Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4526: The trouble is coming!

"Fairy Yuheng is back?"

"Yuheng, I looked for you a few days ago but you were not there. Next time I call you, let's go to Xuanwu Zhongqian World! I got a treasure map, there may be a branch of ancient relics!"

"Fairy Yuheng, I recently got a batch of treasures, I don't know if I would rather be interested?"

From time to time, someone greeted Fairy Yuheng.

There is a person with a strong strength and an aura comparable to her, who sent an invitation to Fairy Yuheng.

Fairy Yuheng nodded with a smile, and took the conversation one by one.

She is obviously on the top of the sky, with a wide range of friends and strong contacts.

And everyone is quite confidant of her, knowing her strength.

At the top of the sky, the status is definitely not low,

Of course, there are also some people who obviously have a bad relationship with Fairy Yuheng, and they have had a bad relationship.

After meeting her, he suddenly uttered bad words.

"Oh, how many newcomers did your Beidou team get?"

"Our newcomer died fast!"

Some people even looked at the three of Chen Feng jokingly: "Let's bet, how long can these three people live?"

"After I bet for a month, they are all dead!"

"Haha, I want to place this bet too, I was ahead of you, then forget it, I'll bet on the 20th!"

These people have malicious faces, but they are also sober enough to make Chen Feng and others aware of one thing.

The top of the sky is definitely not a paradise!

The people here are very strong, but each one is extremely cruel, cruel, and vicious!

Fairy Yuheng chuckled suddenly, looked at the crowd and asked:

"Are you wondering why so many people here are so strong, and all of them look fierce and surly, but there is no conflict?"

Chen Feng and others nodded.

"Because, in accordance with the rules set by the Lord of Heaven, private fights are absolutely forbidden on the top of the sky."

"Whoever dares to do anything here will directly obliterate those who are provoking and provoking things."

It is the rule of heaven again!

Obliteration again!

This is the second time Chen Feng has heard the name and the word in Fairy Yuheng.

Could it be that the Lord of Heaven is so powerful that it can wipe out warriors of any level at every turn?

"Then, who is the Lord of Heaven?"

The Tiancun Beast Slave had already asked Chen Feng's question.

"What is the rule of heaven?"

Fairy Yuheng took a deep breath:

"Heaven rules, everywhere, omnipotence!"

"Everything here is controlled by him!"

"The cultivator who violates the rules set by him will be directly obliterated! The death is extremely miserable!"

"Everything on the top of the sky is dominated by him!"

Mei Wuxia dared not say anything: "Has no one thought of resisting?"

"Resist? Who can resist? Who dares to resist?"

Fairy Yuheng sneered and said: "I'm afraid, all the people on the top of the sky are not the opponents of the dominion of heaven!"

Chen Feng and others took a breath!

God dominates, what kind of existence is this?

It's so terrifying!

Fairy Yuheng said: "If you stay for a long time in the future, you will naturally know that the way of heaven is powerful."

Mei Wuxia said: "It's just that the people here are so strong. If conflicts are inevitable, wouldn't it be resolved?"

"That's a good question."

Fairy Yuheng said: "Actually, it's not impossible to fight."

"But if you want to fight, you need a treasure."

"What treasure?"

"Iron Blood Banner Order!"

Fairy Yuheng spit out five words.

"This iron-blooded banner order is extremely precious, even if I don't have one here, even if there are only a few in each team."

"As long as you have a treasure like the Iron-Blooded Banner, you can challenge others."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Can't I not accept it?"

"of course can."

Fairy Yuheng laughed and said, "However, if you don't accept it, then you will be a big-name grandson, and everyone will be deceived."

"More importantly, you have to pay ten chalcedony pieces to the other party!"

Chen Feng and the others already knew that chalcedony of heaven was similar to the dragon blood amethyst brought by dragon veins.

Extremely precious, it is the hardest hard currency.

Generally, even a strong person who has been on the top of the sky for a few years may not be able to get a few.

Chen Feng and others looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

They haven't seen the chalcedony of Heaven's Dao now. If they encounter such a thing, it will be bad and they can only fight.

Fairy Yuheng smiled: "You don't need to worry too much."

"This kind of iron-blooded banner order, after using it, if the opponent accepts a challenge."

"Then the Iron-Blooded Banner Order will be broken directly and can only be used once."

"And if the other party does not accept the challenge, he will lose ten yuan of chalcedony from the person who took the initiative to challenge."

"The number of uses of the Iron-Blooded Banner Order is once consumed, and it can be used twice."

Tiancun Beast Slave asked: "That is to say, if the opponent does not accept the challenge, the Iron-Blood Banner Order can only be used three times."

Fairy Yuheng nodded: "That's right."

Chen Feng suddenly said, "In fact, the value of an iron-blooded banner is far more than thirty pieces of chalcedony?"

Fairy Yuheng chuckled, "Yes, that's the reason."

"Take Chen Feng as an example. After the other party uses the Iron-Blooded Banner Order, even if it kills you, the benefits you might get are not as valuable as the Iron-Blooded Banner Order."

"Even if they have this thing, unless they have a deep hatred, they won't fight with you."

She didn't say the next thing.

But Chen Feng and others already understood what it meant.

"The reason why the opponent does not fight you is not because of how strong you are, but because you are too weak!"

"If I defeat you, even if I kill you? The benefits are not as good as the price of an iron-blooded banner!"

Some people do decapitative transactions, and no one does loss-making transactions.

This feeling made Chen Feng feel weak, and the flame in his heart was burning, and the desire to become stronger became stronger!

Fairy Yuheng smiled and said: "Actually, there is a force on the top of the sky, and he likes to fight with others."

"However, I know that they have collectively entered a certain world to explore a large-scale secret realm and search for a treasure in the legend."

"It's impossible to come back within two months."

"That's why I took you in."

Chen Feng and others were shocked when they heard this.

"How powerful is this power! Even Fairy Yuheng needs to avoid him?"

Suddenly, an arrogant man's voice came from ahead: "Yuheng, I haven't seen you for many days, don't come here without any problems?"

When Fairy Yuheng heard the words, her face suddenly changed.

Her voice condensed, and a stern look appeared on her face: "Now, the trouble is coming."

About a dozen people came across.

The leader, dressed in black robes, can't be considered ugly, and even quite masculine, revealing an indescribable domineering attitude.

Facing him, Chen Feng had a feeling of facing Xiahou Jiuyuan.

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