Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4562: Enter the ruins

All the way to the west direction.

After about two days, the three of them came to the ground.

The ghost wolf stopped gently.

Chen Feng raised his face, looked at the huge cliff in front of him, and sighed softly: "Is this here?"

"No, to be precise..."

Mei Wuxian smiled bitterly and pointed to the front of the cliff: "It's here."

In front of the cliff, there was a huge swamp, completely dark.

It is much thicker than those lakes and seas, and in the swamp, there are countless skeletons of corpses, ups and downs, and it looks particularly gloomy and terrifying.

An unspeakable stench came out.

Chen Feng and Tiancun Beast Slave were dumbfounded: "Is this here?"

Mei Wuxian smiled bitterly: "Yes, I didn't expect that Grand Master would set the entrance of the ruins in such a place."

She shook her head: "Grandpa Patriarch is really peculiar, but I was prepared."

Mei Wuxian's palm spread out, and a bead gleamed in it.

This bead, the whole body was blue-purple, and there seemed to be sea waves rippling in it, as if it contained an entire ocean, which was indescribably comfortable.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Is this a drop of water?"

"Yes, and it's an extremely high-level water drop."

Mei Wuxian smiled like a little fox: "The water droplets of our Dragon Vein Continent, in this case, can't be used at all, the level is too low."

"I specially asked Fairy Yuheng to get this."

"The level of this water drop is not high. It is average at the top of the sky, but it is very strong at this barren ancient ruin. After all, it is the crush of the hierarchical world.

In the next moment, the three of them floated up and slowly sank towards the lake.

At the moment when she was about to touch the black swamp, Mei Wuxian also poured a force into the water bead, and suddenly a blue radiance flashed out of the water bead.

It directly forms a blue light ball with a diameter of about four meters, covering the three people.

The next moment, he sank into the black swamp.

Entering the Black Swamp, the scenery is even more terrifying.

There are stumps and arms everywhere, which have turned into corpses.

But many more even maintained the state they had just died, appearing more and more terrifying.

It's as if this is a mass grave where tens of thousands of people have been buried, and I don't know what happened here.

However, the three of them are also people who have seen the world, and they don't care much about it.

Chen Feng glanced around.

Under this pitch-black swamp, the visibility is quite low, but it is only about a hundred meters out.

The three of them were not affected within the scope of this water drop.

Fresh water vapor is permeated, breathing is exceptionally refreshing and comfortable.

With the drop of water, the three of them sank all the way, all the way.

Soon, Chen Feng estimated that he had sunk at least several thousand meters.

At this moment, suddenly, he felt a wave of powerful power fluctuations.

Then, I saw a dark shadow, from the lower left, slaying over.

When he came close, Chen Feng saw that it turned out to be a huge ancient Ming beast.

The form of this ancient beast is like a long snake magnified countless times.

The body is hundreds of meters long, and the surface is a black ossified armor, which looks very hard.

Xu is the reason for living in this landscape. It has no eyes at all.

It's just that a huge tentacled swaying back and forth, seeming to perceive the existence of Chen Feng and others.

The next moment, he opened the big mouth of the blood basin and bite hard at the three of them.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, the strength of this ancient Ming beast was not average, and in front of him, it was nothing.

Without Chen Feng's move, the Tianchou Beast Slave just slammed out.

Immediately, this huge snake-like ancient Ming beast directly bombarded and killed.

The next moment, everyone had a numb scalp.

It turned out that there were tens of thousands of snake-like Gu Ming beasts rushing towards the three of them.

The number is so disgusting that everyone sees it.

But it does not cause any substantial threat.

Chen Feng and the Celestial Beast Slave shot again and again, beheading an unknown number.

Finally, another tea time passed.

The three of them suddenly felt their feet sink and stepped on the ground.

They have actually reached the bottom.

Mei Wuxian had been here once before, and she was familiar with the road, leading the two of them all the way.

Soon, he came under a huge cliff.

After groping for a while, she found an inconspicuous stone.

On the back of the stone, there is a small palm pattern.

Mei has no time to press her hand on it and run her power.

It is the strength of her sect inheritance.

With the influx of Mei Wuxian's power, the handprint immediately sank.

She pressed down hard.

Suddenly, the mountain wall in front of him hummed loudly, and then a huge gap opened.

A green mist shone from it.

Everyone immediately felt very familiar.

This kind of green light clearly belongs to the power of the top of the sky!

Then, everyone stepped into it.

In front of him, a cyan light curtain appeared.

This cyan light curtain is like a huge wall, completely blocking the way everyone goes.

Above the light curtain, there are countless talisman, ups and downs.

That Fulu, if you look closely, is like an image of a Qingpao Taoist holding a whisk shrunk countless times.

Seeing everyone coming, suddenly, all the miniatures of the Taoist Qingpao, at the same time let out a low roar: "Who is coming? Dare to spy on the treasure of my real Qingyan!"

Following this roar, countless cyan lights diffused out of the cyan light curtain.

It turned into tens of thousands of cyan lightsabers in the air.

Extremely sharp and awe-inspiring!

There was a hidden murderous intention, and a formation was deployed, which instantly trapped the three of them.

It seems that as long as the three of them have an incorrect answer, they will be pierced by Wan Jian.

However, Chen Feng raised his brows lightly.

He faintly felt that something was wrong.

It seems that the power of these lightsabers is not very strong.

"Not for me who has been to the top of the sky, but for a normal six-star Wudi and seven-star Wudi, the power is not strong enough!"

"Why is this?

Mei Wuxie immediately raised her voice and shouted: "The Patriarch is here, they are my companions, friends of life and death."

Then, he laughed and looked at the two of them: "I say these things, presumably Grandpa Master can't hear me?"

"Just use the power handed down from the grand master."

After all, grabbing the shoulders of the two.

Then, a gentle and gentle force surged out of his hands, wrapping the three of them, and walking towards the cyan light curtain first.

In an instant, the three of them entered without hindrance.

And those cyan lightsabers also faded back to the cyan light curtain.

Walked in easily.

After passing, there is a long passage behind it, with no end in sight.

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