Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4568: Recognize the Lord

Chen Feng smiled slightly and leaned over gently: "Thank you for the compliment."

Qing Yan Jian Ling was full of tragic face, and stood up straight.

Then, above the body, a burst of green light flashed.

She raised her right hand high and shouted loudly: "Heavenly Dao Master, I Qingyan Sword Spirit, swear here!"

"He will recognize that Mei has no time to be the master, and he will recognize the master with a drop of blood, and will never betray."

"Work for her and never betray!"

"Heaven is the ruler, please tell me!"

The voice fell, and above the sky, a cloud of green light flashed.

Then, the majestic voice of the Lord of Heaven slowly sounded: "Oath, I already know."

"If you don't recognize Mei as the master in a cup of tea, you will surely be wiped out!"

The sound faded slowly.

Qingyan Sword Spirit looked at Chen Feng with a bit of flattery: "Is it all right now?"

When Chen Feng watched from the side, he was also shocked.

"This heavenly Dao rules, really powerful."

"Not only does everything on the top of the sky be controlled by him, even this barren ancient ruin is thousands of miles away from the top of the sky, but also in the miraculous space of my heaven and earth's repeated reincarnation, his power can be shrouded here? "

This heaven ruler is really omnipotent!

"What kind of powerful existence is this?"

Moreover, the remark just now made Chen Feng even more aware.

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxian, suddenly, the Qingyan Sword Spirit was absorbed by those huge blue pupils.

And then, Chen Feng was also stuck in the local area.

Both of them knew that Chen Feng was using Heaven and Earth's reincarnation magic and hurriedly protected him.

After a while, Chen Feng suddenly showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and slowly opened his eyes.

The next moment, Qingyan Sword Spirit also appeared.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Let's start!"

Qingyan Sword Spirit took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, but didn't dare not listen.

She walked up to Mei Wuxian and said, "I would like to recognize you as the master."

Mei Wuxie was overjoyed and glanced at Chen Feng: "Brother Chen Feng, I know you have a way."

Then, the Qingyan Sword Spirit returned to the Qingyan Divine Sword.

Then, the Qingyan Divine Sword came to Mei Wuxian.

Mei has no time to hold the Qingyan Divine Sword, and his fingers slowly stroked its surface.

Suddenly, dozens of drops of essence and blood fell on the finger, and it instantly penetrated into the green flame divine sword.

Above the Qingyan Divine Sword, there was a lot of light.

In an instant, the suction power increased.

On Mei Wuxian's hands, blood was flowing like a shot.

Her face also turned pale immediately.

Obviously, the Qingyan Divine Sword is too high in level and too powerful, and it is not a simple matter to recognize the master with the drop of blood.

But Mei Wuxiao didn't back down, gritting her teeth, instead she took the initiative to spur her blood.

Finally, after an unknown period of time, Mei Wuxian's face was pale as paper.

The figure was shaky, almost unable to hold it.

But, at this moment, the suction was reduced.

A group of blue rays of light hovered up like a long dragon, and then slammed into Mei Wuxian's body!

Mei Wuxiao's figure suddenly tightened, spreading her arms, the blue skirt fluttering in the wind.

The Qingyan Divine Sword was also slowly floating behind her.

There was a burst of dragons, and the cyan light continuously poured into Mei Wuxian's body.

Mei Wuxian's face was instantly ruddy.

After a while, she opened her eyes and groaned softly.

Immediately, the Qingyan Divine Sword danced around her.

Mei Wuxia opened her eyes and laughed happily: "Brother Chen Feng, it's done!"

Following her thoughts, the Qingyan Divine Sword flickered from left to right, and there was no lag in driving it.

There was also a sense of spiritual communion with this Qingyan Divine Sword in Mei Wuxie's heart.

The Celestial Remnant Beast Slave said excitedly: "How powerful can you use this sword? Is it the same as the momentum of the Azure Flame Divine Sword just now?"

He rubbed his hands and said with excitement: "If this is the case, aren't we invincible?"

"Go straight back and cut Snake Seventeen with one sword."

Chen Feng also laughed, he was also quite curious about the power of this Qingyan Divine Sword.

Mei had no time to smile and felt a little.

Suddenly, a face collapsed.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "What's wrong?"

Mei Wuxia stomped her foot fiercely and shouted: "Qingyan Sword Spirit, you come out for me, what's going on!"

Qingyan Sword Spirit came out with droopy eyebrows, obviously a little wilting.

"You can't blame me for this!"

"To blame, you have to blame Real Person Qingyan."

The two said that Chen Feng only knew about it.

Qingyan Sword Spirit smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, that sword just now is indeed the regular power of this long sword."

"But that's also a sword that I can only cut after tens of thousands of years of strength."

"Such an offensive can only cut a sword."

"In other words..."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said: "Actually, this long sword is so powerful, but you haven't used it now? You can't do it, right?"

Qingyan Sword Spirit nodded.

"Now, I am so weak that I can only exert one percent of its power at most."


She glanced at the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave: "If you want to use the power of this sword, the master can't do it without exhausting his whole body!"

"At most, it can only emit 10% of its power."

"I'm afraid that with her current strength, this powerful sword will kill her."

Chen Feng listened and was silent.

Qingyan Sword Spirit did not lie.

Even if Mei Wuxia fought her life, she could only exert 10% of her power.

On weekdays, it can only exert one percent of its power.

At this moment, there were a few breaths quickly approaching here.

In a blink of an eye, five figures appeared.

Then, he landed quickly and directly surrounded Chen Feng and others.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

These five people are not young anymore, with all white beard and hair, and different body types.

The weapons in hand are also different.

But all five of them wore the same clothes, with a mountain embroidered on the clothes.

The five breaths are not weak, about the six-star Wudi.

In the deserted ruins, he can be regarded as a master.

As soon as they landed, almost all their eyes fell on Mei Wuxian's hands, on the Qingyan Divine Sword.

Suddenly, there was a flash of greed in his eyes.

"Hahaha, the sword aura is rising to the sky, there really is a strange treasure born here!"

"It seems that the treasure should be this divine sword!"

"This long sword is extremely tyrannical, what level is it? Eighth-rank or ninth-rank?"

Someone laughed and said: "Look at your vision? Why can't you go beyond the realm of the gods and reach the treasure?"

The speaker is a thin old man.

Although thin and seemingly inconspicuous, it has the strongest breath.

Moreover, faintly among these five people, it is the leading position.

He looked at the Qingyan Divine Sword, and his saliva almost dripped out.

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