Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4559: Crisis a month later!

"The Celestial Immortal, the Destroyer Immortal, attacked the reincarnation fairy Chen Feng."

"However, Chen Feng is not dead."

"You can use a death-free Taoist talisman to pay your life once!"

At the next moment, an extremely terrifying force suddenly fell, slamming at the Dementor Immortal!

The Dementor Immortal already felt the despair of death.

But at this time, the death-free Taoist talisman suddenly flew up.

With a bang, the death-free Taoist talisman exploded into countless powder.

That powerful offensive from the dominion of the heavens also disappeared directly!

In the next moment, the demented fairy found that he could move!

At this time, everyone was also awake.

This scene made them a little dazed, and they didn't even come back to their senses.

Chen Feng suddenly sneered and looked at the sky.

Then, that sneer suddenly turned into a big laugh.

The laughter was full of anger, and there was even an inexplicable ridicule! "

"Hahaha, I am not dead, Chen Feng, what a good one, I am not dead!"

"So, he can use this death-free Taoist talisman to avoid death once! Isn't it?"

"Good one, I'm not dead, Chen Feng!"

"What if I, Chen Feng, died?"

Chen Feng suddenly shouted: "If it was Chen Feng, he would be dead!"

The next moment, the look on his face was abnormally calm.

It's just that the mocking smile at the corners of the mouth grew thicker.

"Sure enough, on the top of the sky, with strength and treasures, you can do whatever you want!"

"Even, you can face it with a little challenge!"

"And these treasures are also derived from powerful strength!"

"Still getting stronger!"

The Dementor Immortal stared at Chen Feng, once again recovered his calm, his voice became particularly indifferent.

"Okay, Chen Feng, you are amazing!"

"Even, I almost used the rules of heaven to obliterate me! I was careless."

Faced with such a dementor, Chen Feng didn't ridicule, but looked deep.

The demented immortal who calmed down is definitely not easy to deal with.

"Now, on the top of the sky, limited by the rules, I can't do anything to you."

"However, a month later..."

The dementor looked at Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, you are going to enter the world of trials, right?"

Test the world!

The four words smashed down fiercely, instantly making Fairy Yuheng's heart cold.

She screamed: "Dare you, dare you!"

Immortal Desire, as if very satisfied with Fairy Yuheng's present fearful performance.

He laughed wildly: "Why don't I dare?"

"Snake Seventeen, come forward."

Seventeen snakes drifted to the front.

"Chen Feng, this is Snake Seventeen."

"Snake Seventeen, now is just a trial immortal, so it is not impossible to pay a little price and let him enter the world of trials together!"

The Dementor Immortal laughed arrogantly: "When the time comes, which trial world you enter, Snake Seventeen will follow you in!"

"In the world of trials, there is no need to follow any **** rules of heaven!"

"He will let you taste the methods of our Cthulhu Valley!"

Snake Seventeen stretched out its long and narrow tongue, and licked its scarlet lips:

"Boss, don't worry."

"At that time, I will make Chen Feng regret being born in this world."

In the midst of wild laughter, the Immortal Dementor slowly turned around, but left a sentence coldly:

"I look forward to it in a month!"

Snake Seventeen also turned and walked out.

Suddenly, he turned around and looked at Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, I forgot to tell you."

"Just yesterday, my strength broke through to the peak of Jiuxing Wudi!"

The next moment, all the people in Cthulhu Valley laughed wildly.

They turned around triumphantly, admiring the desperate expression on the faces of Fairy Yuheng and others.

This is their favorite look, the look of the enemy!

But unfortunately, let them down.

Chen Feng's expression was faint, without fluctuations.

Shenhunxianweng and the others walked out angrily.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly said: "Hold on."

"What? Are you asking for mercy?"

Dementor Immortal turned and laughed wildly.

Chen Feng smiled coldly and looked at the Immortal Dementor: "Your Excellency, I Chen Feng, I have learned!"

"In the future, it will definitely be repaid ten times!"

The Dementor's laughter stopped abruptly.

Everyone was startled.

After the demented immortal and others left, the powerhouses of the Beidou team all stepped forward.

Many people showed shame on their faces and thanked Chen Feng again and again.

They all knew that if it wasn't for Chen Feng just now, they would have died waiting for others.

They looked at Chen Feng with no previous hostility in their eyes.

Apart from awe, I admire more.

"This Chen Feng is not only strong, but also full of tactics. He is not chaotic in the face of danger and extremely decisive!"

"If I were to wait, I saw this situation just now, I'm afraid I was panicked to death, and Chen Feng could even fight back, almost beheading the Dementor Immortal!"

Everyone has always admired the strong.

Chen Feng, who is powerful and resourceful, is also the person they admire most!

However, everyone's faces showed a touch of worry.

Although Chen Feng survived this crisis safely, there is still a bigger crisis waiting for him!

At that time, entering the world of trials, without the protection of the rules of heaven, how could Chen Feng be the opponent of Snake Seventeen?

Snake Seventeen is already the peak of the Nine Star Wudi!

And Chen Feng is also very clear.

Now, using his own strength to deal with the Cang Xinghai at the peak of the Eight-Star Martial Emperor is already the limit.

He dealt with Cang Xinghai just now, seeming to be an understatement, but in fact, Cang Xinghai's last trapped dragon hand magical power has already caused him some trouble.

What is conceivable is that Snake Seventeen, as a young talent that Cthulhu Valley focuses on training, its position in Cthulhu Valley is estimated to be quite high.

Possessing a lot of resources, he has quite powerful magical powers in cultivation.

He is at the peak of the Nine-Star Emperor Wudi, but I am afraid that his true combat power is even better than the peak of the Nine-Star Emperor Wu!

He is definitely not his opponent!

And in the world of trials a month later, he will meet him!

But Chen Feng didn't have any fear, instead, his heart was full of desire for challenge and unspeakable excitement!

After entering here, there were people who wanted to embarrass him, fighting and crises!

Instead, Chen Feng fell in love with it!

On the top of the sky, I should belong to this world!

Fairy Yuheng looked at Chen Feng, shook his head and sighed: "Chen Feng, you really are a peerless genius, someone who should be born on top of the sky!"

"I have just come here for a day and night, and I am so familiar with the rules!"

"Even, you can use this rule to almost kill the Dementor Immortal!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Yuheng, didn't you just have something to say? Let's continue."

Fairy Yuheng was stunned, then smiled softly: "Okay."

Chen Feng could not panic, she was relieved.

Everyone dispersed.

Chen Feng and others also returned to the abode.

Fairy Yuheng said: "Actually, what I wanted to say just now is: What a pity, two words."

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