Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4538: Big Dipper, the power of stars

And Chen Feng only has one month to prepare!

Mei Wuxia and Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng with worried expressions.

Chen Feng was relaxed, and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "It sounds like the ruler of heaven is like a terrifying and omnipotent mighty power."

"Grab us from the world and from all the worlds and put us in this **** arena."

"He is raising Gu!"

"And we are the Gu worms they raised!"

"He wants to choose the strongest Gu worm!"

Fairy Yuheng chuckled, "Chen Feng, you really understand."

"Yes, but this opportunity to be a Gu worm can't be grabbed by others!"

Chen Feng smiled freely: "Yes, everyone believes that he will become the strongest one!"

"These, you will learn more about it later."

"Go, take you to the place of our Beidou team."

After everyone calmed down the shock in their hearts, Fairy Yuheng led them forward.

In front of them, there are countless fairy mountains floating in the air.

The heights are staggered, distributed in a huge space with a radius of a million miles.

I don't know how many, densely packed, like stars in the sky.

The lower it is, the smaller and simpler it is.

And the closer it is to the upper level, the bigger it is.

The tallest ones are thousands of miles in radius, clouds and mists are lingering, immortal gas is transpiring, just like an immortal continent!

And the ones at the bottom were no more than one or two miles in radius, like a small barren mountain.

Everyone flew all the way up.

After Fairy Yuheng explained, Chen Feng and others knew that this fairy mountain was called a blessed land.

Blessed Land, on the top of the sky, is divided into nine ranks!

Nine-pin is the lowest and first-pin is the highest.

And the location of the Beidou team they are going to is the Beidou blessed land.

It is a blessed land of seven products.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and immediately understood.

I'm afraid, this means that the strength of the Beidou team is not top-notch on the top of the sky!

It is estimated that it is only moderate at best.

And Chen Feng and others also noticed that in this fairy mountain, there is another kind, the whole body is shrouded in black clouds.

Can't see the real face.

Among the dark clouds, there were more thunderous, violent storms, which seemed to be a restricted area for mortals, and no approach was allowed.

In this case, there are all kinds of fairy mountain blessed land.

Before everyone asked, Fairy Yuheng said, "These are the original masters of Xianshan, and they all died."

"This fairy mountain blessed land, after confirming that there is no owner, the Lord of Heaven will close it."

"Waiting for the arrival of the next destined person!"

When I talked, I got to one place.

It is about ten miles in radius and the scenery is quite beautiful.

A cliff stands thousands of people.

At the top of the cliff, there is a mountain road winding upward.

On the edge of the cliff, on a jade archway, two characters: Beidou!

"This is our fairy mountain."

Fairy Yuheng pointed to the plaque: "Beidou Fudi."

At the next moment, Fairy Yuheng held up the jade card of reincarnation.

Suddenly, between the two characters of Beidou, a blue light shrouded her reincarnation jade plate.

On the jade card of reincarnation, there was a crisp bang.

Then, a blue light surrounded the five people.

In an instant, the door opened wide, and the five people were swept in by the blue light.

However, at the moment of entering the door, everyone felt that there was such a moment of spinning.

When he wakes up again, the face and the foreground have already undergone tremendous changes.

This is actually an extremely beautiful valley.

It is a hundred miles long, and on both sides are towering cliffs. I don't know how high it is, and I can't see the end at a glance.

The spring water ding-dong, and the bamboo forest shelters it.

Above the cliff. There are green forests, wild flowers blooming, and fairy birds flying by from time to time, like a paradise.

In that gorge, a stream flows through, seeming to come from the top of the mountain.

The spring water dingdong.

On both sides of the stream, flowers are like brocades, and the grass grows with warblers.

The large tracts of peach forest, without a glance, spread towards the extreme distance.

The flowers bloom as beautiful as ten miles.

The radius of this valley is at least about a hundred miles.

It turns out that there is no cave inside, it is much bigger than it looks outside!

Moreover, not only that, as soon as Chen Feng came in, he immediately felt a refreshing green breath, pouring out from a distance.

Chen Feng almost thought it was an illusion that this green and misty breath appeared instantly and then disappeared in an instant.

However, that feeling let him know that this is by no means an illusion.

This clear and misty breath is completely different from aura.

It is extremely gentle, but it contains a terrifying and huge extremely powerful force.

After entering Chen Feng's body, this power made him feel uncomfortable.

The whole body is as if soaked in the best liquid medicine.

The tens of thousands of pores all over her body were relaxed and unspeakable.

Chen Feng looked up and saw huge powers floating under the sky.

This kind of power is huge, like a giant whale, like an island, ups and downs.

Huge and terrifying.

And this clear and misty breath radiated from these enormous powers.

"This kind of green breath..."

Chen Feng was surprised: "No matter how powerful aura is, I don't feel that way! What is this?"

"This is Xingchen Qingqi."

Fairy Yu Heng said: "The clear energy of the stars is emitted by the power of the stars, which is higher than the spiritual energy by many levels."

Chen Feng suddenly.

Presumably, those huge forces above the sky are the power of stars.

This is completely different from the breath of the Dragon Vein Continent.

The power level is much higher than the aura on the Dragon Vein Continent, etc., I don’t know how much!

Fairy Yuheng said: "The bigger the blessed land, the more the power of the stars in it, and the stronger the clear energy of the stars, and the faster you practice."

"Our Seven-Rank Blessed Land contains about five or six hundred powers of stars."

The power of the stars is the power of the core of the stars.

It is also extremely rare in the universe, but a very special force.

This kind of power has a very high level, and no amount of spiritual energy can compare with the power of the stars of doubt.

Because the two do not exist on the same level at all.

Absorbing the power of the stars is of great help to cultivation.

Not to mention that there is no Small Thousand World, even in the Middle Thousand World, it is quite rare.

The strength of the stars is also an extremely important reason for the warriors on the top of the sky to be so strong and so high!

While speaking, Chen Feng suddenly felt that more than a dozen powerful auras rose up in the valley.

And there are three of them, the most powerful and overwhelming.

This kind of momentum makes him unable to control his realm at all!

The strength in the body is directly stimulated and also rises.

It's just that, compared with the three powerful auras, it is far worse.

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