Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4595: Yanyang Demon transformed?

The palace lord of Shengyang Academy went on to say: "You were chased by him here, and he still wants to..."

Suddenly, he seemed to have caught the point of Chen Feng's words just now, and exclaimed: "You said he wants to take away his ancestors, the blood left here?"

"What does it mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Feng flicked his fingers, and his voice was faint: "Of course it is to strip out the blood of all of you, and to be sucked in by him to strengthen himself!"

The lord of the Shengyang Academy was shocked and stammered:

"Does that mean that all of us will..."

A cruel look appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Yes, all of you will die."

"No, it's impossible."

The palace lord of Shengyang Academy was directly frightened and shook his head repeatedly.

Thinking that oneself and others would lose their power and even die, and even the martial arts of the entire Xuanming Seven Seas realm would be directly destroyed!

Unspeakable fear and despair in his heart!

However, the palace lord of Shengyang Academy, after all, is a generation of outstanding people, and soon recovered.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Master Chen Feng, I can't completely believe what you say..."

He stared at Chen Feng suddenly, with awe-inspiring light in his eyes: "What you said, there is one biggest flaw, that is!"

At this time, his look became very calm.

"According to what you said, you and your cousin both have the ability to peel off the blood from me and blend it into myself!"

"Because, our blood is transformed from the blood of your so-called Yanyang Great Demon!"

"You must prove this to me!"

He looked at Chen Feng: "Master Chen, if you can't prove it to me, then the old will never believe it."

In fact, Chen Feng knew that he had believed it.

It's just that you need the last bargaining chip to completely overwhelm the balance in your heart and completely believe it.

Chen Feng sighed secretly in his heart: "Sure enough, you can't wait to get to this point."

"Sure enough, this flaw was seen by him."


A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth: "This flaw is a flaw I left on purpose."

"I just want you to see this flaw, and then prove it to you, so that you can believe it."

This is a flaw that Chen Feng kept deliberately to let them see. How could Chen Feng be unprepared?

Chen Feng laughed: "Unexpectedly, you dare to doubt me? Well, in this case!"

Chen Feng's aura changed abruptly and he pulled up infinitely.

A breath suddenly came out from his body.

Full of evil, cold, and violent.

This kind of breath is familiar to the palace master of Shengyang Academy, it is the breath of the warrior's devil blood before he transforms into it!

It's just that the aura on Chen Feng's body at this time is the only strong one he has seen in his life, full of incomparable violent and fierceness.

Then, Chen Feng's body changed.

His body suddenly swelled and became a full height of about ten meters!

There were countless flames burning all over his body.

Big drops of lava are dripping down!

On the top of Chen Feng's head, two curved horns grew even more.

His face, hidden under the flame, is slightly invisible.

A low, roar-like voice sounded: "Did you see it? This is the blood of the Great Demon Yan Yang!"

The next moment, Chen Feng stretched out his hand!

Suddenly, the palace lord of Shengyang Academy felt a huge suction coming through.

This suction force penetrated into his body, and it was stripped straight away towards the blood vessels hidden in his body.

It seems that in the next moment, one's own blood will be stripped out and absorbed into Chen Feng's body!

And he has absolutely no power to fight back!

That kind of powerlessness made him almost desperate!

In an instant, it yelled frantically: "No, no, Chen Feng, please stop!"

"I believe it, I believe it!"

So far, where does he still have half doubts?

Chen Feng's palm slowly stopped.

After a while, the flame dissipated, his face faded, and he returned to Chen Feng's appearance.

Chen Feng said lightly: "The Chen family is the bloodline of the Great Demon Yanyang, and all of your bloodlines are branched off from the fragments of the Great Demon Yanyang."

"I want to absorb it, naturally it's easy."

Chen Feng got up, turned and walked out.

Leisurely left a sentence: "In fact, you don't have to doubt at all, just a little bit, you know what I said is not a false statement."

"Why does the Lingzhi of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm hate me so much?"

Chen Feng turned to look at the palace lord of Shengyang Academy: "Because our family is an intruder, a person who deprives them of their lives!"

"The last time I came in, I deliberately covered my whereabouts. They couldn't tell my breath."

"But now, when I am injured, my breath cannot be concealed, and their hatred can no longer be concealed."

The lord of Shengyang Academy was stunned.

Chen Feng didn't say anything, turned and left.

As soon as Chen Feng left, some disciples rushed in in a panic and shouted: "Palace Master, it's not OK, those Lingzhi, come here!"

When the palace lord of Shengyang Academy heard this, his face changed a lot, and he hurried out.

Soon, it came to the fringe of the family.

Quite a lot of people have gathered here, and looking out, they are all panicked.

The palace lord of Shengyang Academy looked out, and his face changed drastically.

He saw that in the distance there were hundreds of huge Lingzhi puppets coming to kill here.

That murderous intention made no secret.

So far, there is no doubt.

And not far from the side, Chen Feng looked at the Lingzhi puppets who came close, with an invisible smile on his lips.

"I really want to thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid that the last trace of doubt about me will not be erased."

The expression on his face gradually became colder: "This is the reason why I left your lives!"

It turned out that Chen Feng was really exhaustive.

The reason why he didn't kill the tails who were following him, but waited for them to gather here, was a purpose, and that was to let them prove to the palace lord of Shengyang Academy that he did not lie!

After these Lingzhi puppets came near, everyone in Shengyang Academy was panicked.

However, the Lingzhi puppet didn't do it right away for some reason.

Instead, he stopped outside, but refused to leave.

The palace lord of Shengyang Academy walked to Chen Feng and whispered: "Master Chen, what do you say? I listen!"

Chen Feng smiled softly.

Today, Chen Feng's most critical step is the transformation of the Great Demon of the Sun.

This step is the most critical point for him to gain the trust of the Palace Master of Shengyang Academy.

In fact, what Chen Feng transformed into was not the Great Flame Demon, but a chaotic fire demon.

This Chaos Fire Demon is very similar in appearance to the Great Demon of the Sun.

If the Yanyang Great Demon was here, he would naturally be able to distinguish the difference easily, but it was naturally impossible for people like the Palace Master of Shengyang Academy to distinguish it.

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