Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4412: Memories of Tiancun Beast Slave

Fangyuan is as big as hundreds of miles, and it seems to be underground, a confined space.

Although huge, it is a cage magnified countless times.

There are huge iron-colored boulders everywhere, sealing this place.

Not only that, there is a powerful magic circle inside the iron-colored boulder to prevent people from escaping from it.

And this area is not even an area where the beast slaves can move freely.

The celestial beast slave is usually kept in a cage made of special materials.

The cage didn't know what kind of metal it was built of, it was so hard and flexible that it couldn't be broken.

Moreover, on the cage is also engraved with a powerful magic circle.

That magic circle was carved by the three beast **** envoys from Ten Thousand Beast Islands.

This cage is so small that you can't even sit in it straight, you can only bend down.

The Tiancun Beast Slave has been locked inside like this for many years.

The pain can be imagined.

Every ten days, he will be released for an hour.

This hour is for fighting.

Every ten days, a powerful monster, or a powerful warrior, was thrown here.

Celestial beast slaves want to fight with them and exercise their killing skills.

Tiancun Beast Slaves also try to summon those monsters to increase their summoning power!

And every once in a while, the beast slave would be brought to the highest point of the tower.

Chen Feng saw the three elders in the memory of the beast slave.

When the three elders appeared, Chen Feng could clearly feel the huge and incomparable fear that flashed through the mind of the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave.

And, murderous!

Yes, he hated the three elders to the extreme, but he was also afraid to the extreme.

Looking at the withered faces of the three people, Chen Feng sighed softly: "These three are the three top powerhouses in the Ten Thousand Beast Islands."

"That is, the so-called beast **** messenger!"

Even in the memory of Tianchou Beast Slave, Chen Feng could feel their power.

But the Tiancun Beast Slave was caught in this magic circle, and the three of them jointly controlled the magic circle.

In the magic circle, the golden light was bright, condensing countless things like long golden needles.

Then, those golden needles pierced fiercely into the body of the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave.

Every long golden needle pierced in, and the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave became a little confused.

Chen Feng looked at it and nodded slightly: "Sure enough, I guessed right before."

"The memory of Tiancun Beast Slave should be sealed by the people of Ten Thousand Beast Islands."

"It's just that, looking at this posture, what the three beast **** envoys are doing at this time is not sealing, but just strengthening the seal."

The memory moves forward.

The life of Tiancun Beast Slave lasted for thirty years.

Thirty years have been painful suppression, strengthening the seal, and all kinds of torture and humiliation.

Chen Feng couldn't help sighing, the cruel beast slave's disposition was already strong enough.

If it’s another person, I’m afraid I’ve become a lunatic who only knows crazy killing!

After that, Chen Feng continued to trace his memory forward.

However, after these thirty years of memory passed, Chen Feng discovered that the memory in front of him was gone!

That's right, it's gone!

At this moment, the picture of memory flashed forward, and what appeared in front of Chen Feng was pitch black!

It's pitch black, nothing!

The memory seems to have stopped.

In the next moment, Chen Feng saw that in the endless darkness, there were golden spots of light quietly emerging.

And then condensed with golden light spots, finally revealing their appearance.

It turned out that this turned out to be a huge golden long needle after another.

These golden needles were nailed fiercely in the darkness.

There are strands of black power permeating from above, like a huge spider web, permeating every part of this darkness.

At the same time, it made this black piece more condensed and firm, and it couldn't be broken at all.

Chen Feng suddenly felt in his heart.

These golden needles must be the seal that the beast gods of the Ten Thousand Beast Islands kept strengthening!

Chen Feng could feel that under the darkness, it seemed that there was the memory of Tiancun Beast Slave.

And this darkness comes from these golden needles.

In the long golden needles, there are still strands of black aura, constantly flowing out, converging into the darkness below, making the darkness stronger.

Completely sealed the memory of the beast slave.

Under that piece of darkness, the memory of Tianchou Beast Slave was obviously not willing to be completely sealed like this.

From time to time, it sent out bursts of pulsation, constantly beating.

There is power in it, and I want to burst out.

It seemed that he wanted to push out the long golden needle fiercely.

However, that little movement, the long golden needle simply ignored it.

And whenever the movement is larger and reaches a certain level, suddenly, there is a bright light above the long golden needles.

The bright golden lightning flashed across it, and slammed toward the darkness.

Suddenly, the extreme darkness shrank fiercely.

Chen Feng could feel the tremendous pain and suffering inside it, as if begging for mercy.

Then, the memory of Tiancun Beast Slave fell silent.

So, the cycle goes back and forth.

As if feeling Chen Feng's gaze, above those golden needles, there was a sudden emotion.

With hatred, murderous intent, and strands of contempt.

More provocative!

It seems that they now perceive the memory of Chen Feng visiting the Tiancun Beast Slave.

"Also provoke me?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "I didn't see it, I have a temper!"

Chen Feng knew why these golden needles dared to provoke him so much.

Generally speaking, it is indeed extremely difficult to break the seal left by the envoy of the beast gods in the Ten Thousand Beast Islands, and it can even be said that it is impossible to do so!

After all, all three of them have Seven Star Martial Emperor, or even higher strength.

The seal they put together is always reinforced.

How strong is that?

I'm afraid that even Xiahou Jiuyuan can't break it.

But the problem is, Chen Feng is an out-and-out anomaly!

"Dare to have a temper with me!"

Chen Feng sneered: "Here is my reincarnation magic space!"

"Here, I am the master!"

In Chen Feng's reincarnation magical space, he can easily kill the soul slaves, let alone break a seal in this mere!

Actually speaking, even if this is not Chen Feng's reincarnation world.

Even if Chen Feng and Xiahou Jiuyuan were both outside at the same time, facing the same seal, Chen Feng was easier than him to break the seal and pull it out.

Chen Feng's golden spiritual world is not comparable to others!

At the next moment, Chen Feng's heart moved.

Suddenly, the golden spiritual power poured out overwhelmingly.

These golden spiritual powers permeated Chen Feng's back, like the ocean, but mellow.

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