Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4445: Luo Zilan in distress

The entire Bahuang City is the property of the Bahuang Tianmen. The sub-rudder of the Bahuang Tianmen in Bafang City is in a valley at the highest point of the Fukong Mountain.

When Luo Zilan returned to the sub-rudder, the moonlight had already risen.

Everywhere she went, everyone looked respectful, bending over and saluting, not daring to look directly.

Everyone knows her origins and knows her strength even more.

Luo Zilan returned to her home all the way.

He lives in the deepest part of the valley, on a cliff.

Here, you can overlook the entire sub-rudder.

That mountain cliff is even more blooming like a brocade, born abruptly on this barren mountain, creating an existence like a paradise.

Next to her residence, there is also a spring gurgling down, and the clear stream is so beautiful.

Among the flowers, countless fireflies are dotted.

Here, it looks like a dream.

Luo Zilan pushed the door in and let out a soft sigh.

Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Who? Get out of me!"

A low and hoarse voice, but with a somewhat cold voice: "As expected of Junior Sister Luo, she is alert enough."

A figure slowly walked out behind the curtain.

"Gong Yegang, it turned out to be you? What are you doing here?"

Luo Zilan suddenly thought of something, her face paled, her expression changed drastically.

Gong Ye just stared at her and smiled coldly: "Luo Zilan, stop pretending here."

"Looking at you like this, you still can't guess what I am doing here?"

Luo Zilan looked back to normal in an instant, and smiled faintly: "Gong Yegang, how do I know what you are here for?"

"I only know!"

She screamed: "You break into my residence for no reason, and I can kill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Zilan let out a scream, moving forward!

The long sword dragon yin in his hand suddenly came out of the sheath!

A sword pierced out, the prestige is extremely prominent!

It is even more decisive, tyrannical and overbearing!

It was Luo Zilan's gatekeeper skill, a martial skill that very few of the Eight Desolate Heaven Gates had practiced.

A sword pierced out, as if the dark night was illuminated, the entire cliff was shaking, as if to be directly shattered by this sword!

Luo Zilan was really a very decisive person, and made a decision in an instant: murder and kill!

Don't say a word of nonsense to Gong Yegang, just do it!

He wanted to kill Gong Yegang with one sword!

Facing this sword, Gong Yegang's expression also changed drastically.

He didn't expect Luo Zilan to be so decisive!

There is no doubt that Luo Zilan's strength is above him.

He couldn't catch this sword at all.

"Luo Zilan, do you dare to kill me? Do you dare to use this trick?"

Gong Yegang was also a ruthless person, gritted his teeth and screamed, suddenly he crushed two things.

They are his two life-saving treasures.

In an instant, there was a burst of cyan light on the surface of the body.

Dozens of long sword phantoms directly shrouded him, and each phantom contained an extremely huge aura.

These phantoms, like shields, defended him tightly.

Even with Luo Zilan's sword, it definitely couldn't kill him.

However, there was a touch of pain on his face.

Staring at Luo Zilan, she gritted her teeth and said: "Bitch, you forced me to use two of the most precious self-defense treasures. I want your life!"

Luo Zilan smiled coldly, her figure flickered, and her moves.

This ultimate move has disappeared without a trace!

And she rushed toward the outside.

It turned out that this move was just a false move!

But to force Gongye to just retreat, her real goal is actually to run away!

Seeing this scene, Gong Yegang felt almost vomiting blood.

He was sturdyly tricked by Luo Zilan and wasted two treasures!

In the next moment, Luo Zilan retreated sharply and rushed out.

Without any hesitation, she chose to escape directly.

Luo Zilan can come this far, how simple is it?

As early as the moment Gongye appeared here, she understood that she went out to see Chen Feng privately, but she was afraid that it had been leaked.

Just now it was just to paralyze Gong Yegang.

Gongye said fiercely, "Luo Zilan, do you want to run now? Can you run!"

As soon as the voice fell, a very strong momentum was suddenly killed outside the door.

An extremely powerful force slammed Luo Zilan fiercely.

Luo Zilan's face changed, and a sword pierced out.

This sword is her real stunt!

It's just that the strength gap between her and the comer is too big.

This sword was directly severely smashed by a pitch-black fist, and then the fist hit her body.

Directly hit Luo Zilan with a muffled hum, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The figure fell heavily on the cliff and fell among the flowers.

She trembled all over and couldn't even stand up. She was beaten and seriously injured.

Gong Ye just walked out slowly, staring at Luo Zilan, smiling triumphantly:

"Luo Zilan, since I know you will do this kind of thing, I know I am not your opponent, do you think I will be defenseless?"

He sneered: "Luo Zilan, I knew you were going wrong, I'm afraid you would jump the wall and slaughter the same door."

"So, I specially invited a senior Zongmen to come with me!"

"Just to suppress you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure slowly walked out from the side.

Can't tell the specific age, his hair and beard are gray.

However, his figure is very strong, like an iron tower.

He turned his fist around, looked at Luo Zilan, and said coldly: "Nephew Luo, you are offended."

"Feng Heyu, is it you?"

Luo Zilan gritted her teeth and said, "You have a good relationship with my master."

"The last time you lacked the material for your cultivation, I found it for you with all the hard work. How could you treat me like this?"

Feng Heyu was ashamed on her face.

But then, the shame turned into a bit of anger.

He said coldly: "So what? These are just personal affections!"

"If you dare to betray the sect and have fornicated Chen Feng, it is excusable for me to kill you!"

It turned out that after Gong Yegang and Chu Shaoyang decided on the matter, Gong Yegang took the people back to the Bahuang Tianmen.

After discussing with the senior officials of the Bahuang Tianmen, it was decided that dealing with Chen Feng was the most important thing for the Bahuang Tianmen.

Whoever dares to violate is to betray the sect.

Luo Zilan stared at him with a sneer: "You are all seeking your own death!"

She was struggling and seemed to want to stand up.

But as soon as he stood halfway, his body weakened, he staggered, and fell down among the flowers.

Seeing this scene, Gong Yegang and Feng Heyu both smiled disdainfully.

Feng Heyu said indifferently: "Senior Nephew Luo, you were hit by me. If you still have the ability to act, what will make me face?"

Gong Yegang sneered and said: "Okay, don't struggle to death here."

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