Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4551: Genius among geniuses!

"The Golden Sutra of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is worthy of being the top practice in the world. It is truly amazing.

He now feels more and more that he has waited these days, and has been desperately unlocking the Golden Sutra for the Great Bodhisattva of Vipassana these days, without paying for nothing.

Chen Feng withdrew from the Golden Scripture cultivation space of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and returned to the ashram.

What caught the eye was the huge whirlpool above the head.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "This time the noise is really big enough."

The next moment, in the void of the Abode, a Qianqiansu hand appeared, directly tearing the space apart.

Fairy Yuheng walked out of it.

Chen Feng has long been accustomed to Fairy Yuheng's way of going on stage, blinked, smiled and said, "Before coming next time, can you say hello?"

What if I am taking a shower? "

Fairy Yuheng was taken aback for a moment, then clutching her belly, laughing, very happy.

The whole person was shaking.

Chen Feng was stunned: "Is it so funny what I said?"

After a while, Fairy Yuheng just stood up straight and looked at Chen Feng, the smile still couldn't hide.

"Chen Feng, thank you, no one has made such a joke with me for a long time."

"Well, no one has ever spoken to me like this since the twelve-year-old maid who had the best relationship with me and sister was deliberately killed by my father."

Chen Feng sighed slightly, looking at this icy and generous woman, suddenly felt a little distressed inexplicably.

He grew up in such a family, and later came to such a cruel top of the sky.

Knowing that she is extremely strong, many people are afraid of her, and many people admire her.

But, I'm afraid, she should have very few real friends!

Even if Mei didn't have time to spend so long with her, I am afraid she was more in awe of her.

Rather than being like a friend.

Perhaps among everyone, only Chen Feng can treat her as a friend with a steady state of mind.

Only Chen Feng would say such things that are just like molesting, but they have no intention of adultery.

Chen Feng suddenly took a step back, sang a fat man, and said with a smile: "If the girl doesn't dislike it, I will molest you a few more times after my birth."

Fairy Yuheng laughed and trembled again, and Chen Feng also laughed.

The pressure in my heart these days is gone.

Since he has become stronger and stronger, he is surrounded by people he wants to save, people who rely on him.

But there are few people who can make him laugh together, even stronger than him.

This feeling has not been felt in a long time.

After a while, Fairy Yuheng stopped, raised her eyebrows and looked at Chen Feng: "Breakthrough?"

Chen Feng nodded: "Six-star Wudi."

"How is the star veins condensed?"

With a slight movement in Chen Feng's heart, the Golden Sutra of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara revolves automatically.

Immediately, on the surface of his body, seven star veins emerged.

The seven star veins grew madly in an instant, not only appeared on Chen Feng's body, but also instantly formed seven star veins behind Chen Feng.

Like seven Tianhe hanging upside down!

Countless stars are undulating, magnificent and unusually bright.

At the same time, it exudes an extremely tyrannical atmosphere.

"Seven stars!"

Fairy Yuheng couldn't help but widened his eyes: "You just broke through a great realm, but you have condensed seven star veins?"

Fairy Yuheng showed an extremely shocking color in his eyes.

This was the first time Chen Feng saw this look on her face.

Even if she knew the situation in the Dragon Vessel Continent before, she was not shocked like this.

Chen Feng noticed something strange, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Why, is it special?"

"More than special! More than special!"

Fairy Yuheng walked around the place excitedly, and suddenly stepped forward and looked at Chen Feng with an extremely rare look: "Hahaha, Chen Feng, I really found a treasure!"

"I really found a treasure!"

"I have known for a long time that you are by no means ordinary. It must be very special to be able to make the golden reincarnation jade card drip blood to recognize the master!"

"But I didn't expect that the talent you showed at this time was so terrifying!"

She took a deep breath, calmed down, looked at Chen Feng, and said excitedly:

"Do you know that the number of star veins mainly depends on the height of the martial artist in the Martial Emperor realm."

"A person with average talent can condense a star vein for every level in the Martial Emperor Realm."

"Yes, not even one can be condensed, only half of it can be condensed."

"People with quite powerful talents can condense two star veins for every level."

"Ordinary young geniuses, one realm can condense three star veins."

"Even if they are the most geniuses, they can only condense five star veins at most!"

She paused and looked at Chen Feng and said, "You know, we are on the top of the sky, so it is said that in the past few years, during the nine-star martial emperor, how many star veins condensed the most, how many star veins?"

At this time, Chen Feng was also in a rush!

"My talent is so powerful?"

He said solemnly: "How many?"

Fairy Yuheng used a voice full of excitement and slowly uttered four words: "Forty-nine!"

"He is an infinite genius. Every realm of Emperor Wu realm can condense five star veins."

"And he is not reconciled to become a conversation with other geniuses."

"So, after I stepped into the Nine Star Martial Emperor, I was forced to pay the price of a lifetime of nine deaths with the mysterious method, and only four more condensed!"

"Achieving forty-nine articles is one of the extremes!"

"And this person, because of the forty-nine star veins, when the star soul was condensed, he soared into the sky, shocking the entire top of the sky."

"When he was still a powerful man in the Emperor Martial Realm, he was already favored by countless forces. Later, he gathered the Star Soul and shocked the world."

"Not only on the top of the sky, but also in the middle and thousand worlds to which he belongs, stirring up an infinite storm and achieving a generation of ancient power!"

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart trembled violently.

"Forty-nine star veins, with an average of each level, but only five condensed!"

"And I, at every level, can condense seven star veins, stronger than him!"

"What will happen to my future?"

At this moment, the sound from outside the door sounded, and Tianchou Beast Slave and Mei Wuxian walked in.

After learning about Chen Feng's situation, the two were shocked, but Chen Feng was extremely happy.

The celestial beast slave laughed loudly: "I knew that my eldest brother is a genius among the most talented ones!"

But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded outside.

"Chen Feng, beast slave, get out!"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Fairy Yuheng: "Is this here to find something?"

Fairy Yuheng covered her lips and smiled: "Presumably you have absorbed the power of those stars, making them unable to cultivate!"

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