Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 459: Let you die!

Then Sun Xin let out a scream, and only then did he feel severe pain coming. His arms and legs were all severed, only one body, and he fell heavily to the ground!

Blood rushed out wildly, and his stern howling sounded.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, sealed his blood, stopped his blood, looked at him, a cruel smile appeared on his face: "I won't let you die so easily, don't worry, I will make you hurt alive. dead."

"I will let you watch your own blood flow slowly, and I will let you watch your life go by little by little, but in the end there is no alternative!"

Elder Sun let out a miserable howl: "Xin'er!"

With that said, he was about to rush to Sun Xin.

Chen Feng's figure flashed and stood in front of him, and said lightly: "Elder Sun, what's the rush?"

Elder Sun looked at him and screamed: "Chen Feng, you little bastard, if you dare to treat Xin'er this way, I will not let you go! My uncle will never let you go."

Chen Feng said indifferently: "This is all you forced me. If I don't do anything, will you let me go? Wouldn't you use cruel means to deal with me?"

"Also, don't worry about so many useless things, because you will die later!"

Chen Feng said this word by word, like a ruling!

Elder Sun looked at Chen Feng's expression and knew that he was definitely not joking, he really dared to kill himself.

There was a wave of despair and horror in his heart, and the horrible howl of a beast before he died, he punched Chen Feng severely.

He wanted to pull Chen Feng as a cushion before he died, but he was only the cultivation base of the first building in the Divine Sect Realm. At this time, in front of Chen Fengfeng, there was no way to fight back.

Chen Feng shattered all the bones of his arm with a light palm, and then stretched out his hand to make a point, shattering all the bones on his remaining arm and two thighs.

Chen Feng showed a cruel smile, walked up to him, pinched his right index finger, and said softly: "Elder Sun, I have a few questions for you. If you answer me honestly, I will let you die. One happy. If not..."

Elder Sun yelled and roared: "Dreaming, I won't answer you any questions!"

Chen Feng sneered: "Really?"

Then he pinched the nail of Elder Sun's right index finger and pulled out the nail of his index finger directly, revealing a piece of **** tender flesh.

Although Elder Sun’s skeleton had been diagnosed, the pain was still felt, and he screamed screaming.

Chen Feng sneered and said, "Your hands and feet have 20 nails. I will slowly pull them out. I see how long you can bear it!"

With that, Chen Feng showed a cruel smile in his eyes, and then began to pull out his fingernails one by one.

His movements are very slow, just to make Elder Sun get as much pain as possible.

Finally, when the seventh root was pulled out, Elder Sun couldn't bear it anymore.

Without the majesty of the sect elder, he burst into tears and screamed while wailing: "Ask, you ask, I will answer you whatever you ask, just ask you to let us father and son die happy! "

Chen Feng said coldly, "Isn't it alright to promise earlier? Why suffer this sin?"

He said in a deep voice, "The first question, how many people were there when excavating my master's grave? How many people knew that there was nothing in my master's coffin?"

Elder Sun screamed: "The only people present at the time were me, my son, and my disciples. Now they are in your hands!"

Chen Feng continued to ask: "Then have you passed this news to others?"

Elder Sun shook his head frantically: "No, no, no one knows except us."

Chen Feng nodded lightly, and he was quietly relieved.

"Fortunately, the master has not been spread out, which is very good."

Then he glanced at Wang Wei next to him. Wang Wei also knew about it. Chen Feng didn't say anything, but Wang Wei understood it in his heart. He quickly said to Chen Feng in a deep voice, "Brother Chen Feng, don't worry. The matter came to my ears, tight-lipped, and would never reveal a word to others."

"Otherwise, I can swear a poisonous oath."

With that said, before Chen Fengfeng stopped, he swore a poisonous oath in his own name. In this world, the martial artist's oath is very solemn and very effective. If you violate the oath, it is likely to be backlashed.

When he did this, Chen Feng was completely relieved.

Actually, Chen Fengfeng didn't want to force him to swear, but Wang Wei is a very considerate person. He did this to understand Chen Feng's worries.

Chen Feng looked at Elder Sun again, and asked, "The second question is, I, Uncle Han Cong, where is now?"

After hearing this question, Elder Sun shook violently and looked at Chen Feng with the same look in his eyes.

Chen Feng sneered and said: "I want to understand, right? Actually, even if you didn't dig up Master's grave today, I would definitely come to you. My Han Cong and Han Shishu disappeared in the depths of the Aomori Mountains. That hunting event organized The person is Su Zhaodong, and the person leading the team is your elder Sun!"

Chen Feng sneered and said, "I didn't say this wrong, right? Let's talk about how you harmed my Uncle Han. Tell me the process honestly, otherwise, let you see my methods again."

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