Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4495: The price of use!

For a while, Chen Feng felt his heart beating like a drum and blood flowing like a river. His heart was so uncomfortable that he almost vomited blood!

It seems that the body cannot bear it!

The power of Qi Yun in his body also began to flow.

There seems to be a hidden danger of disintegration!

The power of luck has begun to be unstable!

Chen Feng's heart shuddered and quickly stopped this momentum.

Because he knew what the consequences would be if it continued.

Chen Feng panted heavily, and still had a lingering fear in his eyes.

After a while, he slowly came over and sighed softly.

"Sure enough, this power is not so easy to get."

He now fully knows what happened to the latest six big stars!

It turns out that this newly condensed six big stars are called hidden stars.

It is different from the seven big stars that Chen Feng got before.

The power of this hidden star does not mean that it can be used when used.

Chen Feng can indeed use it, but once used it will put a heavy burden on the body.

Unless you have a very high-level spirit pill, you can quickly recover your body, otherwise you can only recuperate slowly for a month to recover your vitality.

"It can be used once a month, and the time used this time is..."

Chen Feng sighed: "It depends on the power of luck!"

That's right, if Chen Feng wants to use this power, he needs to directly burn the power of Qi Yun!

The longer the energy of Qi Luck burns, the longer the energy that can be used!

"Burning a force of air transport, can hold on to ten breaths!"

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This price is really big enough, how can I be willing to use this power of luck."

Of course, Chen Feng was joking.

When the critical moment is truly reached, even if it is necessary to burn luck, he must not hesitate.

"Although the price paid is great, but!"

There was a hint of excitement in Chen Feng's eyes: "If the power of 13 stars can be exploded together!"

"That kind of power will be so terrible to imagine!"

A look of expectation appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he slowly clenched his fists:

"Burning the power of Qi Luck, I will have 390 billion jin of power, and I will use it at will!"

"390 billion catties of power!"

"I'm afraid Qixing Wudi is not my opponent in the early days!"

"Within one cup of tea time, in the early stage of slaying Emperor Wudi Qixing, it's no problem!"

At this moment, Chen Feng was extremely excited.

Although there are many restrictions, he is still very satisfied with the result of absorbing the power of luck this time!

After he used it, he could briefly reach the level of Seven-Star Martial Emperor, which was extremely meaningful to Chen Feng!

If you use it well, it will turn the tide of battle!

At this time, Stealing Heaven God Pill was already much smaller than when Chen Feng first took it out.

Probably only about 70% of the time when it was first refined.

This also means that Chen Feng just absorbed about 10% of the God Stealing Pill.

Chen Feng nodded slowly, knowing in his heart: "If this Heaven Stealing God Pill is completely absorbed, it should be able to make the stars in my body reach at least fifty!"

"More, it may be a little difficult!"

Chen Feng cast his gaze to the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave on the opposite side.

But immediately frowned.

It turned out that the situation of the Tiancun Beast Slave was very bad at this time.

After the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave used the Heaven Stealing Divine Pill, the power of luck in his body also began to emerge.

But, for some reason, it didn't come out of the body.

It is floating in his heart!

Those who were attracted by the Heaven Stealing God Pill, the strands of aura power also began to rush towards the Heavenly Candid Beast Slave.

This is the power of luck that Chen Feng assigned to him.

But at this time, Chen Feng discovered that these powers of aura lingered for a long time outside the body of the Celestial Canal Beast Slave, and they could not enter at all.

Yes, you can't enter, and you can't be absorbed by him!

The Tiancun Beast Slave was extremely anxious. At this time, his emotions were extremely unstable, and there was even a sign of confusion.

Not only that, but the power of Qi Luck that had lingered outside his body for a long time and couldn't enter was also very angry at this time.

These forces of luck are extremely temperamental.

In their opinion, the uncle appreciates the face, wants to strengthen you, and merges into your body. You even let us get in?

With these forces of luck, Chen Feng felt anger coming from them, even with murderous emotions!

It has already begun to attack the body of the Tiancun Beast Slave until it is destroyed!

When Chen Feng saw it, his heart jumped.

He slapped the Celestial Remnant Beast Slave's shoulder fiercely, and shouted sharply: "Release your energy of luck!"

The Tiancun Beast Slave was originally anxious and embarrassed, and he was hesitating and helpless.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, he instinctively followed orders.

Without hesitation, it is to release the only force of luck.

Chen Feng patted the Celestial Beast Slave with one hand, and with the other hand, his power of air luck quietly came out, comforting these scattered strands of air luck.

Then, he began to observe why the Tiancun Beast Slave would be like this.

After a while, Chen Feng shook his head and understood the reason.

In fact, it's not that Tiancun Beast Slave can't absorb the power of Qi Yun, it's just that the power of ordinary Qi Yun cannot be absorbed.

He can only absorb some specific forces of luck!

For example, that represents the power of aura emanating from countless monsters.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and carefully sensed the power of those special luck.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Chen Feng saw one of those tiny strands of air force like cow hair.

This force of luck is different from the others.

The whole body is colorful and colorful, and there is an extreme jealousy inside, which is derived from the ferocity and wildness in the bones.

Just like the monster beast that has never been domesticated!

"You are the one!"

Chen Feng's heart moved.

This is exactly the power of luck that contains the luck of thousands of monsters!

It is a strand, not a strand.

This strand is probably only one-fifth of one strand!

Chen Feng led this subtle force of Qi Luck, and slowly merged towards the force of Qi Luck released by the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave.

He did not directly let this ray of air transport power into the body of the Tianchou Beast Slave, but let him merge with the existing air transport power of the Tianchou Beast Slave.

This time, it went smoothly, without any accidents.

Soon, it was integrated into the power of Qi Luck.

This also increased the strength of the Qi Luck of the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave by about one-fifth.

Then, Chen Feng continued to help him find and absorb.

It's just that this kind of power of aura that contains the breath of beasts is extremely rare.

It took Chen Feng two hours to help him absorb the five strands.

With a loud bang, the power of this aura suddenly doubled.

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