Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4455: Chu Shaoyang, Qixing Wudi!

"If you can't do this errand well, then I will erase you personally."

The sound of horror is faint.

It seemed that it was not Chu Shaoyang who wanted to kill, but just crushed an ant to death easily.

Chu Shaoyang was extremely cold in his heart, and his whole body shuddered violently, like falling into an ice cellar.

Naturally, he knew very well that since this great power had said this, if he couldn't do it by the time, he would definitely end badly.

Moreover, no matter where he is, he can easily obliterate himself.

He quickly trembled: "Senior, since you ordered it down, I will naturally do this for you."

"It's just that the strength of the six hidden sects is terrifying."

"In every school, there are strong men who surpass the seven-star Wudi and almost reach the eight-star Wudi."

"Junior, it's really not their opponent!"

What he said is true.

With his current strength, to **** the treasures of the six hidden sects is just seeking a dead end.

"It's okay, I have already prepared this for you."

"Next, I will improve your strength and raise your strength to Seven Star Martial Emperor!"

Hearing this, Chu Shaoyang's eyes widened instantly: "What? Seven Star Martial Emperor?"

His eyes showed extreme excitement and joy.

"God! Seven-star Emperor Wu!"

After reaching Qixing Wudi, he can also be called the top figure on this dragon continent!

Note that they are the top figures in the Dragon Vessel Continent, not just the top figures of the young generation in the Dragon Vessel Continent!

By the Seven-Star Emperor Wu, one level of improvement, and even the ability to fight against Xiahou Jiuyuan!

Qixing Wudi, this is the realm he wants to achieve in his dreams!

But now, this terrifying power can easily make him reach this level.

While deeply shocked by the strength of this terrifying power, Chu Shaoyang was also full of ecstasy.

And this joy is not over yet, the terrifying power said slowly: "Your realm will be firmly established in the Seven Star Martial Emperor."

"And in the next six months, you will have the strength of the Seven-Star Martial Emperor's mid-term."

This made Chu Shaoyang joy inexplicably.

This great power meant that after half a year's time, Qixing Wudi's mid-term strength would fade.

But he still retained the realm of Qixing Wudi.

For him, after such an experience, future breakthroughs will be easier!

There is no nonsense about the power of terror.

After saying this, he just flicked his fingers.

So in that instant, in the void, a golden band of light like quicksand drifted down slowly.

The strip of light is about tens of meters long, as thick as a water tank.

There are countless golden lights distributed inside.

And if you look carefully, you can perceive that every bit of golden light contains extremely terrifying power.

That kind of power is inexplicable and inconceivable.

As if it did not belong to the Dragon Vein Continent.

Although it is extremely small, in this entire light band, this kind of light is only a few thousand points.

The power contained in each point is extremely terrifying.

These golden bands of light fell, and they soon enveloped Chu Shaoyang.

Those golden light spots slowly seeped into his body.

Chu Shaoyang sat cross-legged, completely relaxed, letting go of everything.

The golden light spot slowly enters the body.

He felt that a series of extremely terrifying power was generated in his body.

As the power of the golden light pouring into it became stronger and stronger, almost reaching the limit of his body's endurance, he couldn't help letting out screams.

After a cup of tea time, all the golden light spots penetrated into it.

The next moment, Chu Shaoyang suddenly opened his arms and let out a violent roar!

All the golden light that entered his body, in an instant, all turned into his original power!

In his body, rampage!

All levels are broken!

All the shackles disappeared!

Chu Shaoyang let out a crazy shout, slowly opened his arms and clenched his fists.

Feel the terrifying power!

Then, he opened his eyes.

The breath of the whole person is completely different from just now.

Qixing Wudi!

He has already stepped into the realm of Emperor Wudi of Seven Stars.

Feeling the terrifying power in his body, Chu Shaoyang still felt like a dream.

"It's over? I'm going to break through to Emperor Wudi Qixing? It's that easy? It takes less than a cup of tea?"

A cup of tea!

With just a cup of tea, he unexpectedly promoted Chu Shaoyang to the middle stage of the Seven Star Martial Emperor.

It can be seen how strong this terrifying power is!

This great power also showed a trace of fatigue at this time.

It turned out that what he had just instilled in Chu Shaoyang was his own original strength!

He is the most powerful and powerful, the original power that completely exceeds the existence of other powers in the Dragon Vein Continent.

Therefore, this miraculous effect can be achieved.

But for him, this is also quite a loss.

After all, its original power is extremely precious, and when it is used up, it is less.

He was also a little bit reluctant.

But then, I put aside this idea and said in my heart:

"After I got the treasure that suppressed the luck of Longmai Continent, what do I want? What do I care about?"

"You, you have been stuck here for too long, why has the structure become so small?"

The terrifying power said slowly: "I can't leave here due to my own problems, and I can't grab it myself."


He snorted coldly: "You still need to do it?"

"However, at critical moments, I can still help you."

Chu Shaoyang nodded repeatedly.

He remembered that when he fought Chen Feng fiercely that day, the finger that came from outside the sky and almost wiped out Chen Feng's soul.

He actually knows a little bit about this terrifying mighty thing now, he can't leave here.

But occasionally it's okay to help yourself with a trick.

With the strength of the Seven Star Martial Emperor in the mid-term, he also had this terrifying power to make a shot at a critical moment.

He is no longer worried.


Chu Shaoyang hesitated and said, "Then Chen Feng?"

A terrifying voice sounded: "Then Chen Feng, do you still need to consider him?"

"Chen Feng, just ants."

"This time, after I improve your strength, you can easily crush it."

"He is no longer worthy of being your enemy."

In the voice, Chen Feng was completely ignored.

In his opinion, Chen Feng can't even count as an ant, or even a blocking stone.

There is no need to think about it at all.

What really needs to be considered is the six hidden sects, just the treasure that suppresses the luck of the Dragon Vein Continent!

Hearing this, Chu Shaoyang was taken aback first, and then clenched his fists!

"Yes, Chen Feng is no longer worthy of being my enemy!"

"Chu Shaoyang, have you lost your vitality after being suppressed by Chen Feng for too long?"

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