Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4407: So domineering!

It was in sharp contrast with the arrogance just now.

Chen Feng punched the khaki giant bear and broke his arm, and blood spurted out.

He also shook the cyan Panshan Giant Snake and smashed it to pieces.

This scene directly stunned the giant boat swallowing fish and the iron blue giant wolf.

They had come violently, but at this time, their faces were full of fear.

Wandering in place, dare not step forward at all.

Chen Feng suddenly turned around and stared at them.

Chen Feng just turned around, but the two five-star monster emperors were so scared that they backed away.

Chen Feng turned around and scared them away!

Looking at the scared expressions on both of them, Chen Feng's mouth twitched, revealing a scornful smile.

Then, he hooked his finger and laughed loudly: "Come on! You two go together!"

The swallowing giant fish and the iron-blue giant wolf showed a hint of fear in their eyes.

They just came violently.

In their opinion, this human can be killed easily.

But now, after Chen Feng demonstrated this powerful strength, they were immediately frightened!

Chen Feng stared at them, and suddenly smiled coldly: "Isn't you here?"

"Well, if you don't come, then I will go!"

At the next moment, Chen Feng's figure flashed, and he directly killed the boat swallowing giant fish and the iron cyan giant wolf.

Then, there were screams and screams, crazy beast roars, and Chen Feng's hearty laughter sounded one after another.

However, after dozens of breaths, the boat swallowing giant fish and the iron cyan giant wolf were also covered in blood and bruised.

Looking at Chen Feng, his face was full of fear.

They are also seriously injured!

However, after dozens of breathing times, Chen Feng was beaten miserably.

Chen Feng laughed, heartily, and exhilarated!

Suddenly, he pointed at the Tianchou Beast Slave: "Now, the practice is over! It's time to end it all!"

Everything just now, just now Chen Feng and the four five-star monster emperor level monsters were just practicing their hands!

What a arrogance this is! How confident this is! How overbearing!

In the next moment, Chen Feng practiced two tricks, directly blasting the boat swallowing giant fish and the iron cyan giant wolf!

At this point, the four major five-star demon emperors have all fallen into the sand!

Chen Feng was like an invincible God of War, swaying his strength wantonly here.

It's not like the four big five-star demon emperors besieging him, but it's like he has surrounded the four big five-star demon emperors with his own power!

Which one do you want to play?

It was embarrassing to clean them up!

So domineering!

The four major five-star Wudi had returned to where they were when they set off.

Standing there, looking at each other.

When he glanced at Chen Feng, his face was full of fear, and he did not dare to take a step forward!

And above the sky, that huge golden-winged dragon eagle, at this time also shrinks its pupils.

Looking at Chen Feng, there was an unstoppable look of fear in his eyes.

Originally, before, it was quite contemptuous of Chen Feng.

Feeling that I easily beat its Qingluan Ruyizhou down.

But only then did it know how lucky it was just now!

It couldn't help being thankful, but fortunately it didn't go down and besie Chen Feng.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that it will be able to grab its own bird's edge and smash it!

Thinking of the tragic appearance of the cyan Panshan giant snake that was almost broken, this huge golden-winged dragon eagle shuddered, shivering!

Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang looked at Chen Feng, their faces were full of admiration.

Quiet, deadly quiet!

At this moment, the four demon emperors stopped there.

And the three hundred Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses also stopped, staring at this scene blankly.

The mountain is broken, the river is dry, everything here is just like the battle between gods and demons in ancient times!

At the scene, only Chen Feng stood proudly above the sky!

He looked at his fist, looked at the moonlight light flowing on the surface of the fist, and his face was full of admiration:

"The power of luck is really terrifying!"

"The tiny strands of energy that I absorbed before condense into these seven big stars, and the strength has reached this level!"

He is also full of expectations for the future:

"I don't know the future, absorb more power of luck, and gather more stars."

"What kind of situation can the strength be improved to!"

Suddenly, his arms spread out, and his whole body burst into laughter.

Chen Feng only felt uncomfortable all over his body.

The stagnation after the breakthrough, the unstable foundation, and the shackles that existed between the muscles and bones have all been swept away!

He felt that his physical condition had reached its peak at this time!

After the fierce battle just now, Chen Feng has completely stabilized his realm.

He was extremely refreshed, opened his arms, and laughed loudly!

There was a dead silence, only Chen Feng's voice echoed.

At this time, following the battle just now, Chen Feng's body strength was all fulfilled.

The five-star Wudi realm he had just entered was completely stabilized.

Chen Feng really wanted to thank the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave.

It is not so easy for his realm to be stabilized, at least it will take a few months to complete it completely.

But now with these four great five-star monster emperors practicing, Chen Feng's realm is already extremely stable!

The Tianchou beast slaves are stupid.

He stared at everything in front of him blankly, and he still hadn't recovered.

Just muttered to himself: "How could it be, how could it be defeated like this?"

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the words Chen Feng said when he defeated himself before: "I didn't exert any effort, you fell."

Suddenly, he shivered violently.

Just now, he thought it was just Chen Feng's bragging.

Now I know that Chen Feng is telling the truth!

No bragging at all.

"It turns out that..."

His eyes were dull, and he murmured, "I don't deserve his full strength at all!"

He shuddered violently, looking at Chen Feng, his gaze showed a bit of fear.

Chen Feng's gaze swept across the four major five-star monster emperors, and pointed at them: "You guys, are you coming?"

Just did this one action.

The four great five-star demon emperors stepped back in shock.

Looking at Chen Feng, his face was full of fear.

Where would you dare to fight Chen Feng again?

Tiancun Beast Slaves are after all.

In his temperament, there is unspeakable determination and some mechanicalness.

And mechanical means not knowing what fear is.

His instinct was fear and awe of Chen Feng, but soon, that inexplicable power that controlled him was to sweep away this fear and awe.

His eyes became firm again.

"Chen Feng, do you think it will be over after defeating these four five-star monster emperors?"

"Tell you, it's far from over!"

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