Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4590: change plan!

This spiritual plant essence is the condensation of all the essence in a spiritual plant puppet.

Chen Feng didn't know what its use was, but he could feel the extremely large, warm, and vigorous breath of life and power inside.

That feeling is like Chen Feng when facing the power of stars.

The most important thing is that this thing can be stored in the samsara jade plate.

This means that it can be brought out from the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm.

After Chen Feng collected these spiritual plant essences into the reincarnation jade card, he quickly left.

Here is a floating mountain suspended in endless mist,

The floating mountains in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm are also very distinctive, with huge cavities everywhere on them.

Inside, there are extremely complicated and curved passages, which are generally not large and not very strong.

After Chen Feng had just beheaded the few spirit plant puppets, he rushed forward and came here.

Chen Feng estimated that it would take at least a few hours for those spirit plant puppets to kill again.

Before they came over, Chen Feng had to do a big thing.

Chen Feng knocked on the jade card of reincarnation, and instantly, the essence of the four spiritual plants appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng patted them, and suddenly smiled, "You guys, it's really a surprise."

"Although it has brought me a huge surprise, it may force me to change my original plan!"

The next moment, he sat cross-legged.

The Golden Scriptures of Guan Zizai Bodhisattva appeared in front of Chen Feng.

In the next instant, Chen Feng sank into the practice space of the Great Bodhisattva's Golden Sutra.

The space for the Golden Scriptures of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is still vast and desolate.

Chen Feng moved forward slowly, walking through the roads he had walked before.

Then, it came to the ninth step.

This is the limit he reached before.

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng took a step forward and shouted loudly: "I Chen Feng, continue to practice the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Vipassana!"

"Now, practice the tenth verse!"

After all, the footsteps were extremely firm, and the tenth step was taken!

After the tenth step, there was a golden light above the sky.

The tenth word fell suddenly!

A phantom of the ancient Buddha emerged behind him, and the vortex suddenly formed.

And in the huge belly space of this floating mountain, a huge vortex also appeared around Chen Feng's body.

In an instant, all these four spiritual plant essences were sucked in.

Instantly crushed.

So, clean and flawless, with a light green light, revealing the power of incomparably rich life force, burst out in this whirlpool with a thud!

The power of this life is simply amazing.

Numerous spiritual plants grew around the dry mountain of Fukong Mountain in an instant.

In the next moment, these huge life forces were all absorbed into the cultivation space of the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Vipassana, and poured into Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng's eyebrows shook, and the tenth star vein suddenly opened.

The immense vitality poured into Chen Feng's body and instilled into Chen Feng's tenth star vein.

Chen Feng's tenth star vein continues to grow.

After about half an hour, those life forces were also completely absorbed.

And Chen Feng's star veins are already quite a bit of specifications, and their internal strength fluctuates.

Of course, it's far from complete.

Chen Feng sighed softly, and with a thought, he exited the Golden Sutra cultivation space of the Great Bodhisattva Vipassana.

In the huge cave in the belly of the mountain, the tenth star vein floats behind Chen Feng.

Chen Feng carefully observed and felt for a moment, and then a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he laughed, extremely excited:

"I guessed right, what I felt was right!"

"These spiritual plant essences can actually replace some of the power of the stars."

"Moreover, the effect turned out to be quite good!"

It turned out that Chen Feng felt that his tenth star vein was already 20% condensed.

A star vein condensed 20%, which is nothing.

It's normal, it can even be said to be a very common thing.

If it is on the top of the sky and the power of the stars is sufficient, Chen Feng can smelt a star vein in an hour.

But this is the key question!

This is not the top of the sky!

This is just a small thousand world, this is the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm!

"I absorbed the essence of four spiritual plants, of which three belonged to the overlord of Baili and one belonged to the overlord of Qianli."

"This also means that a piece of Baili Overlord's spiritual plant essence is equivalent to one-third of the power of a star."

"And the spirit plant essence of a Thousand Miles Overlord is equivalent to the power of a star!"

A touch of surprise appeared in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the effects of these spiritual plant essences are so good, even not much weaker than the power of stars."

Chen Feng suddenly felt a deep panic in his heart!

"This news must never be revealed."

"Otherwise, if the warriors on the top of the sky know about it, the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm will become a big piece of fat in everyone's eyes!"

"Xuanming Seven Seas Realm will become the world that warriors on the top of the sky most want to enter, there is no one!"

At the top of the sky, there are many restrictions for the martial artist to practice there.

Want to practice, the time is very short.

Even Chen Feng could only stay there for two or three days.

But usually, it is even more difficult for him to cultivate, and he can only maintain his strength without retreating.

Therefore, Chen Feng urgently needs the powerful Lingbao that he can absorb to enhance his strength!

After all, it is a substitute for the power of the stars.

And the Lingzhi essence in front of him is obviously an excellent one.

"Initially, my cultivation speed was much faster than others. I had condensed seven star veins the night before."

"Now that I have these spiritual plant essences again, I can maintain an extremely fast cultivation speed no matter whether I am on top of the sky or not!"

"For me, it's even more powerful!"

Chen Feng was very excited.

To Chen Feng, it is a tiger with wings, and it is extremely valuable to others.

If they knew it, he would be extremely greedy in his heart, and he would be robbed.

Chen Feng suddenly thought: "In this case, it seems that my plan needs to be changed!"

He looked into the distance, his eyes were obscure, but he was thinking quickly in his mind.

"If this is the case, my plan will even be overturned."

"No, there is no need to overthrow it, it's just going to be expanded several times, and it's going to be more complicated than before."

"From one line to several lines."

"This plan lasts longer and is not as secure as the previous one. There are many variables, and several of them may be backlashed."

"However, I can also get immense benefits from it!"

Chen Feng gritted his teeth: "It's done! Just do it!"

The reason why Chen Feng made an originally simple plan so complicated, turned a problem that might be solved in one month into three months.

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