Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4442: Seems to be an old friend

"This God of War Palace, as expected, is not at the same level as the other nine forces!"

"too strong!"

He took a deep breath, and after a while he calmed down.

Then he laughed and said, "I am here, first congratulations to Master Xiahou."

"This time, Chen Feng will definitely be killed easily, and your confidant will be completely eradicated!"

Xiahou Yinghao also laughed, his eyes full of contempt.

from their perspective. Chen Feng is already dead.

Three Seven Star Martial Emperors are here, can he still reach the sky?

Xiahou Yinghao again ordered: "Chu Shaoyang, wait until Chen Feng comes to Chaoge Tianzi City and steps into our trap."

"But I want everyone in the world to know, I want all the powerful in Chaoge Tianzi City to come and watch!"

He gritted his teeth and said: "I want Chen Feng to suffer endless humiliation before he dies."

"I want everyone in the world to witness his humiliation!"

"In this way, the hatred in my heart can be solved!"

Chu Shaoyang smiled secretly in his heart: "This Xiahou Yinghao was really humiliated by Chen Fengfeng before, so he wanted to vent his hatred."

He secretly smiled in his heart, but did not miss the slightest on his face. He nodded and said, "Don't worry."

Qingluan Ruyi Boat rowed across the void and hurried towards Ge Tianzi City.

Chen Feng collected the relics of Bai Shanshui and others that day, and brought their remnant souls back, and then left in a hurry.

Only the stone grave, the stone stele was left.

And, that monstrous hatred!

In the next few days, he was heading towards Ge Tianzi City.

At that time, Chen Feng's heart was always gloomy, as if there was a pile of blocks.

However, in comparison, there is always a goal of revenge.

Clearly know what to do next.

There are only two things to do next:

1. Kill Chu Shaoyang!

2. Find the Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Scripture and revive them,

One is to avenge and the other is to save others.

Chen Feng suddenly remembered that day, when he and Chu Shaoyang fought for the first time in Tianlong City, the terrifying huge finger that came out of the sky.

And, the woman who stood in front of her finger and killed her life for herself.

"Do you remember her?"

Chen Feng seemed to be asking himself.

He sighed softly, "I remember it naturally."

"After the Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Scriptures are available, you, I will recast your body!"

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly found it difficult to calm down, and the unspeakable spirit in his heart was difficult to calm down.

A heart palpitations that came from nowhere, aroused his heart, making it difficult for him to practice calmly.

At this time, Chen Feng didn't know how terrifying the opponent he would face after going to Chaoge Tianzi City.

Now, just the strong on the side of God of War Palace, there are already three Seven Star Martial Emperors.

Chen Feng looked at the sky in the distance, his eyes solemn.

He was thinking about what he might encounter when he went to Chaoge Tianzi City.

"What is waiting for me on the way?"

If he were to be an ordinary person, Chu Shaoyang would be his defeated man. The person who had been killed by him once would naturally despise Chu Shaoyang especially and not take him seriously.

But what kind of person is Chen Feng?

He never despised any opponent.

Chen Feng would naturally not be so naive.

He is very clear about what kind of person Chu Shaoyang is. Although he is arrogant and arrogant, he is definitely not the kind of person who does not know the height of the sky.

He despised himself many times before because he didn't know his strength.

But now, Chu Shaoyang knew a lot about himself, and he was the one who died once.

"If Chu Shaoyang is not sure of victory, would he be so swaggered and set a trap in Chaoge Tianzi City, and wait for me to go?"

Chen Feng made a judgment instantly:

"Chu Shaoyang must be dependent on it!"

"It's just, what is his dependence?"

Chen Feng only felt that there were countless fogs in front of him, but he still couldn't see through.

He looked in the direction of Chaoge Tianzi City: "There must be a fierce battle waiting for me in Longtan and Tiger Caves!"

At this moment, suddenly, Chen Feng raised his brows and looked far away.

He felt a faint warning sign coming from a distance.

The next moment, right in front, a huge white ice arrow suddenly appeared.

This snow-white ice arrow is a hundred meters long and has a diameter of three meters.

It looked like a huge icicle.

It's just that this icicle is full of radiance, and the tip is even more icy blue, showing extremely low temperature and extremely firmness.

The huge ice bolt came through the air, and shot at Qingluan Ruyizhou at a very fast speed.

But Chen Feng didn't care.

The power of this arrow was probably around the four-star Emperor Wu, and it did not cause any harm to Qingluan Ruyizhou at all.

He took a closer look, and suddenly gave a little hum.

It turned out that Chen Feng couldn't feel any murderous intention from this arrow.

The strength is contained but not revealed, and can be recovered at any time.

It was as if the person who shot the arrow didn't want to attack Chen Feng, but just wanted to attract Chen Feng's attention.

He didn't wait for Chen Feng to act.

Above the sky, the huge golden-winged dragon eagle flew down suddenly.

With a flap of wings, without even using the Golden Winged Dragonhawk, the huge wind from his wings fanned the ice arrow.

The golden winged dragon eagle made a quack, seeming to mock the person who came.

Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng: "Brother Chen, is there a strong enemy?"

Chen Feng slowly shook his head: "Let's stop first. Those who come should be friends and not enemies."

Under his control, Qingluan Ruyizhou slowly slowed down and finally hovered in the air.

In the distance, a figure slowly appeared on the horizon.

The moment Chen Feng saw her figure suddenly jumped in his heart.

This person gave her a very familiar feeling.

He wore a white dress with a veil on his face.

Even so far away, even his figure looks vague, but Chen Feng can feel the breath of the other party, which makes him very familiar.

The visitor is slim, obviously a woman.

She slowly came to the Qingluan Ruyizhou and looked at Chen Feng through the green light curtain.

His eyes were blank, but he didn't say a word.

However, in the eyes, there are unspeakable memories and nostalgia.

As if thinking about the scenes that had appeared many years ago.

Then, those eyes were soft as water.

Her veil moved, it seemed that the corner of her mouth under the veil was hooked, revealing a smile.

Although Chen Feng couldn't see it, he guessed that the smile must be full of nostalgia and tenderness.

Chen Feng's mind suddenly flashed through.

Scenes suddenly emerged.

A beautiful shadow became clear from the blur in his mind.

Chen Feng's lips trembled, a touch of excitement appeared in his eyes, and he trembled: "It's you? Sister Luo! Is it you?"

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