Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4439: Chen Feng was buried here to hand six people!

Then, in those ghosts that seem to be 10,000 people, no features, and outsiders can't distinguish.

There are six ghosts, surrounded by the light of thunder, slowly falling.

Fell in front of Chen Feng.

Falling on the six bodies.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng finally felt relieved.

He was relieved.

Although I was hit hard, I finally did it.

Chen Feng paused for a moment, then stepped forward to look at the six ghosts.

The six ghosts, the eyes are full.

At this time, it looked like the six people including Bai Shanshui.

However, at this time, their faces were dull and dull.

Moreover, what worries Chen Feng the most is that these six ghosts are all dim and lacking in breath.

This also means that their three souls and seven souls are incomplete!

Chen Feng couldn't help being silent, but there was nothing too surprised.

In fact, he had thought of it long before he called the soul.

It is impossible for them to return all their souls.

If they are full of souls, it is actually Fan Qishui's situation.

In that case, by placing them in the Yinxuan jade puppets, they can directly resume their actions and possess sanity.

But this is impossible.

At the moment of leaving the body, the three souls and seven souls began to scatter outward, how could it be possible that the three souls and seven souls were there?

Now that he has achieved this step, it is already the ultimate.

The remaining ones can only be summoned back after he has cultivated to the Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Scripture.

Chen Feng sighed lightly, and walked to the six souls.

Among the six souls, the most complete is the soul of Baishanshui.

This is also very easy to understand. Baishanshui is among all people, with the strongest will, and his soul will not easily dissipate so easily.

But even in the most intact Baishanshui, his three souls and seven souls only have two souls and three souls left.

Other people are thinner than him.

The worst is Yue Linglong, her soul is only one soul left!

Chen Feng looked at them and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will avenge you!"

"Chu Shaoyang, I will kill him."

"I will bring his head to you!"

"For you, make a memorial!"

He paused, and then said: "Secondly, I will retrieve your other souls."

"You guys will definitely get a new life!"

"rest assured!"

Chen Feng stared at them with firm eyes.

At the moment when he heard Chen Feng's words, the six realms had lost their gaze, without any sage and spirit, like a walking dead soul.

Suddenly, they all moved slightly.

They stood there, as if slowly nodding towards Chen Feng.

It seems that even if he is now a soul, he trusts him extremely.

Chen Feng's eyes were sore, he lifted his head slightly to clear up his mood.

Then, Chen Feng hugged them in turn.

Although they are just phantoms, Chen Feng's arms will penetrate their bodies directly.

But Chen Feng still hugged one by one.

Then, he waved his hand.

In an instant, a huge suction power came from the six bodies.

In an instant, the souls of the six of them were all sucked into their bodies.

The body was no longer stiff, it became soft.

There seems to be temperature too.

The pale face became ruddy.

But no breath, and no injuries

Chen Feng immediately sealed them in the ice coffin.

Now their bodies are very peculiar, they are dead, but there are some vitality, but they are not as good as the living dead.

Therefore, the injury cannot be recovered at all and needs to be sealed immediately.

Otherwise, the body is easily decayed.

So far, today's call for souls is finally over.

The cyan flame also ignited to the end, there was a loud rumbling, the high platform collapsed directly, and the cyan flame disappeared.

Dark clouds have dispersed.

All this is like nothing has happened.

Chen Feng turned around and looked at the ruins with deep eyes.

That night, Chen Feng did not leave, but sat cross-legged here.

In his ear, it seemed that the laughter of Bai Shanshui and others could still be heard.

On the second day, when everyone in Yuanhuangcheng came here, they found that Chen Feng had left at some point.

The ruins in the original place also disappear without a trace.

Above the ruins, there is only a huge towering stone grave!

In front of the stone tomb, there is a rough stele with a line inscribed on it:

Chen Feng was buried here to hand six people!

Although Chen Feng knew and was confident, the six of them would be able to resurrect themselves!

However, he still set a tombstone for the six of them!

Chen Feng must always use this to alert himself, and don't forget the feud!

I must warn myself that I must protect those around me.

It was a fluke to resurrect them this time!

If their souls are destroyed, how can they be resurrected?

The attention of everyone in the Tianyuan Dynasty was quickly attracted by a huge stone next to it.

On the boulder, there are three lines of murderous characters:

After March, Chen Feng will bring the head of Chu Shaoyang here to pay homage!

Chaoge Tianzi City, before the Seven-Star Auction.

This is the most prosperous and lively place in Chaoge Tianzi City.

People come and go in an endless stream.

There were hundreds of thousands of warriors just above the square in front of the seven-star auction house.

Here, it can almost be said that Chaoge Tianzi City is quite the core.

Today, nature is no exception.

It was the morning, the sun was shining and people came and went.

Suddenly, a figure on the horizon quickly approached here, and soon hovered in a high place.

Everyone looked up.

Everyone has been in this Chaoge Tianzi City for a long time, naturally knowing that the Chaoge Tianzi City City Lord Mansion is powerful and maintains order here, and idlers are absolutely not allowed to fly in the air.

But naturally, there are some exceptions.

These exceptions are Chaoge Tianzi City, those existences they can't afford to provoke.

For example, those powerful Wudi experts.

Therefore, everyone understands that those who dare to fly around Chaoge Tianzi City must be powerful people.

Feeling the gaze of everyone below, the person above the sky is also slightly proud of his eyes.

Then, he coughed slightly, looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, I will be named Chu Shaoyang in the following."

However, these words did not cause any movement among the people.

Chu Shaoyang's reputation in Longmai Continent is not very prominent.

He didn't worry, he just smiled and flicked his right hand.

The next moment, under his hands, dozens of white like giant eggs appeared out of thin air, connected together.

Everyone was taken aback: "What is this?"

Then I saw that these were actually dozens of warriors.

However, the surface of his body was entangled in dense cobwebs, and all of them were unconscious.

Everyone was surprised, not knowing what the situation was.

The person who came was naturally Chu Shaoyang.

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