Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 440: Teach carefully

"I know that such an achievement is not worth mentioning. Such a realm is still very humble. The world is so big and the Dragon Vein Continent is vast. I don't know how many horror masters there are, and I am nothing in front of them."

"But I think, Master, you will definitely be proud of me. At least, in Qianyuanzong, in Daning City, I have not been ashamed of you. All those who look down on you, all those who look down on our masters and apprentices, I am all I slapped them in the face fiercely! I shocked them so much. When I asked them to mention you, they had to respect and look up!"

"Master, I know that whether you are under Jiuquan or in another corner of the mainland, you will be proud of me. Your disciple Chen Feng has not lived up to your expectations!"

"All of this is given to me by you, Master!"

Chen Feng stood up and took a deep breath, with a firm expression on his face: "Master, don't worry, to me, this is just a starting point. Even Qian Yuanzong is just a starting point. , I will have a higher realm, I will set foot on a higher level, and I will never let you down."

Then, he pulled Jiang Yuechun up and said softly: "Master, this child has a very pitiful life experience, and even the only relative is gone. Now she can only rely on me."

"Today, I want to accept her as a disciple in front of your tomb, Master, teach her the principles of life, and teach her how to be a man. I may not be as good as you, and I can't teach that well, but I at least hope that she will no longer Being bullied."

Then Chen Feng turned around and said to Jiang Yuechun, "You kneel down, and those buried in this tomb are my master and your master."

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Jiang Yuechun was very excited. Chen Feng finally decided to accept her as a disciple. She knelt before the grave again and knocked her head three times.

Chen Feng pulled her up, and then smiled slightly: "Today, at the grave of Master, I officially accepted you as a disciple. Jiang Yuechun, you are my first disciple, and maybe the only disciple in my life. child."

Jiang Yuechun took a deep breath, and in accordance with the excitement in her heart, she knocked three more beeps to Chen Feng, stood up, looked at him, with dignified eyes, and whispered: "Being a teacher for a day, a father for life, Master , I will serve you forever."

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said: "I don't need you to wait. What I have to do now is to teach you the principles of being a human being and how to teach you what to do. Then, what you want to do, I won't stop you."

"Although you are my apprentice, you have your own life. You don't need to hang on to me all your life."

Jiang Yuechun seemed to understand, but she shook her head firmly and said, "No, I will be with the master for the rest of my life."

Chen Feng thought that this was just a kid's joke, and he didn't take it too seriously.

Chen Feng brought a lot of wine. He seldom drank alcohol. It should be said that he didn't drink alcohol. But this time, Chen Feng was sitting in front of the tombstone, drinking glass by glass.

He had a drink, poured a drink into the soil in front of the tombstone, and then chattered with his master.

Talk about their past, talk about what they experienced...

Jiang Yuechun's eyes widened, and she looked at this scene curiously and incredulously. Ever since she knew Chen Feng, Chen Feng has always been calm and steady, but at this time he was babbling, not like him in ordinary times.

But don't know what happened, Jiang Yuechun felt that such a master was more lovely and more real.

It was getting late before Chen Feng left the tomb with Jiang Yuechun and returned to the valley.

From this day on, Chen Feng took Jiang Yuechun and lived there.

From the second day of accepting disciples, Chen Feng began to teach Jiang Yuechun and fulfilled his responsibilities as a master.

Chen Feng not only teaches Jiang Yuechun to practice martial arts, but also teaches her the principles of life and deeds.

Every morning, I read and read, and every afternoon, I practice qigong.

All this went smoothly. Jiang Yuechun was born with a good book. She has been literate since she was a child and has a strong foundation. Chen Feng doesn’t need to teach her the trivial things, just accompany her to read and explain to her. The meaning is fine.

However, Chen Feng had a hard time teaching Jiang Yuechun to practice martial arts. Jiang Yuechun had never practiced before, and was not a warrior at all. At this time, Chen Feng should start with her basic teaching, and there should be no negligence.

However, Chen Feng was in the acquired realm and made no progress in the early stage, but his progress was surprisingly fast in the later stage. Therefore, his example cannot be used as experience for Jiang Yuechun.

Chen Feng consulted Han Yuer and Shen Yanbing successively, and finally formulated a perfect training plan for Jiang Yuechun.

The first step, of course, is to first practice a basic exercise of the acquired realm, condense the true energy, and break through to the first layer of acquired.

Chen Feng first cultivated the Bedoro Leaf Golden Sutra. The Bedoro Leaf Golden Sutra was very mysterious and laid an extremely solid foundation for Chen Feng. This is how Chen Feng will be able to learn directly from the day after tomorrow in just over a month. An extremely critical factor in breaking through to the Divine Gate Realm.

However, the progress of the Golden Sutra of Bedoro leaves was very slow. Chen Feng had cultivated for several years before he had that foundation, and this obviously did not apply to Jiang Jiang Yuechun.

Chen Feng went to Xu Lao's place to beg for some affection, and went to the martial arts pavilion to choose a technique of the Houtian realm to train Jiang Yuechun.

This process didn't go smoothly, because in Nei Zong's martial arts pavilion, there were too few exercises in the acquired realm. Most of those who have entered the inner sect are those who have already entered the divine door realm. Who needs the acquired techniques?

But from another point of view, any exercise that can be incorporated into the Houtian realm of Nei Zong is definitely very profound and has its own special features.

Chen Feng searched for a long time and finally found one.

Then from this day on, Jiang Yuechun had a monotonous life of studying in the morning, practicing martial arts in the afternoon, and meditation in the evening.

It's just that despite the monotonous repetition of the days, she did not feel any boring, but very happy.

Because she could feel that she was getting stronger little by little.

Ten days later, on a cliff.

This cliff is in Chen Feng's valley, not far from the cave mansion. Behind is the vast mountain range, there are boundless dense forests on both sides, and the vast lake in front of it. Let people stand here, suddenly feeling the vast and vast world.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged on the cliff, handsome and elegant, white clothes like snow. And three meters away from him, Jiang Yuechun, dressed in white, and Chen Feng were carved out of the same mold.

Her hair was neatly combed, very clean, and her face was fair and not stained. Although she was only six or seven years old and still a child, she looked solemn and looked like an adult.

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