Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4426: Old friend

The buzzing was fine and dense, and it was extremely sharp.

If you look closely, you will find that this buzzing is not born out of thin air.

In that air, there were tens of thousands of small swords circling back and forth.

Each small sword is no more than five inches long.

The whole body is white, with a bit of azure blue, just like the hardest ice condensing.

Tens of thousands of small swords shattered this one hundred meters.

Suddenly, there was a long scream from the small building, extremely happy.

In the next moment, the tens of thousands of small swords outside were swishes, recovered all of them, and returned to the small building.

In the next instant, a sharp and unparalleled sword intent rose from the small building.

Striking straight into the sky, like a bright and hot white light!

A few hundred meters away, in the nearest small building, a tall and brave young man walked out and laughed loudly:

"Brother Bai, have you stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu?"

The door of the small building opens without wind.

A tall young man walked out of it, his figure resembling a mountain, indescribably calm.

It was Chen Feng's senior brother: Bai Shanshui.

A smile appeared at the corner of Bai Shanshui's mouth, and his mind moved slightly.

A long sword slowly emerged behind him, and the imposing martial arts realm on him could not be concealed.

He also stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu!

"Senior Brother Bai retreats for half a year, and once stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu, it is really gratifying!"

Bai Shanshui shook his head and smiled, "Shangguan Junior Brother, you really shame me by these words."

"I am the oldest, but I am the sixth to step into Emperor Wu, and I have used so many panacea and martial arts techniques of Junior Brother Chen Feng. What can I be proud of?"

This Shangguan junior was Shangguan Lingyun, who was also a disciple of Qian Yuanzong.

It was one of the few bones and blood left by Qian Yuanzong now.

"You can't say that."

Shangguan Lingyun said solemnly: "After all, our starting point is too low."

"Brother, you can achieve this level at this age, it is not bad."

Next, after hearing that Baishanshui stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu, everyone came to congratulate him.

Dozens of people gathered together.

The maid shuttles, the wine and delicacies are laid out like flowing water.

The crowd gathered together, with blazing smiles, very happy.

In the past, they mostly practiced separately, and they usually only get together once in a few months.

I cherish this opportunity to get together.

There is a smile on his face, and his heart is open.

Seeing this scene, Bai Shanshui's face suddenly showed a touch of emotion: "Everyone, listen to me."

Everyone stopped and cast their eyes on Baishanshui.

The voice of Bai Shanshui was loud and loud: "I wait, I can live because of Brother Chen."

"It's also because Junior Brother Chen was able to gather here to meet, and because Junior Brother Chen Feng was able to set foot in such a situation, knowing that there are such magical martial arts in this world, there are so many powerful panacea!"

"Just now, I can see the pinnacle of the Dragon Vein Continent!"

"There is nothing more strange than this. Every time I think about it, it feels like a dream."

"All this is really thanks to Junior Brother Chen."

"I propose, this glass of wine!"

He raised his wine glass: "I wish Junior Brother Chen far away, set foot on the pinnacle of the Dragon Vessel Mainland!"

"Haha, I wish Brother Chen to the peak of Dragon Vessel!"

Everyone laughed, and at the same time they toasted and drank.

Their faces are full of joy, and their words are full of joy.

Although Chen Feng does not live here, they are no strangers to Chen Feng's deeds.

Even in places like Tianyuan imperial city and remote areas that are not in the eyes of the top powers of the Dragon Vein Continent, Chen Feng's deeds are still circulating.

Just a few days ago, Chen Feng won the first place in Kongsang Lunjian, and the news that he became the first person of the young generation in the Longmai Continent also spread here.

This excites them to the extreme, and even feels proud.

The crowd was eager, and there was only one pretty girl, her face sullen and sullen.

The girl was wearing a double-bun, with a trace of unfading baby fat on her face, she was indescribably cute.

"What's the matter? It's bulging, like a bun!"

There was a chuckle from the side.

A Qianqiansu hand stretched out and twisted it on her swollen face.

Then, rubbing her two fingers, it seemed that she felt good in the hand, and she squeezed her cheek again, and squeezed it down.

"Oh, sister Hua, I miss the master!"

The sweet and charming girl with a fat baby looked to the side, shaking her head, holding the Qianqiansu hand, swinging around, acting like a coquetry: "He hasn't been here for years."

This pretty girl is Jiang Yuechun.

The little child of that year has already grown into a girl.

The woman next to her who was twenty cents was a beautiful face.

She smiled lowly: "You are not alone in thinking about the son, I can also think about it."

As he was talking, his expression suddenly became a little startled, and a soft touch appeared in his eyes, and then he sighed slightly.

Originally wanted to persuade Jiang Yuechun, he hooked up his lovesickness.

Jiang Yuechun chuckled, rubbed her next to her, and smirked: "Sister Hua, why don't we go find Master!"


Hua Ruyan heard this, and her heart moved instantly.

But she immediately shook her head again and again: "No, no, it's definitely not possible."

"The son told us that we should never set foot in the mainland easily. The danger outside cannot be easily dealt with."

She has always listened to Chen Feng the most.

Jiang Yuechun flatly said, "I'm all three-star Wudi!"

It turned out that she had the highest talent among everyone.

Although he was the youngest, he turned out to be the person with the highest cultivation level. Half a month ago, he had already entered the realm of the three-star martial emperor.

Hua Ruyan was about to speak, and suddenly everyone was moved.

Feeling a breath is approaching rapidly here.

The breath was quite huge, but soon, as the breath got closer, their expressions relaxed.

It turned out that they could all feel that this breath was quite familiar.

Bai Shanshui stretched his eyebrows and smiled and said, "It turns out that Junior Brother Xuanyuan is here."

But for a moment, a figure fell in front of the court and stepped into the hall.

Everyone greeted them one after another.

The person who came here was also an acquaintance of Chen Feng, Xuanyuan Yanghua who had fought side by side with Chen Feng in the small world of the emperor that day.

It turned out that after Chen Feng settled them here, he did not care about them.

On the contrary, Chen Feng is extremely caring about his close friends, former siblings and friends.

It can be said that it is supporting and supporting, fearing its life, and taking care of it in every possible way.

He was so busy himself, he had come here several times, reunited with everyone, and gave instructions on his cultivation.

During the period, he asked Xuanyuan Xiaoyue several times to send reliable people in the Xuanyuan family to bring them a lot of materials, weapons, magic weapons, medicines, etc. used for cultivation.

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