Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4613: The first hole card!

It was as if there were only such a group of people left in the world.

Chen Feng glanced at Pei Muyu, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of Pei Muyu's mouth and nodded gently.

Then, Chen Feng went back, stood proudly on the battleships, and shouted in a deep voice: "Disciples, listen to my orders."

Everyone abruptly obeyed.

Chen Feng said slowly: "Lingzhi killer is ready."


Many disciples began to get busy.

The magic circle was activated, and suddenly, on the huge and hideous spirit plant killers with infinite power and terror and destruction, the rays of light lit up in turn.

Next, there is another long wait.

The time for the decisive battle is coming!

Chen Feng looked relaxed, sitting cross-legged, slowly recovering.

He doesn't seem to be worried about his injury.

That terrifying breath came all the way forward.

A few more hours later, a figure finally appeared from the horizon.

After that, the aura became stronger and stronger, and in an instant he came to a place hundreds of miles away from Chen Feng and the others.

It is the snake seventeen.

Snake Seventeen's figure is beautiful and confusing, but it makes everyone see clearly.

At this moment, even the ordinary disciples on the warships felt the terrifying aura of Snake Seventeen.

He stopped far away and laughed wildly: "Chen Feng, why didn't you run away this time?"

"I'm in your nest, right? I can't get away, right?"

There was another burst of smug laughter.

He looked at Chen Feng up and down, his gaze swept over the warships, those powerful assassins, and then there was a clear look on his face.

"It turns out that this is what you rely on!"

He thought he had seen everything about Chen Feng:

"No wonder you will actively choose to come to this Xuanming Seven Seas Realm."

"It turns out that you turned out to be the native of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, and you turned out to be from here!"

"No wonder, no wonder!"

"It seems that you have integrated the forces of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm!"

Snake Seventeen raised his chin, pointed at the warships and said, "Are these the trump cards of your Xuanming Seven Seas Realm's **** group?"

"It really is a bunch of trash!"

He laughed wildly, and his figure suddenly rushed forward: "Now, I will break all of your reliance!"

"I will let you watch all your hopes be shattered!"

"I will let you die in pain in despair!"

"In this way, the hatred in my heart can be solved!"

In an instant, he was already close to those big ships!

The distance is just tens of miles!

The voice spread far away.

The palace lord of Shengyang Academy and others were all angry, but they also had to admit that Snake Seventeen had the qualifications to say this!

It's just that they also feel that something is wrong.

"How come it seems that the words spoken by She Seventeen are not the same as those spoken by Chen Feng!"

However, Chen Feng will not give them any time to think!

Chen Feng got up and shouted: "Lingzhi killer, launch it!"


Those disciples resisted the fear in their hearts, screaming and instilling strength into it.

Suddenly, those spirit plant killers were activated one after another.

This is Chen Feng's first hole card!

So, for a moment, Snake Seventeen felt his breath, directly locked by several powerful forces.

Then, on each of those warships, there were brilliant and powerful rays of light lit up.

The power surged, and dozens of rays of light smashed at the Snake Seventeen.

Among them is a huge needle-shaped stinger that is 100 meters long, the thickness of the water tank is extremely large!

There was a huge yellow fruit that fell like a meteorite.

Even some of them are directly splashed with green sap, which looks extremely sticky, and seems to be unable to move when caught in it.

There was also a strange-shaped giant flower, the petals of which suddenly opened, and a group of black light faintly radiated out, filling the body of the snake seventeen.

Snake Seventeen raised his eyebrows, did not evade, felt the offensive.

Disdainfully said: "Is this the peak combat power of your waste world?"

"With this little strength, you still want to deal with me?"


His arms shook, and black ghost fire poured out from above his body.

Boom boom boom!

All the powerful offensives of the Lingzhi Killer were smashed by the black ghost fire in an instant!

"Chen Feng, you are too naive, do you think these offensives can deal with me?"

"It's almost the same to tickle me!"

He sneered coldly: "Chen Feng, you let me down."

"This is what you have prepared these days?"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand, he was ready to attack those big ships and pinched all the ants on it to death!

At this time, Chen Feng's figure flashed, and he slayed directly at Snake Seventeen.

With a decisive expression on his face, he screamed: "Snake Seventeen, today, I want you to die with me!"

It seems that he has been driven to a dead end, can't see the vitality, can only desperately.

Seeing this situation, Snake Seventeen was even more proud: "Follow me? Are you worthy?"

After all, it was to kill Chen Feng quickly!

Seeing both are on the verge of coming!

Chen Feng will fight Snake Seventeen!

And it seems that all the preparations that Chen Feng had made before were destroyed by one blow!

In an instant, the strongest offensive he could have was directly destroyed by Snake Seventeen!

Standing on the cliff, watching everyone here from afar, seeing this scene is all dazzled and filled with horror!

"Snake Seventeen, is it so terrifying?"

"Could it be that this is the strong man from the middle thousand worlds? Is this the crushing of a world?"

"too strong!"

They felt that even if they were all over, facing the Snake Seventeen, within one move, they would all be blasted into powder.

It is not an opponent of magnitude at all.

Many people have their legs weakened, looking around, ready to drive away.

They feel that it is very unsafe to stand here.

At this time, Snake Seventeen didn't pay attention to them.

For him, these little ants are not worthy of attention.

But at this moment, among the crowd, Pei Muyu's mouth suddenly showed a smile.

Then, the long sword in his hand was suddenly unsheathed, pointed at Snake Seventeen, and shouted:

"Snake Seventeen, not only can you not defeat Brother Chen Feng today, you can't defeat Brother Chen for life and life!"

The voice spread far away and reached the ears of Snake Seventeen.

Snake Seventeen froze for a moment.

In the next instant, suddenly raising his head, the scarlet eyes swept towards Pei Muyu!

Sweeping to the place where Pei Muyu and the others were, endless murderous intent flashed in his eyes instantly, full of hatred and rage!

"Little bitch, I will let you know the cost of speaking badly!"

He glanced at Chen Feng: "I will clean up this little **** first, and then I will slowly concoct you later!"

The figure turned into a black lightning, and he killed Pei Muyu fiercely!

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth!

"It's done!"

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