Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4606: How about joining hands?

When Chen Feng saw it, he knew that this thing had the same origin with those spiritual plant essences, but it was the same thing.

The golden sunlight was shining on the fountain, and one force after another was sucked into it, and the mist reflected a dreamlike light.

The light diffused and turned into an illusory figure.

The figure turned and looked at Chen Feng.

He is a thin middle-aged man, quite handsome.

Chen Feng felt an extremely domineering aura in him, that aura seemed to be much stronger than that of Snake Seventeen.

It seemed that he had already left the peak realm of Emperor Wu Xing.

In Chen Feng's mind, it was clear.

"I'm afraid, above the Xuanming Seven Seas realm, the upper limit of the true power level should be his realm."

"Beyond the peak of Jiuxing Wudi."

This is the Heaven Overlord Level!

Chen Feng smiled: "It's been a long time since I saw you. I don't know what your Excellency should be called?"

The handsome middle-aged, his voice was calm: "You can call me Ling Qihai."

"Ling Qihai?"

Chen Feng thoughtfully.

Then smiled and said, "Ling Qihai, Snake Seventeen now kills many people."

"You Xuanming Seven Seas Realm Spirit Plants have suffered heavy losses."

"How are we working together?"

"Joining hands?"

Ling Qihai heard it, and suddenly he was taken aback, and instinctively wanted to veto it.

Staring at Chen Feng: "You are also our life and death enemy, why should we join hands with you?"

"I have a story here, would you like to hear it?"

Chen Feng smiled.

Ling Qihai was taken aback, then silently, motioned Chen Feng to continue.

Chen Feng repeated the story he told the Palace Master of Shengyang Academy and the others.

only. He made changes.

The Chen family is still the Chen family, the middle-thousand world, and the middle-thousand world.

After Ling Qihai heard the news of Zhongqian World, he was not so surprised.

Obviously, as the top existence of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, he is very likely to know a lot of secrets about the Middle Thousand World.

When talking about why the two came here, Chen Feng sighed softly and quietly changed his words.

"My cousin, compete with me, and when he shoots, he is full of devilish energy, which arouses the vigilance of the family elders."

"I want to imprison him and ask him what his origins and conspiracies are."

"Unexpectedly, the Seventeen Snake suddenly attacked and opened a door to the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm."

"Let’s let out a wild word, to destroy all the spiritual plants in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm! Turn it into his strength!:

"While ruining the foundation of our family, even more so!"

When Ling Qihai heard the words, his beard suddenly swelled, with a cold killing intent, suddenly rising: "He dare!"

He was stunned by Chen Feng's words.

After being shocked, it was furious.

Snake Seventeen actually came here to destroy all the spiritual plants on the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm?

This is ruining their roots and killing them!

This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate!

"Because of the restrictions of the rules, only those below the Star Soul Martial God Realm can enter the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm."

"The powerful elders of the family are powerless, so they can only send me the strongest under the Star Soul Martial God Realm to enter this place."

Chen Feng sighed slightly, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"After I came here, I was hunted down by you."

"Do you think I want to join forces with you?"

"But you are the lifeblood of my Chen family, and I have to join hands with you!"

"Snake Seventeen, now is the enemy of life and death."

It was almost at the same moment, hundreds of millions of miles away from Chen Feng.

Here, it is a special area similar to the periphery of Unfeeling Valley.

Without the cover of poisonous smoke and mist, the golden sunlight can be gently shed.

Moreover, there is also a huge continent with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

There is sunlight above and land support below, and under this continent, there are countless volcanoes erupting wildly.

The volcano erupted and lava rolled down everywhere.

It may be a catastrophe for weak spiritual plants, but for these powerful spiritual values, it is very rich nourishment!

Here, it is simply the most suitable growth area for spiritual plants.

Therefore, this continent has no gaps, and is covered by numerous densely densely packed spiritual plants.

The spiritual plants here are very huge.

Their branches and leaves spread to the sky extremely, seeming to want to touch the sun.

Their roots even pierced the entire continent, extending everywhere, absorbing power frantically.

Like the one hundred thousand miles hegemony level, it can be seen everywhere, and there are even a million miles hegemony level existence.

If you look closely, you will find that these spirit plants here are all staying in their own territory, without crossing boundaries.

in Apple pie order.

A figure came quickly.

I came here in an instant, it was Snake Seventeen.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, I found it. You dogs hide things quite deep!"

"It turned out to be gathered here!"

Logically speaking, where Snake Seventeen passed, it should be that every spirit plant turned into a spirit plant puppet to attack him.

However, somehow, none of the Lingzhi here actually responded.

"It's really a treasure of geomantic omen, but I found it!"

"Next, you guys!"

Snake Seventeen's mouth showed a smug sneer: "Just die for me!"

"You should be honored to be able to be absorbed and refined by me and become a magic weapon for my strength enhancement. After all, you are just some lowly natives in the little thousand world!"

It turned out that Snake Seventeen was no longer satisfied with killing those spirit planted puppets who went to chase him down.

Instead, they took the initiative to find their settlements and slaughtered them.

The strongest person in the sky has his own ability to detect aura, and he found it easily.

The next moment, Snake Seventeen let out a low roar, and the curved ghost blade burning with black ghost fire in his hand appeared again!

Cut it off with a single blow.

The sharp blade that the black ghost fire turned into was tens of thousands of miles long, piercing through the sky, and slashing down on the overlords of one hundred thousand miles and ten thousand miles.

Almost in an instant, dozens of tens of thousands of li overlords and tens of thousands of li overlords were directly beheaded by him.

Those huge trees were cut into two pieces, and they made screams and cries one after another.

The juice splattered out, and the emerald-colored and extremely smooth spiritual plant essence was scattered everywhere.

Snake Seventeen was extremely proud, laughing wildly in the clouds.

"Chen Feng, I really want to thank you for bringing me here!"

Chen Feng, I am not even anxious to kill you now! "

"I want to stay here for a few more months, enough time, I want to sweep away all the essence of the spiritual plant here! It will be installed until my reincarnation jade card can't fit!"

"This is my chance to rise against the sky in the future!"

Incomparable ambition and ferocity flashed in his eyes: "Destroyer Immortal, wait for me."

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