Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4653: Gain and reward

"However, I feel very strange, as if it was not something that happened to me, but someone else!"

Chen Feng nodded silently.

"I still remember that when I first entered the Xuanyuan family, I walked with you all the way."

"I still remember what we two said while looking at the sky full of stars..."

Hua Lengshuang said, a gentle smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

As if thinking of the past.

"If there is a choice, I would rather not go through these."

"I'd rather not get mad, I'd rather still be by your side, as always."

"It's just that I know better..."

She shook her head and sighed: "I can't go back, I can't go back again! It will never be the same again!"

"I have changed after all, and you have also changed!"

Chen Feng nodded silently, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Hua Lengshuang's eyes showed a touch of pain: "Chen Feng, now, I seem to have lost the ability to like someone."

"I can't control myself. In my heart, I like you very much. I like you very much."

"But my devil's heart is cruel and cruel. I am not allowed to love anyone, only myself!"

Chen Feng knew what she meant, and understood this feeling even more.

He gently stretched out his hand, holding Hua Lengshuang's face.

Hua Lengshuang was taken aback for a moment.

Chen Feng smiled, and gently stroked her face with his hand: "Don't give yourself any pressure, and I won't give you any pressure."

"I don't have any requirements of you now."

"The more you suppress your devilish nature, the easier it will be for accidents. Let the flow take its course, understand?"

"Let's go with the flow!"

Hua Lengshuang thoughtfully.

Chen Feng nodded his head: "Don't worry about anything! Don't force all the consequences!"

Hua Lengshuang was silent for a long time, and suddenly smiled brightly: "Chen Feng, I know!"

She stretched her eyes out, her expression indescribably relaxed.

Suddenly, with a stroke of his sleeve, his figure flew away.

Chen Feng smiled: "Where do you want to go?"

Hua Lengshuang's voice was leisurely: "When I was in Yanyang Demon Country, I found a gap leading to a certain demon world."

"It's over here, I'll go shopping over there."

Chen Feng's voice raised: "I am waiting for you at the top of the sky."

He knew that Hua Lengshuang would definitely come to the top of the sky.

Hua Lengshuang giggled: "The top of the sky is so magnificent and magical, how can I not see it?"

"Relax, Chen Feng, it won't be long before I will go to the top of the sky to find you."

Chen Feng nodded: "A word is a deal!"

Hua Lengshuang laughed loudly: "A word is a deal!"

Before the voice was over, it was gone.

A few months later, on a certain day, the sky above Shengyang Academy was suddenly violent and rainy, setting off endless waves.

The thunder is violent, the sea of ​​clouds is surging, and blood-red lightning rages.

If Chen Feng felt a bit, he suddenly got up and looked up at the sky above his head.

Amidst the endless clouds, a crack suddenly appeared, and a burst of green light flashed through it, directly covering Chen Feng.

The voice of the Lord of Heaven quietly sounded: "Chen Feng, the saint of reincarnation, complete the task of trial of death."

"Now, return to the top of the sky!"

At the next moment, Chen Feng's figure slowly faded.

At the same place, Pei Muyu stared blankly, and suddenly shouted: "Brother, don't forget to come back and pick me up."

Chen Feng turned and smiled: "Don't worry."

You can't take Pei Muyu back this time, but Chen Feng will naturally pick her up.

The next moment, Chen Feng's figure disappeared.

However, he did not return to the top of the sky.

The scenery in front of him changed, but Chen Feng saw that he had come into a vast universe.

The stars are shining all around, and where he is, there is a white misty platform.

The stars all around are brilliant, but there is nothing.

It seemed to be alone, in this lonely universe.

For a long time, without any movement, the Lord of Heaven seemed to have forgotten him here.

Chen Feng was not flustered. Fairy Yuheng had said this would happen before.

Instead, he leisurely lay down on the foggy platform, stretched out comfortably, took a breath, and relaxed.

Begin to count the gains of this Xuanming Seven Seas Realm.

"This trip, the first is the improvement of strength."

"When I first entered, I was the pinnacle of the six-star martial emperor, and my realm combat power was equivalent to that of the eight-star martial emperor.

"Now, I am the pinnacle of the Seven-Star Martial Emperor, and I may break through to the Eight-Star Martial Emperor at any time. My true strength is already a pinnacle master comparable to the Nine-Star Martial Emperor."

Chen Feng's strength can be said to be invincible under the half-step Martial God!

"The number of star veins has increased from the original nine to 30 now, and there are at least three hundred more spiritual plant essences."

"It allows me to practice without worries anywhere, without worrying about the concentration of aura."

It turned out that during this period of time Chen Feng's cooperation with Ling Qihai continued.

The Spirit Seven Seas continuously brought the essence of spiritual plant to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also gave him considerable benefits.

During these three months, Chen Feng was not idle either.

For him, this is a rare practice time.

Xuanming Seven Seas Realm's spiritual energy concentration is not low, and at the same time it has so many spiritual plant essences.

During these three months, Chen Feng practiced almost day and night, and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

After three months passed, the number of star veins in his body had reached thirty.

His realm is only one step away from the Eight-Star Martial Emperor, and he may break through at any time.

"Second, it killed Snake Seventeen and solved the biggest crisis."

"Third, the golden spiritual world has become stable by comprehending that the sword formation is too high."

"Fourth, comprehend the second stage of the repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth."

"Fifth, I got that drop of blood, that drop of blood that belongs to the Great Demon Yan Yang, but I don't know what it does."

"The sixth and most important point is..."

Chen Feng looked into the distance, his eyes leisurely: "I got the news related to my life experience, and knew the scales and claws of my life experience."

For Chen Feng, this is the most important.

Chen Feng found that his trip really gained a lot.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Feng suddenly felt a grand atmosphere coming.

If he realizes it, he knows that this is the breath of reincarnation of the heavenly path.

The magnificent voice of the reincarnation of the heavens resounded in this space: "Chen Feng, the saint of reincarnation, has entered the world of death trial Xuanming Seven Seas."

"Six months, successfully completed the mission: live!"

"Mission completion level, first class!"

"A reward of two hundred pieces of chalcedony from Heaven."

When Chen Feng heard this, he was immediately happy: "So many?"

He once heard the Yuheng Fairy say that it was like a trial task. Generally speaking, it would only reward a dozen or so pieces of chalcedony.

It's only thirty or forty yuan.

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