Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4593: Alarmism!

For her, this top of the sky is simply an incomprehensible horrible existence.

Then, her eyes suddenly burst into longing.

Looking at Chen Feng, he stopped talking.

Chen Feng laughed and rubbed her little head: "I know what you think."

"Don't worry, I will not let you sink like this in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm."

"If there is a chance this time, I will take you back to the top of the sky. If you don't see it this time, I will definitely take you there soon."

Pei Muyu nodded heavily.

She trusts Chen Feng wholeheartedly.

Although he seemed to have complained to Chen Feng just now, in fact she knew that Chen Feng had troubles, and it was just a little girl's little coquettish.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly found a problem!

"No, how did I say these four words between the top of the sky?"

"What did I say, not only did I tell Pei Muyu the specific details?"

"And the **** of heaven does not care?"

Chen Feng suddenly shuddered, and suddenly realized something!

He remembered how much Fairy Yuheng had wanted to talk to himself about the top of the sky several times before.

I also thought that Fairy Yuheng mentioned that anyone who dared to disclose the secrets of the top of the sky will be directly obliterated, turned into dust, and completely wiped out in this world!

Chen Feng has no doubt that the Lord of Heaven has such an ability.

Even, many people don't even have the ability to tell secrets.

And now, not only had he confided those four words, he had also revealed the secret between the top of the sky!

Before, when he wanted to talk to Han Yuer and Qingqiu, he couldn't speak at all.

And now, it is said!

"Is I different, or Pei Muyu is different?"

"Should have both?"

"Before, I could make the golden reincarnation jade medal and my blood confess the lord, but now, I can tell others the secrets of the top of the sky without the many restrictions like others."

"Sure enough, I am special!"

It's just that Chen Feng doesn't understand what is special about him.

Seeing that there was no answer, Chen Feng didn't think about it anymore, and he would know it naturally.

Then, Chen Feng continued.

He talked about his own experience on the top of the sky, talked about his death trial mission, talked about the seventeen snake who chased in and killed them together.

It was heard that the strength of Snake Seventeen was already at the peak of Nine Star Wudi.

Pei Muyu uttered a wow, his face was full of exclamation: "So powerful?"

However, even though she said so, there was no worry on her face.

Chen Feng smiled and patted her little head: "What? Don't worry about worrying about your big brother?"

"What if Big Brother can't beat this Snake Seventeen?"

"What's to worry about?"

Pei Muyu smiled: "I don't know your means yet? I have full confidence in you!"

"I'm waiting for you to quickly clean up the Seventeen Snake and get through this death trial mission! Take me away!"

With that, he walked behind Chen Feng and squeezed him on his back, looking like a dog leg.

Chen Feng laughed, and then stopped talking about it, just talked about what happened over time.

When Pei Muyu talked about the changes in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm in the past six years, Chen Feng was also embarrassed.

All the way forward, the night quickly dimmed.

Although the sun cannot be seen here, the sun rises and sunsets, and the light and shadow changes can be felt.

Suddenly, on the flying boat, there was silence.

The two were speechless for a while, and there was silence around them.

The chasing soldiers did not know where they landed, and the surroundings were silent.

After a long time, Pei Muyu suddenly whispered: "Big Brother, you will be fine, you will be fine! Right?"

Chen Feng suddenly turned his head and met Pei Muyu's eyes.

The eyes are like stars, full of concern.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and rubbed her little face: "Don't worry, Shanren has a clever plan."

Chen Feng knew that deep down in her heart, she was extremely worried about herself.

It's just that I didn't show it, for fear that I would be more troubled.

One day later, a huge building appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Shengyang Academy is here.

Chen Feng was also lucky. He came to the location of Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, not far from Shengyang Academy.

Chen Feng sighed softly: "Two days have been wasted, and now there are five days and five nights left, which is enough."

Feizhou landed directly on the Shengyang Academy.

Chen Feng and the two went straight to the back mountain, where the Patriarch of Shengyang Academy lived.

Chen Feng did not hide his whereabouts.

Along the way, I met many people, and when I saw Pei Muyu bringing a strange young man over, I was stunned.

Many people showed hostility on their faces.

And some people who had met Chen Feng before, when they saw him at this time, they all exclaimed.

"Feng Chen, it turned out to be Feng Chen!"

"He is Feng Chen?"

Everyone's faces were full of shock.

This white-clothed young man was that six years ago, the entire Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, who had suppressed all the young talents of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm with his own power, and helped Pei Muyu to Feng Chen in his current position?

The person who had shown hostility in his eyes before, now only finds himself funny.

"What are you? You also show hostility to Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng didn't stop it at all. On the contrary, he nodded slowly when he saw people around him talking about himself.

This is what he did deliberately.

Chen Feng wanted to let the news that he was here spread.

The two went all the way.

When Pei Muyu and Chen Feng came to the apse, the palace lord of Shengyang Academy had also received the news and greeted them early.

This is a skinny old man, and on his forehead is a curved spiral horn.

He smiled and arched his hands, smiling slightly.

The two said a few words before entering the inner hall.

Pei Muyu naturally came in too.

When entering this place, Chen Feng immediately reduced his smile and stared at the palace lord of the Shengyang Academy, saying word by word: "You know you, the catastrophe is imminent, and your life is coming soon!"


Hearing Chen Feng's words, the palace lord of Shengyang Academy suddenly changed his face.

With a shake of his hand, the cup of tea that had just been picked up was poured directly down.

But without realizing it, he looked at Chen Feng blankly, his voice trembling: "You, what do you mean?"

If someone else said this, the palace lord of Shengyang Academy would be furious, and then he would directly kill him with a hand.

But now he is facing Chen Feng!

His legendary deeds of the year are still circulating in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, how dare the Palace Master of Shengyang Academy not pay attention?

Chen Feng didn't answer the question of the palace lord of Shengyang Academy. He just smiled and sat down leisurely.

He is going to tell a story.

He pointed to the outside and slowly said, "Palace Master, behind me, there is a large group of puppets, chasing them."

"I estimate that they are less than half a day away from here."

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