Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4508: Top of the sky

"However, this is a deserted ancient ruin again. It is good if you don't wear it here or lower your realm. I am in this state, I am afraid that I can't recover by my own strength, and I need a strong enough pill to restore my state! "

Chen Feng now needs an extremely powerful healing medicine to recover himself.

"However, we are going to the black market next."

"In the black market, there should be a strong enough pill. Don't worry about this."

"It's just that the price paid is greater than I expected before!"

Chen Feng felt a strong smell of blood every time he breathed.

However, he didn't show the slightest on the surface, but looked at Feng Wanmon with a faint smile: "Why are you running?"

"I heard that your summoners treat summoned monsters as family members."

"Aren't you family members?"

"All three of them are going to die here? Are you running?"

Chen Feng shook his head, clapped his hands, and smiled leisurely:

"Family, the most important thing is neatness."

Tiancun Beast Slave laughed directly.

Feng Wan Beast, Angry Flame Thunder Tiger, etc. are all miserable and extremely complicated.

It's neat and tidy now, just one death and three injuries.

Moreover, people are knives and I am fish.

Chen Feng slowly approached Feng Wan Beast.

Feng Wanmon's eyes showed a touch of horror: "You, what are you going to do?"

"Feng Wan Beast, you will beat and kill me as soon as you come up."

"Ask what am I doing now?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Is it too stupid?"

Feng Wanmon snarled: "Chen Feng, if you dare to hurt me, my brother will never spare you!"

"Do you know who my brother is? He is a top powerhouse from the top of the sky! I am his brother!"


People on top of the sky?

Chen Feng heard this and raised his eyebrows.

He was not familiar with these four words before the top of the sky.

However, I have been familiar with it since three days ago.

Before coming to the desolate ancient ruins, he specifically inquired with Elder Xuanyuan Xiaoyue.

He can say as much as he can about the so-called situation where everything he wants.

Elder Xuanyuan Xiaoyue, although unable to reveal the details to him, but told him that this place is called: the top of the sky!

But most of those who enter there don't know what to end.

And a small number of people who can survive and come out are all terrifying to the extreme.

And has all kinds of magical abilities that are hard to speak.

As if all of them were experiencing adventures inside.

Chen Feng was originally very curious about the top of the sky.

He desperately wants to know what the truth is about this place. He wants to know why all his wishes come true here, and why all the things he wants can be found there?

He wants to go there and find the Hundred Ghosts Nightstalking Soul Calling Sutra. He wants to save Bai Shanshui, Jiang Yuechun and others...

All of this must fall on the top of the sky.

But now, Chen Feng's curiosity and desire for the top of the sky have suddenly increased several times.

If it was originally just curiosity, now it is ten percent curiosity, plus ten percent desire!

Because, what happened in the space tunnel made Chen Feng unprecedented, even eager, with an extreme thirst for strength!

He wants to pursue to get the strongest strength, he will never experience that kind of desperation, there is no way, can only wait for death!

To protect the people around you, guard everything that is worth protecting!

"Chen Feng, are you afraid? If you are afraid, let me go!"

Seeing Chen Feng's movement stopped, Feng Wanmon's eyes flashed with pride and screamed.

Chen Feng was only interested in this top of the sky, but he didn't expect Feng Wan Beast to think that Chen Feng was afraid of hearing his brother's background.

Chen Feng smiled lightly: "Then you, just tell everything you know about the top of the sky."

Feng Wanmon sneered: "Chen Feng, do you think I'm stupid?"

"You think I don't know, telling the secret there, the whole person will live and die in an instant? Why am I so stupid?"

Chen Feng smiled brilliantly: "It's okay to say nothing."

His hand dropped slowly again.

"Then I will kill you now!"

Without any hesitation, I simply took the photo.

Feng Wanmon's eyes showed extreme disbelief and horror: "You, you actually dare to kill me? Are you afraid of my brother?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "I was just curious about the top of the sky, so I wanted to know more from your mouth."

"As for your brother? What is it?"

Feng Wanmon could feel that what Chen Feng said was absolutely true.

He has no fear of his brother at all, and if he doesn't say it, he will definitely die!

Feng Wanmon begged with a full face: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I really can't talk about the top of the sky!"

He no longer had the arrogance and domineering he was just now.

He suddenly thought of something, and said: "I, I will be a dog for you, can I be a dog for you?"

He knelt to the ground, repeatedly kowtow and wagging his tail begging for mercy.

Chen Feng was stunned. He didn't expect Feng Wanmon to have such shame.

After a while, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I just said, you are not worthy!"

Then, a palm fell!

Feng Wanmon's eyes dimmed instantly.

He stared at Chen Feng, his eyes full of regret: "Why should I come to kill you? Why should I seek my own death?"

When his head crooked, it was dead and thorough.

Chen Feng looked at the Tianchou Beast Slave and pointed at the Angry Flame Thunder Tiger: "Is it still possible to be tamed?"

This time, one of the important purposes for Chen Feng and the Tiancun Beast Slave to come to this desolate ancient ruin was to find a strong enough monster for the Tiancun Beast Slave to tame it.

That's why Chen Feng asked this question.

Tiancun Beast Slave shook his head.

Needless to say, the giant thick earth bear is completely dead.

As for the other one, his strength is weak and he has been severely injured, even if he is healed, he doesn't have much combat power.

The Tianchou Beast Slave pointed at the Angry Flame Thunder Tiger, with a pity on his face, and smashed his mouth.

Chen Feng understood what he meant.

The Rage Flame Thunder Tiger is strong enough, the realm is high enough, and has powerful attack methods, it is really an excellent choice.

But a pity, because the beast whip was used before.

As a result, the angry flame Thunder Tiger hated Chen Feng and the Tianchou Beast Slave, and it was impossible to tame it.

Since they can't be tamed, they can only be killed.

Chen Feng sighed slightly, ready to do it.

But when he glanced over the three ancient Ming beasts, he suddenly felt that two of them were familiar.

"Why am I familiar? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen them before!"

It's normal to think about it. If Chen Feng had seen this level before, he wouldn't be alive anymore.

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