Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4415: Accepted a little brother

Next, the Tiancun Beast Slave remained in a coma, and was not awake.

However, the black air on his face was getting faint.

Even some of the long golden needles on the body have begun to crumble.

Some are slowly rising from his body.

The chains between the long golden needles have also been broken.

Obviously, the celestial beast slaves gradually gained the upper hand and began to reverse the situation.

Chen Feng drove the Qingluan Ruyi Boat, all the way towards the Xuanyuan Family Inner Sect.

Three or five days later, it has reached the outer periphery of the Xuanyuan family's inner sect.

At the moment when Chen Feng arrived at the periphery of the Xuanyuan family, suddenly, a low beast roar from the throat of the Tianchou Beast slave.

Above his body, there was a popping, dense and crisp sound.

Chen Feng turned his head suddenly, and saw that all the golden long needles appeared on the body of the Tianchou beast slave!

All the golden chains shine brightly!

Fiercely pounced towards the Tianchou Beast Slave.

That heavy light almost drowned the Heavenly Cruel Beast Slave, extremely vicious!

However, in Chen Feng's eyes, these golden long needles and golden chains are quite powerful.

Obviously, the power to seal the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave is making a decisive blow at this time!

It's just a dying struggle.

But the beast slave of Tianchou roared wildly at this time.

Above the body, the light shines.

His body swelled rapidly and directly became about four meters in height.

Above Jean's body, those magic lines gleamed steeply.

These magic patterns, in the memory of the Tianchou beast slaves that Chen Feng saw, when he was floating in that space, they were originally shining.

However, when it was sealed by the Ten Thousand Beast Islands, it was always dim.

It just exists there.

At this time, those magic lines became extremely bright.

And Chen Feng was even more bizarre. Those magic patterns all brightened up and joined together.

It actually formed a pattern like the head of a beast.

It feels like a four-meter-tall giant Tiancun Beast Slave, standing inside the head of a beast!

And as these magic patterns light up, finally, those long golden needles and chains can no longer hold them!

In the crackling sound, all broke!

It turned into a golden light spot and disappeared.

At this moment, the Tiancun Beast Slave opened his eyes suddenly.

He let out a low and crazy roar: "Thousand Beast Islands, I want you to die!"

His voice was full of rage and hatred!

The next moment, he saw Chen Feng.

There was a dazed look in his eyes, as if he didn't know who Chen Feng was.

After a while, he became agile again.

Then, there was deep gratitude and joy in those eyes.

He actually strode forward directly, came to Chen Feng, plopped and fell to the ground.

Loudly shouted: "Chen Feng, thank you very much!"

"If it weren't for you, I couldn't remember my life experience at all! I couldn't restore my memory at all! I couldn't get rid of the shackles and seals of the dogs in the Ten Thousand Beast Islands!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "If you can recover your memory, that's the best."

"Memory recovery?"

Speaking of these four words, the face of the Tianchou Beast Slave showed a dazed expression.

He muttered to himself: "My memory..."

"I just remember now that when I was a boy, there was a great battle, and then there was endless darkness."

"It seemed to be floating in some space before. I don't know how long I slept."


There was a deep hatred in his eyes: "It's the memories after being taken to the Ten Thousand Beast Islands."

"Those memories, I remember them clearly!"

He gritted his teeth and said harshly.

"As a teenager? Going through a war? Body floating..."

There was an indescribable throbbing in Chen Feng's heart!

The origin of the cruel beast slaves this day is truly extraordinary!

When he was floating in that mysterious space, his body state should be frozen.

And he, it was supposed to be after a great battle, he didn't know what happened, so he appeared in that mysterious space.

And when he fought, he was a boy again!

It also means that such a powerful Celestial Canal Beast Slave, and such a talented Celestial Canal Beast Slave, are actually just a teenager in their race.

A teenager who is slightly better than a child!

A teenager, a teenager who has never practiced, has such strength?

This is too terrifying!

Chen Feng shook his head and put aside these thoughts.

He raised his eyebrows: "So, which world and race were you born in? What have you experienced before? Don't you remember these?"

Tianchou beast slave shook his head blankly.

Thinking of all the past, the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave suddenly cried with a headache, crying extremely mournfully.

It seems to vent all these emotions.

All these years were sealed, tortured, abused, and all kinds of things were vented at this moment.

Chen Feng sighed slightly, feeling compassionate in his heart.

You know, the cruel beast slave is actually just a teenager!

He had seen the inhuman torture suffered by the Tiancun Beast Slave with his own eyes, and he felt sympathy for him in his heart.

As a teenager, how many people can bear this experience?

He didn't say anything, just walked to the side of the Tianchou Beast Slave and patted his shoulder lightly.

After a long time, the Tianchou Beast slave returned to normal.

He suddenly raised his eyes, looked at Chen Feng, and hissed: "Brother Chen Feng, I want revenge! I want revenge!"

He naturally called out this big brother.

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood in his heart.

Not to mention that the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave did not restore his previous memory at this time, which is equivalent to his memory starting from that desolate ancient huge space.

From that time to the present, all his memories are the experience of being tortured in Ten Thousand Beast Islands.

Therefore, it is actually like a blank sheet of paper, extremely simple.

Moreover, even if he recovers his previous memories, he is just a teenager.

There was no abrupt call to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled: "I didn't expect to accept a little brother."

"You can't revenge yourself?"

Chen Feng said softly.

The Celestial Beast Slave slowly shook his head, with a tragic expression on his face: "I have been imprisoned in the Ten Thousand Beast Islands for thousands of years, and they know me well."

"Don't look at me now breaking away from their control, but if I return to the Ten Thousand Beast Islands and fight them, I will still not be their opponent."

"Even, they will still be defeated, re-sealed and imprisoned."

Thinking of this, he shuddered a little, shivering hard.

"I never want to go back to my old life!"

Chen Feng looked at him and suddenly smiled: "Okay, then I will kill the Ten Thousand Beast Islands for you!"

Chen Feng said it was an understatement.

As if this is a simple matter.

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