Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4465: Can't fight heads-up, just gang fight?

Finally, Chen Feng pressed the mouth of the red poisonous snake to the heart of Elder Chu.

Elder Chu had completely collapsed at this time.

The head of the red poisonous snake was on the heart of Elder Chu.

Chen Feng pressed the snake's head fiercely, and then moved to the middle!

Suddenly, Elder Chu let out a scream.

In the scream, there was even more despair that could not be said.

Because no one knows better than him what the consequences of being bitten by this little red poisonous snake!

There is no cure at all!

Can only die in pain in extreme fear!

Then, he felt an extreme pain, which suddenly spread throughout his body.

The next moment, his whole body turned into a crimson color, and his whole body was anxious.

He trembled frantically, his whole body was as red as cooked shrimp.

His pupils began to diverge, he let out a terrible scream, twisted frantically, obviously suffering from extreme pain.

Everyone's faces were filled with horror, and they backed away.

Chen Feng just stood by and looked at him coldly.

Elder Chu suddenly coughed violently.

Every time you cough, it brings out a lot of black-gray, like plant ash!

Obviously, his internal organs have become ashes.

Then, his body became soft, and he collapsed there like a pool of rotten flesh.

At this moment, all his bones have been corrupted.

In an instant, his body disappeared, leaving only a pool of yellow water there.

Seeing this scene, everyone lost their voices.

A six-star martial emperor, Elder Chu died like this!

There are no dead bones, so miserable!

Chen Feng smiled coldly, without any fluctuations in his heart.

"This kind of person will die when they die, and keeping it is a curse to the world."

He stood up leisurely, then patted his hands gently.

Just clapping his hands, with such a slight movement, the red poisonous snake uttered a scream and was directly photographed by Chen Feng into a powder.

Between his fingers, it slowly spilled.

Such a five-star demon emperor was easily shot to death.

Then, Chen Feng slowly pushed towards Pang Yuanzhou and others.

"Pang Yuanzhou, do you think it is enough for one Elder Chu to die?"

"Tell you guys!"

With a swipe of his finger, Pang Yuanzhou and others were drawn in: "Today, I want all of you to die!"

"Next, who will come?"

He hooked his fingers and smiled and said, "Otherwise, Pang Yuanzhou, go to the battle yourself!"

"It's boring to always let others take action!"

Chen Feng, impressively challenged Pang Yuanzhou!

Challenge the sect master of the Bahuang Tianmen, one of the nine major forces on the Dragon Vein Continent!

After Chen Feng's challenge was issued, Pang Yuanzhou's face was extremely ugly.

His lips trembled twice, as if he wanted to agree.

But after all, he couldn't say a word.


Chen Feng smiled brightly: "Don't you dare?"

Pang Yuanzhou glanced at the surrounding elders, and everyone nodded slowly.

At this time, Pang Yuanzhou also didn't care about decentness, and didn't even want his face.

He screamed: "Everyone, come together, and kill Chen Feng!"

These elders also want face.

If they were just now, they would never follow Pang Yuanzhou's instructions.

But at this time, seeing Chen Feng's terrifying strength, the elder Chu, who was ranked in the middle of their power, and even the top elders, was easily beheaded by Chen Feng.

This made them extremely horrified and terrified.

Where can I take care of anything decent?


All the elders immediately surrounded and killed Chen Feng in unison.

In an instant, counting Pang Yuanzhou, a total of thirteen powerhouses formed a circle.

There are people in the sky and the earth!

Surrounded Chen Feng tightly.

However, Pang Yuanzhou also knew that this was a shameful thing.

He suddenly looked at the disciples of the Eight Desolation Heaven Clan, and sternly shouted: "If anyone dares to disclose the matter today, he will suffer from the bite of ten thousand snakes!"


All Bahuang Tianmen disciples, seeing this scene in front of them, were slanderous and shameless.

But I dare not say a word.

Pang Yuanzhou has always been extremely majestic among the Eight Desolate Tianmen.

No one dared to violate what he said. Many disciples were extremely afraid of him and nodded quickly.

No one dared to object!

"Chen Feng is indeed strong, but now thirteen uncles and uncles surround him!"

"That is, the thirteen six-star martial emperor level masters, the strongest head, is almost reaching the seven-star martial emperor!"

"How can Chen Feng be an opponent?"

"Even if Chen Feng is extremely powerful and talented, he can kill a Six-Star Martial Emperor, but with so many Six-Star Martial Emperors joining forces, he has only one dead end today!"

No one is optimistic about Chen Feng.

No one thinks Chen Feng has a chance to come back today!

"If you can't beat it heads-up, it's just a group fight?"

Chen Feng laughed loudly.

He looked at Pang Yuanzhou and the others, his expression on his face didn't have the slightest panic, but with a carefree expression.

This sentence made all Bahuang Tianmen disciples feel that their faces were dull, and many people bowed their heads.

In any case, no matter what, today's Bahuang Tianmen is completely ashamed.

Even if they finally won, killing Chen Feng would still be disgraceful.

More than a dozen senior elders of the six-star Wudi level surrounded Chen Feng. What if they win?

Pang Yuanzhou took a deep breath and looked at Chen Feng with a look of death.

"Chen Feng, now you can only show your tongue, right?"

"You are besieged by more than a dozen of us, there is only one dead end!"

"Never mind, those who are about to die, it's okay to say a few more words."

He obviously led a dozen people to besiege Chen Feng, and this behavior was extremely shameless.

In his mouth, he was magnanimous enough to make Chen Feng say a few more words like a gift.

Chen Feng looked at him and shook his finger: "Pang Yuanzhou, there is a problem you made a mistake!"

Chen Feng looked at them: "Today, it is not you who besieged me, but I, Chen Feng!"

"I will trap you all by myself!"

Before the words finished, Chen Feng's figure flashed.

Already he is going to kill Pang Yuanzhou fiercely, his momentum is unstoppable, full of fierce murderous intent!

Seeing Chen Feng killing himself, he was extremely powerful.

Pang Yuanzhou's heart was slightly startled, but he was not very panicked.

He had already guessed that Chen Feng was definitely attacking him, so he was already prepared.

He looked at Chen Feng and sneered: "Boy, still want to kill me first? Come!"

In the next moment, a palm was shot hard.

This palm was shot with great momentum.

However, Chen Feng smiled coldly, and his fist instantly shined brightly, but his momentum suddenly soared.

Suddenly, Pang Yuanzhou, who was actually so powerful, was somewhat unable to resist.

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