Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4557: Blood sea **** magical power!

Seeing Chen Feng directly cracking down on his own insidious attack, it also made the soul-catching immortal quite surprised and let out a soft ‘huh’.

Fairy Yuheng put his heart down, looked at the Immortal Dementor, and said with a sneer: "Desemination, you are also a long-established master at the top of the sky."

"So embarrassed to start with a junior?"

The Dementor Immortal didn't care at all, but smiled lowly:

"I've always been such a person, don't you know?"

He was so shameless, he couldn't speak directly when he bet Fairy Yuheng.

The Dementor Immortal looked at Chen Feng with a deep voice: "I heard Snake Seventeen say, you took a reincarnation jade card in the valley of dead silence?"

He increased his tone a bit: "One piece, a special jade card of reincarnation!"

Chen Feng, Yuheng Fairy and others naturally know what this special means in his mouth.

Chen Feng glanced at Snake Seventeen, nodded, expressionless.

"As you know, that special jade card of reincarnation was prepared by me for my brother."

There was a bit of coldness in the voice of Dementor.

"This special jade card of reincarnation is extremely rare."

"In one year, it is unlikely that there will be five yuan flowing out of the entire top of the sky, for this special reincarnation jade..."

The woman in the red dress behind him said coldly: "We Cthulhu Valley, we have done three missions and also completed a mortal mission."

"Ten people died before I got one piece!"

"Then, using various methods, at a great price, let it flow into the valley of dead silence."

"Waiting, our eldest brother, go there and take it away!"

"Then, it is logical to come to the top of the sky!"

She looked at Chen Feng as if looking at a dead person.

"And all this!"

The Dementor's voice suddenly became high-pitched and fierce: "It was all ruined by you!"

"My brother, missed this jade card of reincarnation!"

"Not only did he fail to reach the top of the sky, but something happened, causing him to die directly!"

"All of this, everything I planned for decades, has been ruined by you!"

"The extension of our family, the blood of our ancestors, are all ruined!"

The Dementor's voice is terrifying: "You must die!"

The two red lights under his black robe suddenly became alive!

With this low roar of him, there was a red light in the sky, rising from him.

In an instant, the red light enveloped the entire Beidou blessed land and pressed it down.

Everyone felt that being shrouded in red light, breathing stagnant, unspeakably uncomfortable!

In front of many people, scenes and scenes appeared, as if they were in the **** of the sun!

Many people feel that the world is spinning, and the next moment, it seems that they have come to another world.

In this world, there is a sea of ​​blood swamp underfoot, with countless bones undulating.

Those floating in the sky are wandering spirits and evil spirits.

In the extreme distance, there is a red desert with huge bones like a mountain.

Looking around, it is desolate, painful, and hopeless!

As if being in a death **** that has turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Chen Feng was the first to bear the brunt and was mainly targeted.

In an instant, Chen Feng felt countless ghosts whistling in front of him.

It seems to have fallen into the endless Dead Sea outside the top of the sky!

In the dark sea, sinking, sinking all the way.

And there were countless ghosts and ghosts around, rushing towards him fiercely.

Under the feet, countless hands that have turned into dry bones, dragging him, seem to be dragging him into the **** of the sun!

It turned out that this dementor was extremely good at mental attacks.

At this time, once again outrageously launched!

It's just that he launched it extremely vaguely.

It’s okay to say it’s an attack, or it’s okay to say it’s not an attack.

He even used some small tricks.

In this way, the punishment of the rule of heaven can be avoided.

Chen Feng felt that countless feelings of despair, fear, and death were in her heart instantly!

This mood made his whole person uninteresting.

The whole person was controlled by the extreme despair and panic.

Even if I just wanted to die, there was no resistance at all.

Almost let those big hands drag him into the deep dry sea.

Those hands were getting closer and closer to Chen Feng's feet.

Seeing the next moment, he must be dragged into it.

Once you are dragged into it, then everything will stop!

But at this moment, a golden light flickered in Chen Feng's mind.

His spiritual world suddenly opened!

The golden light was shining, and Chen Feng instantly recovered for a moment of clarity!

Suddenly shouted!

With this roar of his, in front of Chen Feng, all the phantoms were instantly broken like crystals, turning into pieces!

Then it disappeared!

At the next moment, Chen Feng suddenly woke up and saw the scenery of Beidou Fudi in front of him.

Chen Feng's heart was lingering, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his back.

"The Dementor Immortal, really amazing! The magical powers that are activated silently make people fall into a deep blood hell!"

"Almost directly plunged into it, there is no place to die!"

Chen Feng knew the danger just now.

If caught by those hands, I'm afraid he won't be able to wake up again!

Just now, the Dementor Immortal suddenly attacked!

Fairy Jin Yuxie and Yuheng both showed horror on their faces.

The Dementor Immortal didn't attack them, after all, the two of them were strong enough, I'm afraid it would cause backlash.

Jin Yuxie trembled: "How dare you make a shot at the top of the sky? Are you not afraid of punishment from the ruler of heaven?"

The demented fairy laughed, with indescribable mockery and pride.

Fairy Yuheng was even more shocked: "I haven't seen it for a few months, but the strength of the Dementor Immortal has increased so much? Does he have another adventure?"

"His blood sea and **** magical powers have been trained to such a high level?"

Fairy Yuheng was in a panic at this moment.

She rarely shows such emotions, but this time, she had to.

Because she found that she had no way to solve this situation at all!

She has no ability to break through the blood and **** magical powers!

Seeing Chen Feng and the others fell into pain, their faces became paler and paler, and they were extremely painful!

Fairy Yuheng felt anxious.

But, at this moment, she suddenly saw that the red light that burned like blood and fire around Chen Feng's body suddenly shattered!

Chen Feng instantly returned to normal.

The eyes became extremely clear.

Fairy Yuheng was pleasantly surprised: "Chen Feng, are you okay?"

Jin Yuxie was also horrified in his heart: "Could it be that Chen Feng is really magical, and there is something extraordinary?"

"Even the blood sea and **** magical powers that the Immortal Dementor relies on for fame can't stop him?"

Seeing this scene, the Immortal Dementor was also stunned: "You can actually break my blood and **** magic?"

Chen Feng glanced away to see the current situation clearly.

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