Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4621: Sorry, I am the siskin!

Ling Qihai was full of pride: "Unexpectedly!"

"Chen Feng, the mantis is catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind."

"Snake Seventeen is the cicada, and you are the praying mantis!"

"And I am the oriole!"

"is it?"

At this moment, the expressions of fear, anger, shock, dullness, and so on on Chen Feng's face disappeared in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, Ling Qihai suddenly felt startled.

Then, there was an extremely ominous premonition.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, and said word by word: "Sorry, I am the oriole!"

Having said that, Chen Feng flicked his fingers leisurely and smiled:

"Well, I'm too lazy to act with you here!"

"Now that the fish are already in the net, it's time to close the net!"

Chen Feng was full of anger, and shouted: "Come on!"

With Chen Feng's long laugh!

Just in the distance, a beam of sword light suddenly appeared on the horizon!

A bunch of extremely refined, extremely powerful, sweeping like a horse, like a sword light that pierces the sky like a rainbow!

This knife light originated from a faraway place!

But almost instantly, it was already near.

When it is far away, but a little white light.

Then it swept, becoming several kilometers in length!

When I came to the front, the sword light was already thousands of miles away!

A huge beam of sword light that spans thousands of miles is like the huge wings of the legendary Kunpeng in the sky, like clouds hanging down from the sky!

Slashed across the sky fiercely, and fell down!

With an unparalleled power and a terrifying killing intent!

Cut it down with one knife!

The entire sky shook violently.

In the sky, there are countless cracks.

The mountains outside the Valley of Falling Stars were also shaking violently.

The golden sunlight is shaking, the red sea of ​​clouds is shaking!

Cut out with a single knife, as if the sky is broken!

The power of a knife is actually terrifying!

The sword light came all over the sky, and it slashed down on those spirit planted puppets!

This thousand-mile-long knife light passed over these spirit planted puppets.

Instantly bright like fireworks explode!

With a bang, those spirit planted puppets instantly solidified there, unable to move!

Time seems to have stagnated at this moment.

The light of the knife swept across like water waves, seemingly calm.

But the next moment, the sound of bombing and cracking suddenly lingered!

In an instant, being swept by this thousand-mile-long knife light, the entire thirty and 500,000-mile overlords were blown to pieces!

That's right, 30 overlords of 500,000 li, all of them burst into pieces!

Only the essence of Lingzhi is left.

Thirty powerful men of 500,000 li overlord level!

It can be ended directly by this knife, by this beam of astonishing swords like flying immortals!

The short-term screams, bursts and bursts, were endless.

Then in the next instant, everything returned to silence.

In the void, there are just countless huge wooden stumps and dozens of huge spiritual plant essences!

A stunning knife came in the air!

Thousands of miles of knife light flooded between heaven and earth.

With a single cut, thirty heads of 500,000 li overlords were directly cut to pieces.

This scene also made Ling Qihai and Snake Seventeen dumbfounded, and their faces were extremely shocked.

Ling Qihai's triumphant smile solidified on his face, and then it turned into an extremely strong and incredibly unbelievable.

He yelled out: "This, how can this knife be so terrifying?"

"I think the strength of this sword seems to have reached the half-step Martial God Realm!"

"God, where did this master come from? How could there be such a master in Xuanming Seven Seas Realm?"

"Our seven heavenly overlords, none of us can reach this level!"

After Snake Seventeen saw this knife, his face was full of fear with indescribable fascination!

"This knife, even if it is placed on top of the sky, is definitely not weak!"

"Moreover, I can't feel any breath of the top of the sky."

"This means that the person who produces the sword grew up in a small world!"

He suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining brightly: "Able to reach this level in a small world, this swordman is definitely a genius!"

"It's amazing, and has an incomparably advanced knowledge and understanding of knife skills!"

But soon, they didn't care about so much.

Because, at this moment, following the extreme distance, a soft drink came.

A crisp hum of long knives sounded, and the next moment, a huge knife light that stretched for thousands of miles came in the air!

This time, it was Ling Qihai that the huge blade of light cut towards!

With a single cut, Ling Qihai felt suffocated in a moment when facing this knife!

He felt that when faced with this sword, when the sword slashed at him, he was actually frozen in place, unable to move!

You can’t hide, nor can you escape!

It seems that you can only close your eyes and wait for death!

He knew that he was shrouded by the incomparably powerful spiritual thoughts attached to the sword light, and he was directly locked in!

This kind of powerful swordsmanship can't be avoided in the first place.

The knife light fell fiercely!

After all, the Seven Seas of Spirit is the heavenly overlord of the Seven Seas of Xuanming, a master of the moment, roaring wildly!

Play your last few hole cards one after another!

With a bang, he broke free of the shackles and faced the knife light fiercely!

Since you can't hide, you can't escape, you can only fight hard!

But by hard work, how could he be an opponent?

With a loud and clear sound, the light of the sword slammed on Ling Qihai's body!

In an instant, Ling Qihai's body became stiff, and then clicked, a burst of cracking sound!

In his white jade-like body, there were countless cracks in an instant, as if porcelain was broken.

On the body, there were countless fissures, which were precarious.

It seems that it may break at any time!

It floated in the air, vomiting blood like green sap again and again, and its breath declined extremely!

Is dying, is already seriously injured and dying!

But this time, there was no second hole card that could bring him back to life.

If he died at this time, he would really die!

Ling Qihai was severely wounded and dying by this knife!

Snake Seventeen laughed, but the laughter suddenly solidified.

It turned out that he saw another knife light!

This is the third sword light!

Not weaker than the previous two!

The third sword light, which stretched for thousands of miles, was severely slashed towards Snake Seventeen!

Snake Seventeen's pupils shrink!

When confronted with this sword, he clearly felt the half-step Martial God Realm!

"This sword is a real half-step divine realm, and it's not even the kind that is new to the half-step martial arts mirror!"

"Where did such a strong come out? How could there be such a strong in a small world?"

"How can there be such a strong man in a mere death trial mission!"

Generally speaking, even if it is a death trial mission, the strongest person who appears is only the Nine Star Martial Emperor level!

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