Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4517: The strange dragon continent!

"You guys taste it later, this guy is so delicious that people can't wait to swallow it with their tongue!"

Everyone looked at each other.

"In order to have a delicious bite, go directly to another world at every turn? Traveling through time and space to another world?"

"What cultivation level is this? What realm is this?"

It has exceeded everyone's imagination.

And at this time, her image was far from the powerful and invincible appearance in the chat and laugh before.

Mei Wuxia chuckled her lips and said, "After a long time, you will know."

"Our eldest sister, in addition to eating and sleeping every day, this meal time is a rare time for her to enjoy."

Fairy Yuheng laughed and did not answer.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he tore off the greasy and cracked hind legs, and feasted on them.

However, even if she is so eager, she still gives people a very elegant and beautiful feeling.

Everyone also started to eat.

After an hour, Chen Feng had seen the appetite of Fairy Yuheng.

This monster beast, which looks like a wild boar, has one or two hundred catties of meat for every head.

Together, they ate more than fifty heads.

Fairy Yuheng alone ate as many as thirty.

Finally, Fairy Yuheng patted his stomach and hiccuped, still intently still in his eyes.

"Eating is seventy percent full."

"Forget it, don't eat so much for now. Anyway, I will be back to the top of the sky tomorrow. There will be more delicious food there. Save some stomach for tomorrow."

After that, he got up and stretched.

"Hey, do you know! In fact, what makes me most happy about entering the top of the sky is not the increase in strength, nor the infinite possibilities for the future!"


She looked serious and said: "I can eat delicious food from all over the world!"

Everyone smiled.

"You're all full, right? Then let's go?"

Fairy Yuheng waved his hand and called the red condor.

She pointed to the red condor: "This is the streamer red golden crane."

After that, he patted the neck of the streamer Chi Jinhe: "Sister He, this way is up to you."

Streaming Chi Jinhe raised his neck proudly, and lowered his head to trim Ricoh's feathers.

The group went up to the streamer red golden crane, and Chen Feng, Han Yuer, and Qingqiu had a goodbye.

Then, the streamer red golden crane swiftly left the palace in the tree.

Turning around in this mist, he hurried outward.

But in half an hour, this misty area was out.

Chen Feng was shocked secretly in his heart.

After the Shadow Giant Wolf entered, at least one or two days of walking, and she only spent half an hour, which means that her speed is at least dozens of times or even nearly a hundred times faster than the Shadow Giant Wolf.

Moreover, even though the streamer red golden crane is extremely fast, the feathers on the surface of its body form a very mysterious arc when it is flying.

Everyone felt no cold at all.

The upper part is also extremely spacious, and Fairy Yuheng leaned there, lying lazily, without any demeanor at all.

At the same time, she did not know where to turn out a lot of food, lying there to feast.

Looking at the three of Chen Feng, they suddenly said: "Speaking of which, in the Dragon Vein Continent, it should have been only a few people who have entered the top of the sky."

"At least, not in nearly 100,000 years."

Chen Feng asked: "Why?"

"Very simple."

Fairy Yuheng shrugged: "Anyone who can enter the top of the sky and come out smoothly."

"In your Dragon Vein Continent, you can definitely be regarded as the top talent. It is impossible not to leave any traces."

She said it for granted, and Chen Feng and others agreed.

Entering the top of the sky is equivalent to entering a new world.

Going back to the Dragon Vessel Continent, it really is like scorning the world.

Fairy Yuheng seemed to be interested, and then said, "You should also know that the Dragon Vein Continent is just a small thousand world."

"Three thousand small thousand worlds belong to one middle thousand world."

"Three thousand in a thousand worlds, it is another big thousand world."

"The majority of the people on the top of the sky are from the middle-thousand worlds, and there are very few people from the small-thousand worlds like you."

"After all, the bigger the world, the more geniuses, and the higher the starting point of cultivation."

"The resources for cultivation are more abundant. The upper limit of cultivation is also higher."

"The chance of coming here is also greater. You will know how difficult it is to enter the top of the sky in a few days!"

His words shocked everyone, as if opening a new world.

They had never touched these things before.

"It turns out that our Dragon Vein Continent is just a small thousand world, and only three thousand small thousand worlds belong to a middle thousand world!"

"It's just that we have never seen the people in the world!"

Everyone was fascinated by it, and Chen Feng was also interested.

He knows more or less because of the many reasons he has experienced, but what he knows is not so detailed at all.

Having said this, Fairy Yuheng covered her mouth and smiled embarrassedly:

"It's my old tune again. Someone should tell you this passage, and you should know it very clearly."


Chen Feng suddenly understood what she meant!


Chen Feng interrupted her when he stretched out his hand, frowning and said, "Fairy Yuheng, you mean, should I know these things?"

"Or, those top powerhouses in our Dragon Vein Continent should all know?"

"Of course you should all know."

Fairy Yuheng looked at him, very strange:

"When your strength reaches a certain level, the Zhongqian world above you will naturally send people to come and guide you."

"At the same time, I will tell you something about the Middle Thousand World and the Little Thousand World."

"Also, I will teach you some martial arts and martial arts to prepare you for entering the Middle Thousand World!"

She looked like she took it for granted.

It seems that this kind of thing is normal for Zhongqian World and Xiaoqian World.

Chen Feng's heart beat fiercely, and there was an extreme palpitations in his heart!

He felt that he might have discovered some incredible secret!

He stared at Fairy Yuheng, eyes unblinking, and said in a trembling voice: "Fairy Yuheng, are you sure that this will happen when you reach the top position in the world of Xiaoqian?"

"Of course, of course it will be like this!"

"I don't want to hide it from you. I came from a big family in the mid-thousand world, and I was the messenger of our family and went to a small-thousand world."

Fairy Yuheng talked freely:

"At the beginning, our family left several servants in that Little Thousand World. Later, they developed into the most powerful and powerful sect in that Little Thousand World."

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