something you should do?"

"Today, you are all humiliated by yourself!"

Seeing that Jin Yuxie was still there, Venerable Guhong said indifferently: "Jin Yuxie, are you trying to force you to act as a teacher?"

Jin Yuxie shuddered immediately.

He saw the coldness in Venerable Guhong's eyes, and there was a burst of despair and fear in his heart.

As a disciple of Venerable Guhong, he knew better than others how cruel his methods were.

I know what will happen to him if he disobeys.

He gritted his teeth and said: "I am kneeling, Master, I am kneeling!"

He took a deep look at Chen Feng, and the resentment in that gaze was shocking.

Chen Feng's expression was faint, just looking at him.

Jin Yuxie slowly came to Chen Feng, plopped, and fell to his knees.

This action feels extremely difficult!

He knelt on the ground and moved his lips several times before finally uttering a voice, with an extremely difficult voice: "Chen Feng, please, stay in the Beidou team!"

Chen Feng lowered his head and looked at Jin Yuxie.

Jin Yuxie knelt in front of Chen Feng, kowtow, begging him to stay!

He said before, now he has done it.

Chen Feng laughed, extremely happy!

Jin Yuxie roared wildly, his eyes were blood red, as if he had been wronged.

He was about to get up, looking at Chen Feng with a bitter expression on his face, thinking about how to retaliate.

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