Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4490: You will definitely come!

This yellow scroll is quite pocket-sized and cute, with a sense of vicissitudes.

After Chen Feng took the yellow paper roll, the little red bird jumped on his shoulder.

This little guy is strange and very familiar.

Standing on Chen Feng's shoulders, he was very invisible.

He also stretched out a long beak to comb Chen Feng's hair.

It's rather well-behaved.

It was just this scene that made Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul and Blood Wind watch it, but it was very uncomfortable.

Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul seemed to be very dissatisfied that the little red bird had occupied his space.

The figure bounced up and bared his teeth towards the little red bird!

And the blood wind broke free from Han Yuer's arms, staring at this side, there was a roar in his throat.

Although these two guys also often fight and dislike each other.

But at this time, facing the outsider, Little Red Bird, he suddenly became angry with the enemy.

Looking at this posture, you are going to fight with your arms!

Chen Feng shook his head and laughed: "These two guys."

Just when these two guys were about to pounce on and show the new foreigner a little bit of color.

Suddenly, a flame rose up from the little red bird.

No fire spontaneously.

In an instant, the little red bird burned out, leaving no ashes.

It just melted into nothingness.

Zhu Jiuyin Martial Spirit and Blood Wind were rushing towards them, but they were completely empty.

The two guys slammed into each other suddenly, and their faces were stunned.

Especially Blood Wind, stretched out his chubby paws to cover his head, and did not recover for a while.

Chen Feng looked at it and sighed softly.

He naturally knows the origin of this little red bird.

This was not a powerful monster, it was just a paper bird made of paper, but it was used to deliver messages.

Chen Feng's eyes were deep: "A paper bird can cross the void of the universe."

"Shuttle through the world, break open space, and come here."

"So, how strong is the person who gave this bird a short life, and the person who cast this spell?"

"at least……"

Chen Feng asked himself, he must not be able to do it.

As for whether Xiahou Jiuyuan can do it, Chen Feng feels uncertain.

Chen Feng settled down and opened the yellow paper roll.

The yellow paper roll is only half a foot long and about three fingers wide. There is no word on it, only a piece of golden quicksand.

As the yellow paper roll opened, golden quicksand quietly spilled out.

Then, a picture was formed directly in the air, lifelike.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly widened.

It turned out that he actually saw a familiar voice in that picture.

No, it should be a familiar figure and an unfamiliar figure to be precise.

These two people appeared inside.

As if in a huge tree hole.

One of them is Mei Wuxian.

She looked at Chen Feng with a look of helplessness on her face, and said with a bitter smile: "Brother Chen Feng, I didn't want to disturb you."

"She forced me to write to you."

After all, he cocked his mouth to the side.

The person next to him was a woman in a red skirt.

He is tall, with a face like ice and snow, and generous.

At a glance, it makes people feel unspeakably sunny.

She looked at Chen Feng and smiled heartily: "Chen Feng, we meet again."

After saying this, Chen Feng instinctively prepared to nod.

Because he discovered that this woman seemed very familiar to him.

There is a very familiar and close aura in the two of them, it seems that they are the same kind of people.

But the next moment, he suddenly realized: "This woman and I have never seen each other!"

However, what the woman in the red dress said, Chen Feng did not feel abrupt.

Because although he was very sure, he had never seen her before, but at this time he felt like an old friend reunited!

It’s all right to say ‘we meet again’.

Seems to be an old friend!

The woman in the red dress smiled and said: "Chen Feng, I know, you haven't seen me, but you should also be able to feel that you and I are the same kind of people."

"Actually, I observed you the last time you came to the deserted ruins."

Chen Feng sighed.

No wonder last time, he always felt a sense of being spied on in his heart.

The woman in the red dress gave Chen Feng the feeling of mysterious, powerful and terrifying.

But she didn't expect that this time Mei couldn't go to the deserted ancient ruins and bumped into her.

Chen Feng didn't know what happened between the two.

The woman in the red dress looked at Chen Feng and said lightly, "Chen Feng, I won't hide anything with you."

"I want you to take a trip to the ancient ruins."

"do not worry……"

She patted Mei Wuxie next to her: "I am not such a despicable and shameless person, so I will not threaten you with her."

"I only tell you a word!"

She pursed her mouth lightly, her eyes filled with confidence: "I am sure that after I say this, you will come!"

Hearing this, the expression on Chen Feng's face remained unchanged, still faint.

However, his heart beat fiercely.

Suddenly there was a guess in his heart: "Could it be that it was what she wanted to attract me?"

The next moment, the woman in the red dress smiled and said, "At the core of the deserted ancient ruins, there is everything you want!"

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart suddenly jumped!

A heart beat violently!

The blood flow accelerated instantly, and his face was a little red.

This sentence again!

This sentence again!

"There is everything I want! Everything I can get!"

How similar are these words to what Xuanyuan Xiaoyue said back then?

"All wishes can be realized there!"

"Everything you want can be found there!"

"Yes, yes, the secret that the woman in the red dress said is exactly the secret that Elder Xuanyuan Xiaoyue wanted to say but didn't dare to say!"

Endless curiosity surged in Chen Feng's heart.

There is no doubt that the woman in the red dress is far superior to Xuanyuan Xiaoyue in terms of strength, pattern, realm knowledge, etc.

Even she said, there can be everything you want, everything can be obtained!

There is a place where all wishes come true!

"Then, what exactly is it?"

Chen Feng couldn't even imagine what kind of place it was!

This kind of place is beyond the limit of his imagination.

However, this place also made Chen Feng extremely curious.

In addition to curiosity, it is also indescribable excitement.

Elder Xuanyuan Xiaoyue would not lie to him.

The woman in the red skirt, although Chen Feng has never met, there is a familiarity and closeness in his bones.

They all say that, which means that you can really get everything you want in that place!

Chen Feng thought of the Hundred Ghosts Night Calling Souls, which he had searched for for a long time and had disappeared in the Dragon Vessel Continent for years.

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