Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4423: The person in front of me is my sweetheart

There is also the excitement after the reunion.

Han Yu'er hugged it and giggled.

She looked at Chen Feng, her eyes seemed to be able to speak.

It seems to be saying to Chen Feng: "Look, the blood wind has not changed."

Han Yuer has always understood Chen Feng best.

She could naturally perceive the emotion of Chen Feng just now.

The blood wind rushed into Chen Feng's arms again, and the wet tongue licked on his face, indescribable intimacy.

Chen Feng tore it off, then hugged it in his arms.

Hugged tightly.

He laughed, unspeakably happy.

Not because of how powerful the blood wind became, but because at this time he discovered that the blood wind has actually not changed!

He is still the **** wind that is so attached to, dependent on, and leaning in his arms!

"My blood has never changed!"

Then, Blood Wind met Qingqiu Yaoguang again.

It is also familiar with Qingqiu Yaoguang, but the relationship is far inferior to Chen Feng and Han Yu'er.

However, Qingqiu Yaoguang has a gentle temperament, cute and innocent, and naturally doesn't care about it.

Chen Feng introduced the Heavenly Cruel Beast Slave to Blood Wind, and said with a smile: "Blood Wind, this is my brother, so don't blame him.

Somehow, although the Celestial Remnant Beast Slave is the profession of a summoner, it is also extremely powerful.

But when Chen Feng introduced, he still said this sentence instinctively.

Said to let the blood wind not bully the Tianchou Beast Slave, not to let the Tianchou Beast Slave not bully the blood wind.

It seems that in Chen Feng's subconscious, he feels that the blood wind has the ability to bully the Tiancun Beast Slave.

Tiancun Beast Slave also didn't care at all.

After seeing the behavior of Blood Wind just now, he did not dare to despise it at all.

The blood wind was much colder to him, as if he could feel the breath of the summoner in him.

No matter how close this monster beast is to the summoner, it is ultimately based on a premise.

That is, the monster beast was tamed and summoned.

If it were the monster itself, then naturally he would not like this kind of person.

Who doesn't love freedom? Who wants to be restrained?

Looking at the crooked blood wind lying in Chen Feng's arms, the Tiancun Beast Slave said with envy:

"Big Brother Chen, you are a monster, neither summoning nor tame relationship, but you are so good with you. I really envy others."

Chen Feng smiled slightly, rubbed Xuefeng's head lightly, smiled and corrected: "Bloodwind is my relative, not a monster."

The Tiancun Beast Slave was stunned at first, and then smiled: "It makes sense."

He nodded in admiration sincerely, and even more thoughtful.

It was as if Chen Feng's remarks gave her some enlightenment.

Chen Feng held the blood wind, landed in this mirror valley, and came to the giant pine again.

He looked around, a touch of emotion in his eyes.

This may be the last time he has come to Mirror Valley.

Even if this is not the last time, the number of visits here will decrease.

The Xuanyuan family was just one stop on his long path of cultivation.

Not the end!

Now, his stage is the entire Longmai Continent.

It seemed that everyone was silent in Chen Feng's emotions.

Only the blood wind was in Chen Feng's arms, rubbing back and forth, still immersed in the joy.

It was night, and the moon was as cold as water.

Above the giant pine, a bonfire was lit.

The savage beast slave didn't disturb Chen Feng and the others, but entered the big lake alone.

He came between the mountains and forests, in the lakes, as if he had returned home.

He fell asleep in the lake, surrounded by monsters.

The bonfire was rising, and the meat was roasting on it.

The grease drips on the fire, and it helps the fire even more.

A pot of fine wine has already drunk most.

Qingqiu Yaoguang's face was a little dizzy, her head resting on Han Yu'er's thigh, she was already asleep.

This little guy is a spirit grass, but somehow, it is quite good in the cup.

He looks like a little alcoholic.

She quietly killed more than half of the pot of millennium wine that Chen Feng took out just now.

The two of Chen Feng had only a few drinks.

Chen Feng muttered softly, telling the blood wind about the things he had experienced outside during this period of time.

At this time, he seemed to be a little ridiculous.

Han Yuer had a faint smile on her face, her face was a little red, her hands pressed her face, and she listened quietly.

The person in front of you is the sweetheart.

The sound of waves is heard, the wind is whistling, the fire is shining, and the boy is in white.

Everything looks like ten years ago.

I just feel that the years are quiet.

It's just that the blood wind is a little absent-minded, and I don't know if he listened to it.

It glanced at Chen Feng and saw Chen Feng looking at the blue-black sky in the distance, speaking rightly.

I saw Chen Feng put the wine glass on the ground.

Suddenly, he stretched his neck violently, and then his tongue slid very quickly and licked the wine glass.

The tongue drew back quickly, and his mouth was clicked, his face filled with satisfaction.

A moment later, before Chen Feng didn't see it, he quickly licked it again.

Before he retracted his head this time, he suddenly felt that the back of his neck was tight, and he was directly picked up by Chen Feng.

Suddenly, Xuefeng was shocked, and he was already in a pose of asking for mercy.

Chen Feng couldn't help her drinking before.

However, the blood wind is too good to be in the cup. After being drunk several times, he went crazy everywhere.

Bringing Jinggu into trouble, and tossing Chen Feng too hard.

Since then, Chen Feng will not allow him to drink.

It thought it would be hard to escape a fight this time, but did not expect that Chen Feng just pointed at him with a smile and cursed: "You fellow!"

Seeing that Chen Feng was not angry, Blood Wind was immediately overjoyed, and stretched out his tongue to lick Chen Feng's face.

Han Yu'er looked at her with a smile, her eyes filled with tenderness and joy.

The night is like water, and the wind is blowing, blowing the pine waves, with a little bit of winter coolness.

However, the surrounding area of ​​this small bonfire is warm as spring.

Warm into the heart.

The second day.

"Bloodwind, I want to take you away from the Xuanyuan Family Inner Sect temporarily, I wonder if you want to?"

Hearing the blood breeze, he nodded like garlic.

An emotion came from me: "Of course I am willing, I am going crazy when I am here! Neither of you will accompany me!"

There was a lot of grievance in the tone.

Chen Feng laughed, rubbing its head and said, "Isn't it afraid of taking you out in danger before?"

"You little guy, you know how to eat and eat, and you haven't improved your cultivation base. What if you go out and be beaten to death?"


Chen Feng asked, "Bloodwind, after you go outside, can you still practice as before?"

The blood wind flew up suddenly, turned in a circle in the air, with his chin raised outward.

Then he nodded slowly, his face was full of arrogance, and I looked incredible.

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