Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4487: Great Demon Head!

The next moment, the heart was beating, as if there was something to discover.

After a few full turns around the Bahuang Hall, the golden winged dragon eagle stopped.

Hover in the place facing the Bahuang Hall.

Chen Feng let out a sigh of breath, but the shock in his heart could not be added.

Because, he has already seen the clues of the truth and futility in the Eight Desolation Hall.

Obviously, Tiancun Beast Slave could see it too.

The expression on his face was extremely excited, and he said loudly: "Brother Chen Feng, I really didn't expect that this Bahuang Hall was built on this basis."


Chen Feng's voice was deep, and his eyes shone with light.

"Who would have thought that the Bahuang Tianmen, one of the nine great powers of the Longmai Continent, had its core Bahuang Grand Palace, which was actually built with the head of a great demon!"

That's right, when Chen Feng looked down at the Bahuang Hall.

It was to discover things that he could never discover from the front and from the perspective of the bottom.

It turned out that the outline of the Bahuang Hall was exactly the same as the head of a great demon!

Chen Feng clearly felt the fierce and evil, but extremely strong and strange vitality after the silver light.

Obviously, this is not a simple dead demon head, but a living demon head that still has strong vitality!

The Eight Desolate Hall is filled with silver light.

Below, only the silver light can be seen, nothing else.

At this time, from this special perspective in the sky above, one could see that under that silver light, countless black and red, blood and cold intertwined forces formed a face.

A clear face of the devil!

And the silver ray was like a helmet he was wearing outside!

At this time, it seemed to feel the prying of the two Chen Feng.

The head of the big demon hidden behind the silver helmet suddenly lifted up.

Xiang Chen Feng made an extremely ferocious expression!

With a low growl, rippling out, as if to bite and swallow the two!

Chen Feng and the Tiancun Beast Slave both felt an extremely powerful pressure coming at the same time, almost making them both mentally bewildered for an instant.

Even the Golden Winged Dragonhawk, backed dozens of miles under pressure, screamed, as if frightened.

Chen Feng's heart jumped: "There is only one head left, and even with such power, what is the origin of this existence?"

At the beginning, when Chen Feng was in the Valley of the Fallen Stars, he killed many great demons.

Chen Feng felt a little, and then concluded that if his body is intact, his strength is by no means under the Eight-Star Wudi!

I'm afraid that even if it is weaker than Xiahou Jiuyuan, it is just a front line!

Chen Feng sighed lightly, and his heart was clear.

At this time, he had fully inferred the ins and outs.

Chen Feng looked around.

Now that he knew that the Bahuang Hall was actually a big demon, when Chen Feng looked around, it was immediately clear that he had a clear understanding.

The pattern and situation of the entire Bahuang Tianmen had become a huge formation in his eyes.

And this huge formation is continuously extracting the surrounding aura, and even the aura of this mountain.

In the end, these auras, these vitality all entered the Eight Desolation Hall, turning into that strange and exuberant vitality!

"This Bahuang Tianmen is really a good method."

"After obtaining this great demon head, it was discovered that the life of this great demon head furnace should not be long."

"But they also know that this great demon is extremely powerful, and that the head of this great demon also has this extremely powerful ability."

"So, simply set up the Bahuang Tianmen General Altar here."

"Actually, setting up a general altar is false, but laying a large formation is true."

"Disguise this great demon head as the Bahuang Great Hall, and make it the core of this great formation. It will absorb the aura of thousands of miles and transform it into vitality, so that this great demon head can always survive."

"Therefore, it becomes a trump card to protect them from the Eight Desolate Heaven Gate."

Chen Feng slowly shook his head: "It's really a good method, a good idea!"

At this moment, Chen Feng's heart suddenly felt a little throbbing.

Suddenly, an idea came into his mind.

"It seems that if this thing is used well, it can play a great role and can fulfill my long-cherished wish that has not been fulfilled!"

At this time, the voice of the big demon's head suddenly exploded in their minds.

Hoarse and violent!

"Two humble human descendants, don't you hurry up?"

"Why, do you two think you can have the strength to break my head open?"

He let out a deep laugh, full of disdain.

The head of the great demon is confident and fearless.

I didn't think that Chen Feng and the two had the ability to break through the Eight Desolation Hall, nor did they think they could pose any threat to themselves.

However, Chen Feng had a playful smile at the corner of his mouth. He looked at him with a smile, as if he was thinking about something.

Tiancun Beast Slave whispered, "Brother Chen Feng, what should I do?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, his eyes were calm and calm, with confidence.

"It seems that I have a way!"

Hearing this, the celestial beast slave nodded solemnly.

He had no doubts about Chen Feng.

And the big demon head, after listening to it, made a strange laugh:

"Boy, do you know that I have come to the Dragon Vein Continent of yours, it has been 300,000 years!"

"How many powerhouses who are countless times stronger than you have tried to break me open, but they have all come back!"

His hideous and ugly face became clearer.

The look in his eyes was full of overlooking and arrogance.

That is not just arrogance to Chen Feng alone, but to the entire Dragon Vein Continent and the world!

"Your Dragon Vein Continent is just a small world."

"Humble and weak!"

"You are also worthy to break my defense?"

He had a strong sense of superiority when facing the Dragon Vein Continent.

An anger suddenly rose in Chen Feng's heart.

The Dragon Vein Continent is indeed a small world, and it is indeed extremely weak.

Such a small thousand world, I don't know where it is!

But, so what?

The Dragon Vessel Continent is where Chen Feng struggled to rise, and Chen Feng absolutely does not allow people to be easily humiliated!

Chen Feng smiled coldly and stepped forward in the void.

"Today, I will let you know that my Longmai Continent will never be humiliated!"

The head of the big devil laughed wildly: "If you don't want to be humiliated, you won't be humiliated?"

The color of contempt in his eyes is thicker.

"I just want to humiliate you, what can you do for me? You are a lowly and humble world, and you are just a tiny ant in this humble world!"

Chen Feng didn't say a word, but took a deep breath, thinking about it.

The next moment, there was a loud roar: "Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, this world!"

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