Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4610: You got Fooled!

However, he still made a look of being frozen there, struggling hard, but unable to move!

It seems to be controlled!

Seeing this situation, Snake Seventeen laughed wildly, and shook his head disdainfully: "Chen Feng, it seems that you have not made much progress when you enter the top of the sky! You are controlled by me again?"

"It's really a waste, a waste that can't go on the wall!"

He looked at Chen Feng with contempt all over his face.

With that, he slowly pushed towards Chen Feng.

"Last time, I was stopped by Fairy Yuheng, this time I want to see who else can come to rescue you!"

He got closer and closer to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng froze in place, unable to move.

And in his eyes, there was a feeling of extreme hatred, extreme anger, extreme helplessness.

This emotion made Snake Seventeen even more proud.

Of course, all of this was pretended by Chen Feng!

And at this moment, suddenly, above the sky, a huge, bright lightning fell fiercely!

Between the sky and the earth, it was instantly white!

Affected by the lightning, Snake Seventeen's eyes also narrowed slightly.

In a moment of trance!

And, precisely because of the flashing lightning, the shadow of Snake Seventeen became extremely clear!

"It's this moment!"

There was a flash of light in Chen Feng's eyes and a wild roar, his body suddenly moved!

Shadow Ghost Step is launched!

In the next instant, he appeared directly behind Snake Seventeen, in his shadow!

Snake Seventeen was shocked.

Chen Feng laughed: "Snake Seventeen, you are fooled!"

At the same moment, his fist was also severely printed on the back of Snake Seventeen!

Snake Seventeen had no defense at all, and did not have time to make any defense.

Chen Feng's body has turned into dark gold, the power of thirteen stars in his body is surging, and 15 pulses of stars are surging out behind him!

Already do my best!

Before, Chen Feng had only one purpose in pretending that he had been controlled, and that was to let Snake Seventeen relax his vigilance and launch his strongest blow!

Without bedding, he hit his strongest blow directly!

Because Chen Feng knew very well that when faced with Snake Seventeen, a powerhouse far surpassing his three great realms, he had no right to keep his hands!

You can only do your best!

With a punch, it hit Snake Seventeen's back hard!

The immense power poured into it.

Snake Seventeen was not the kind of special body-building, not to mention that he had not broken into the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

The body has not undergone an essential change.

His strength is very strong, but their Cthulhu Valley takes the kind of mind control, plus the cold and evil, biased attack.

The strength of the body is not that great.

Therefore, after Chen Feng smashed his fist fiercely, he screamed loudly!

The back of Snake Seventeen was directly broken by Chen Feng, I don't know how many bones!

Splashing blood!

His body was directly smashed out!

Blood spurted wildly, Snake Seventeen was already injured, and the injury was not light!

But the Seventeen Snake is the Seventeen Snake after all, its strength is terrifying!

People are in the air, and they reacted instantly.

He turned his head abruptly, his eyes had turned blood red, and there was flame burning in his eyes.

It’s not like there is flame burning, it is really flame burning!

There was a layer of black flame burning up and down all over him, and he was obviously angry to the extreme!

Staring at Chen Feng, he let out a crazy and cold howl: "Chen Feng, very good!"

"How dare you hurt me? How dare you hurt me? How dare you attack me?"

"I will make you die miserably!"

The next moment, the black ghost on his body was burning with fire!

A black ghost knife appeared in his hand, and black ghost fire surged.

Behind him, there are countless star veins emerging!

When Chen Feng looked at it, the corner of his eyes jumped!

The number of star veins behind Snake Seventeen has reached forty!

Fairy Yuheng said that the ultimate genius is at the level of Emperor Wu, and only five stars can be awakened at each level!

Now, Snake Seventeen at the peak of Emperor Wudi of Nine Stars has awakened forty stars!

This means that he is almost a genius!

No wonder Snake Seventeen can be so valued by Cthulhu, his talent is really good!

The blood of Snake Seventeen was also completely dark, like an extremely viscous black liquid.

There is an indescribable evil and cold air!

Then, among the forty bloodlines, countless countless black rays burst out!

Ruthlessly poured into his body!

Then, flooded into the black ghost knife in his hand!

In an instant, the black ghost fire skyrocketed frantically, from three feet long to just over ten feet long!

Snake Seventeen laughed wildly, and slashed towards Chen Feng with a stab!

The eyes are full of hatred!

With this cut, he is already doing his best!

It slashed out, and the extremely powerful force spread to the surroundings!

Kala, there was an explosion, and the void here was directly shattered!

Then, collapse!

The sky and the void next to Chen Feng and Chen Feng collapsed!

Numerous spatial cracks and spatial black holes appeared, directly destroying this sky!

In layman's terms, he directly shattered this corner of the world with this knife!

Chen Feng's eyes jumped instantly!

"The power of this knife is so terrifying!"

Of course, it just shattered a corner of the huge world of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm.

But this is shocking enough!

It is much stronger than shattering the space to create space cracks!

However, Chen Feng didn't have any fear, instead he greeted him with a big laugh!

Chen Feng is also about to face Snake Seventeen head-on!

A knife fell, a punch blasted out!

The pale golden fist and the black ghost fire giant slammed together!

There was a loud bang of gold and iron.

Chen Feng felt that the incomparable cold power poured into his body!

Along the way, destroying everything about yourself!

He wowed, a mouthful of blood spurted, and he was smashed hundreds of meters away.

Then, he vomited blood again and again.

Can hardly stop!

An extremely evil and cold force rushed across his body, wantonly.

Everything in his body seems to be being destroyed!

This kind of power is very special. It contains both spiritual and physical power.

At the same time, Chen Feng's spirit and body were destroyed.

Chen Feng was in pain all over, and his eyes turned black.

However, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

Because he is not dead!

He blocked it!

After all, he blocked this move!

Snake Seventeen has a habit, which he has had since he entered the top of the sky.

No matter how much he looks down on the enemy, he will do his best!

He will use his strongest strength to crush the opponent!

Of course, it does not include its own cards.

However, even though Chen Feng was slashed into the air by Snake Seventeen, spurting blood, his whole body was broken and his body was severely injured, and he looked miserable.

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