Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4660: Da Ri Yipin! Chen Feng's destiny title!

Jin Yuxie tweeted: "I wasted my step to the sky."

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia have firm faces: "Big Brother Chen Feng definitely cannot die inside!"

Fairy Yuheng also smiled slightly: "Wait."

They all have confidence in Chen Feng.

Jin Yuxie shouted impatiently: "What are you waiting for?"

"Chen Feng is already dead inside, understand?"

"If you continue to wait here, it's just a waste of time!"

At this moment, there was a clear chuckle suddenly, coming from the **** bronze fangs giant gate: "Who said I Chen Feng died inside?"

As the voice fell, the **** bronze fangs giant gate suddenly shook violently.

A huge amount of light gushes from it.

When they saw this light, everyone shouted in exclamation.

It turned out that they saw that this light was neither starlight nor moonlight!

It's the brilliant and brilliant sun!

"It turned out to be the bright sun, could it be..."

Someone said in a dreamlike tone.

Having said this, he didn't dare to say any more, and he didn't even believe his guess.

The person next to him said slowly, "Could it be that Chen Feng has reached the first grade of the day, or even higher?"

Among the crowd's incomparably surprised eyes, there was a thud, and among the nine **** bronze fangs giant gates, the middle one opened directly.

A figure floated out of the sky.

Slender, tall and straight, with a long body and a gentle smile on his mouth.

It is Chen Feng!

Seeing him appear, Tianchou Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia immediately let out a burst of cheers!

Fairy Yuheng raised the corner of his mouth: "Chen Feng, I know that this **** trial world is nothing to you."

In the end, Jackie Chan and Cen Ruiyi's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief on their faces.

They looked at each other, and then, that disbelief turned into a deep horror!

"Chen Feng is not dead?"

"He came out of the world of **** trials, and looking at the posture, it seems that he can still condense a great sun crown!"

"That means that it is at least the destiny title of Dairi Grade 1 or higher!"

"How is it possible? How is this possible?"

In the end, Jackie Chan's heart was full, all about how to retaliate and clean up Chen Feng and how to humiliate Chen Feng.

But now, the reality is like a basin of cold water pouring on his head, making him cold.

"Chen Feng wants to condense the crown of the sun? I was crushed by him? And it was crushed thoroughly!"

Chen Feng raised his head and looked at the big sunlight above his head that was slowly coiling around.

A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he flicked his fingers.

So in an instant, these big sunlight splashed down and lingered around Chen Feng.

Chen Feng turned into a big sun, with brilliant light!

Everyone who was exposed could not open their eyes!

At this moment, in the entire trial tower, all the glory belongs to Chen Feng!

In the next moment, Chen Feng flicked his fingers.

The great sunlight was broken!

A crown appeared on Chen Feng's head.

Its shape is like a scorching sun, with a blazing sunlight on its surface, slowly passing by.

Everyone was stunned!

The entire trial tower fell into a dead silence for an instant!

Then came bursts of huge exclamations!

"The Great Sun Crown! Chen Feng really condenses the Great Sun Crown!"

"He condensed the title of fate of the first grade of the day!"

"Heaven is the ruler, and no one has won the title of Yuehua Third Grade or higher destiny for a hundred years, right!"

The person next to him exclaimed excitedly: "Yes, in the last hundred years, the only one-month Hua third-grade destiny title was the one who was 97 years ago!"

Someone next to him exclaimed in a dreamlike tone: "The last one, the first-grade destiny title, dates back to the inexperienced genius 270 years ago! Qingxu Taoist!"

"Qingxu Taoist!"

When everyone mentioned the name, they were immediately full of awe: "That is the head of the powerful sect Taixu Dao!"

"It is said that the strength has broken through the Star Soul Martial God Realm, reaching the horrible existence of ancient power level!"


Everyone looked at Chen Feng, their eyes full of shock.

The person of Taixu Taoist who had spoken before looked at Chen Feng, and his eyes were bright and complicated.

The last one to get the title of Da Ri Grade 1 Destiny was their ancestor of Taixu Dao.

And now he has witnessed the birth of another person who has obtained the title of Da Ri Yipin Destiny!

This had to make a very strange feeling in his heart!

Taixu Dao is a powerful force that can be counted on the top of the sky.

The top of the sky, I don't know how many years it will last.

Some of the sects inside are intertwined and have a history of thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

But this is too imaginary, but it is extremely young, only a few hundred years old.

But it can also be among the powerful sects!

It is because of their master, the Taoist of Purity!

At that time, he was awarded the title of the first-grade destiny of the great day, with the supreme talent, stunning talents, rising against the sky, and leading a sect with his own strength, standing here!

Chen Feng!

Everyone will keep this name in their hearts!

Everyone knows that starting from this day, the name Chen Feng will surely spread all over the top of the sky!

Maybe he is still weak now, but as long as he grows up, he will definitely shock everyone!

"We underestimated Chen Feng before!"

"Yes, it's no wonder that Chen Feng can let the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slaves and others only look forward to his head. There is indeed something unusual!"

Facing everyone's awe-inspiring gaze, Chen Feng sighed softly.

"Is this my destiny title?"

"Da Ri first grade, title of destiny!"

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "If I choose a few other blood-red giant cauldrons? Will the level be higher?"

In Chen Feng's tone, there was also a little dissatisfaction.

It seems that the level of his destiny title is a little low.

If it is heard by others, it will really shock your jaw.

Chen Feng discarded distracting thoughts and swept away.

I saw Fairy Yu Heng who looked at him lightly and smiled.

I saw Tiancan Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia who were joyfully shouting there.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he let out a sullen breath, suddenly feeling that the top of the sky was also extremely cute.

"The world of **** trials is finally over."

"Some grievances, it's time to end!"

The expression in his eyes suddenly became cold.

After everyone in the huge tower of trial was shocked by Chen Feng's first-grade destiny title, there was endless excitement.

The people of the various major sect forces completely gave up all their reservations and arrogance, and they all rushed forward madly.

In an instant, he rushed to Chen Feng not far away.

They shouted loudly and desperately solicited.

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