Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4522: Deja vu

The cold wind is blowing and the air currents are fluttering.

"These winds..."

Chen Feng's pupils shrank.

Because he saw that as the wind blew, countless cracks appeared in that space.

To be precise, the wind even directly shattered this space.

Not only did the space cracks were scraped out, but the space was directly broken into pieces!

Chen Feng couldn't help being shocked: "The gang wind outside the Dragon Vessel Continent is strong enough, but compared with this gang wind, it counts nothing."

The streamer red golden crane was not afraid, and rushed directly into the wind.

Facing these powerful and fierce winds, the streamer Chi Jinhe exudes a cloud of light around his body.

After contacting this light, those gang winds couldn't break through.

There is no danger to everyone.

"see it?"

Fairy Yuheng pointed to these gang winds: "This is the real danger."

"We are now at the lowest level of Gangfeng, but it is estimated that with your cultivation base, you will not take more than ten breaths after entering, I am afraid that you will be crushed."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "You are exalting us."

He stretched out three fingers: "Three breaths, there is no doubt about death."

Fairy Yuheng lowered his eyebrows: "Many people want to go to the top of the sky."

"No, to be precise, it is the people of the entire desolate ancient ruins. Anyone who knows the top of the sky wants to come here."

"And any powerful warrior in any world, anyone who knows the top of the sky will also find ways to get here."

"A lot of people have come, but there is no one in a billion who can climb to the top of the sky!"

Chen Feng nodded.

He couldn't help but rejoice in his heart.

Before Chen Feng, he was thinking of chasing the top of the sky, and had the idea that he must come here.

But now it seems that even if I can find this place by chance, it is absolutely impossible to set foot on it.

If it weren't for Fairy Yuheng, I'm afraid I would miss the great opportunity of the top of the sky.

The more you go up, the more bitter the wind is.

Even the clouds around the body of the streamer Chi Jinhe began to shrink gradually.

Just guarding the body, and Chen Feng and others.

But even so, Yunxia was constantly impacted by the wind, and even slowly began to appear cracks.

Chen Feng estimated that even the Jiuxing Wudi would definitely not be able to bear this kind of bitter wind.

At least, Chen Feng was very convinced.

If Xiahou Jiuyuan's level came here, it would take less than ten breaths to be directly shattered by these winds, and his death would be miserable.

However, in the face of such a harsh wind, there were only slight scratches on this mountain.

Numerous scratches formed old marks, but there was no damage.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, and there was a soft click.

The red clouds surrounding the red golden crane even began to appear damaged.

But at this time, everyone has already seen the top of the mountain and will soon arrive!

In the next moment, the red clouds and clouds smashed.

Everyone was directly exposed to the wind.

And the streamer red golden crane was also a maneuver, which came out of the gang wind dangerously and dangerously, and landed on the top of the mountain!

On the top of the mountain is a platform with a radius of about a hundred miles.

On the platform, there is nothing but a door.

A huge arch!

It is ten thousand meters high and the arch is extremely simple and unpretentious. It seems to be artificially carved, but it feels simple and natural.

Said it is an arch, it is like a huge stone pillar being bent over and placed here!

Simple and rough, but full of ancient desolation!

Seeing this huge archway, Chen Feng suddenly trembled in his heart, and a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, Chen Feng seemed to fall into endless memories.

He felt his brain be stunned.

It's like, this door, I have seen it countless times in my dreams.

It seems that this door is extremely familiar to him.

I know that this is part of my life once!

Chen Feng looked at this door with idiotic eyes, and for a moment he was lost!

At this moment, he felt as if something was cracking quietly in his body, deep in his soul.

It was as if the seal was broken.

Like the grass after the rain, it quietly opened the rocks, bathed in the sun and dew, ready to start growing.

Beside, Fairy Yuheng glanced at Chen Feng faintly, her eyes flashed, she didn't say anything, just waved her hand.

Then he grabbed everyone, jumped from the back of the streamer red gold crane, and landed on the mountain top platform.

She was very dissatisfied and complained: "The rules set by the top of the sky are really enough to toss people."

"Every time you bring a new person in and out, it's like dying."

Mei Wuxia smiled, and she found that Fairy Yuheng was different from other people on the top of the sky.

The other people on the top of the sky are full of awe and fear for the top of the sky, and they dare not say much.

Fairy Yuheng is quite indifferent.

She dared to say a lot, and often complained, and seemed to be less scrupulous than others.

This sentence also awakened Chen Feng directly.

However, he clearly felt the throbbing and strange changes in his body and soul.

Chen Feng sighed slightly, looked at the huge arch in front of him, and said in his heart:

"The top of the sky, what kind of connection does the top of the sky have to me?"

Chen Feng vaguely felt that this top of the sky seemed to be familiar!

He felt it carefully. To be precise, it was not the familiar feeling on the top of the sky.

The top of the sky is still cold and cruel, but inside this top of the sky, there seems to be a thread of care and opportunity of its own!

Everyone moves forward.

On the platform, there is no more wind, but there are dark red spots everywhere.

Has long since dried up.

There are countless traces of knives and axes, as if this was once an ancient battlefield.

The Tianchou Beast Slave pointed to the huge arch: "This is the top of the sky? A door?"

Fairy Yuheng smiled mysteriously, but didn't talk.

She whistled softly, and the two huge paws of the streamer red golden crane stepped on the ground and walked forward behind her.

Soon, the four of them came to the archway.

This 10,000-meter arch is extremely oppressive at this time.

And Chen Feng also saw that in the archway, there seemed to be faintly gleaming.

He raised his brows, thoughtfully.

Fairy Yuheng threw out a rope, the whole body was golden, shining brightly.

After that, he tied the rope to his waist, and let the three of them tied to their waists.

It is strange to say that after the rope was tied up, it suddenly contracted slowly.

Chen Feng only felt that the binding was extremely secure, and he couldn't get rid of it anyway.

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