Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4633: The ultimate move of the Yanyang Demon!

Although Chen Feng could tell, his cultivation realm was far not as high as the Immortal Dementor.

In the **** **** of the dementor, his eyes flashed red, and everyone around him could quietly fall into that spiritual illusion.

It can be described as moisturizing things silently, and at the same time extremely powerful.

Even to a certain extent, it can achieve a breakthrough in the rules and avoid the prying eyes of the ruler of heaven.

Snake Seventeen is not much worse than him.

But, after all, this is the magical power of the sea of ​​blood and hell. Although Snake Seventeen only cultivated a fur, it was only used by the Great Demon of the Sun!

And when he was caught off guard, the Great Demon of the Sun didn't have any precautions at all, he still succeeded all at once!

In an instant, the Great Demon Yan Yang stiffened.

He even kept the posture that he had just cut with the sword.

But that long sword could not fall anyway.

The red cloud in front of his face disappeared, revealing his true expression.

He wore a huge bronze mask on his face, which was a bronze ghost face, which looked unspeakably hideous.

But among the ferocious, it was even more solemn and grand.

This mask almost covered his entire face.

However, his neck, which was like lava, was sloppy, with dozens of huge scars.

It seems that a ravine has been drawn.

Snake Seventeen didn't care about so many, he rushed to the neck of the Great Demon Yan Yang instantly, screaming frantically:

"Aren't you trying to kill me? Are you trying to kill me?"

"See how you kill! I am killing you now!"

While snarling frantically, he severely chopped down the black fire ghost knife in his hand!

A knife fell, and directly on Snake Seventeen's neck, which was as huge as a hill, cut a wound that was hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide, like a huge gully!

In the wound, black and red demon blood splashed out frantically.

The blood is still in the air, it has turned into lava and spilled!

There is a strong power in the blood!

Snake Seventeen knew that this blood sea and **** magical power would not have a long time to affect the Great Demon of the Sun.

Therefore, I cherish this time extremely.

Roaring wildly, the black fire ghost knife in his hand slashed crazily with a very fast frequency.

However, in a short span of time, he cut dozens of knives!

At this time, even if the body of the Great Yanyang Demon was extremely large, it was more than half of its neck cut by these dozens of knives!

Even the head was shaking eagerly, and the blood was flowing all over the body!

Snake Seventeen laughed triumphantly.

However, at this moment, the Great Demon of Yan Yang suddenly awoke.

Shocked all over, Snake Seventeen was directly shocked and flew out.

The Great Demon Yanyang felt the injury on his body that had reached the level of serious injury, and let out an angry roar: "You are looking for death!"

He didn't put Snake Seventeen in his eyes at all, but he didn't expect that Snake Seventeen would directly clean it up!

This made him rage to the extreme!

The Great Yanyang Demon was completely enraged, and he didn't want to waste any more time.

He waved his hand, but slowly spit out a word: "Dead!"

The next moment, both arms raised, and slowly tore apart, like tearing stars.

And as his hands slowly opened, in the palm of his hand, one after another huge meteorites actually appeared.

In an instant, there were nine giant meteorites looming around it.

Every meteorite is as big as a thousand miles in diameter.

The lava flowing on the surface contains extremely powerful and violent power.

It seems to be able to destroy a world!

These nine red meteorites undulate around his body like stars holding the moon.

Every meteorite contains incomparable violent power.

The next moment, with the heart of the Great Demon Yanyang moved.

A huge meteorite slammed towards Snake Seventeen.

The Snake Seventeen Black Fire Ghost Blade slashed down crazily, but the power of this meteorite was much stronger than the lava sword just now.

The two collided together, and the snake screamed, spouting a mouthful of blood, screaming again and again.

The beaten were extremely embarrassed.

After this huge meteorite offensive, the second meteorite crashed down again.

Then came the third and fourth!

Nine meteorites kept hitting Snake Seventeen crazily, endlessly!

The attack rate is much faster than before!

Every impact was something that Snake Seventeen could not bear at all, far beyond the scope of his current ability!

Snake Seventeen estimated that the power of this impact had at least reached the level of the second heaven of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Every impact made Snake Seventeen miserable.

After these nine meteorites hit nine times in a row, Snake Seventeen had no power to fight back!

On the ground, a huge hole was smashed out.

The originally soft silt has been smashed extremely hard.

And in the most central position of the big pit is Snake Seventeen!

He had completely given up resisting, holding his head in his hands and shrank there.

The black ghost fire around the body condenses and recovers quickly, and when it is received outside the body, it reduces its protection range as much as possible to increase its protection.

Snake Seventeen is also very smart in doing this.

Anyway, I put on a posture of a tortoise with its head shrunk and beaten, and the rest is resigned!

Don't say it yet. , When he came this way, he really made his defense a lot stronger.

When those huge meteorites bombarded for the eighteenth time, Snake Seventeen suddenly keenly felt something wrong!

He suddenly felt that the continuous offensive of the Great Demon facing the Sun had stopped for a moment!

It's as if people have been holding back in the water for too long and have to change their breath.

It seems that his power was interrupted for a moment.

Although then returned to normal, Snake Seventeen was out of breath, but Snake Seventeen keenly felt this change!

In an instant, Snake Seventeen was happy: "Could it be that?"

He remained silent and continued to stand in a stalemate with the Great Demon of Yan Yang.

I don't know how long it took, the meteorite of the Great Demon Yanyang fell again!

This is the 21st attack of a meteorite!

Suddenly, Snake Seventeen felt that the power of the Great Demon of the Sun had ceased for another moment.

His body shook in an instant.

The red light of the lava surrounding the surface of the body dimmed a lot in an instant.

Although it returned to normal again, the dimness just now was seen by everyone.

Chen Feng thoughtfully: "Could it be that?"

Snake Seventeen's eyes widened instantly, and the ecstasy in his heart grew deeper and deeper.

When the twenty-sixth attack falls!

With another violent shaking, the red light dissipated in an instant!

At this moment, Snake Seventeen finally confirmed his guess!

He was extremely excited and laughed loudly: "Great Demon Yanyang, you old thing, I was almost fooled by you!"

"It turns out that it is very difficult for you to maintain such strength!"

"It won't last long at all!"

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