Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4402: The true strength of Tiancun Beast Slave!

Even more, he improves himself every time! I am more and more able to make further breakthroughs!

The later, the stronger!

As for the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave, every time he attacked, there was no change from the previous one.

This made Chen Feng feel that Tiancun Beast Slave seemed a bit clumsy.

It gives people a sluggish reaction, a mechanical act, without the slightest sense of spirituality.

Chen Feng felt very strange in his heart: "It's not that way!"

"The Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave shouldn't be like this. People with blood and talent like his, generally speaking, will never have a low IQ."

"Should be far more intelligent than ordinary humans! Why is it so clumsy?"

In the next moment, the tenth attack of the Tianchou Beast Slave is coming!

Once again repelled by Chen Feng.

Then, there was no eleventh time.

The huge suction power on the Tianchou Beast Slave came again, but this time, there was no more earthy yellow power, and no strong earth power was absorbed into the body by the Tianchou Beast Slave.

The power of the earth in this area has been absorbed by the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave!

Obviously, the scope of the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave's absorption of the power of the earth is also limited, and it is impossible to absorb it infinitely.

The power of the earth here has dried up.

Chen Feng obviously saw that the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave was taken aback.

Then, his expression was a little stiff and dazed, as if it was a pause.

After a while, there was a reaction.

It seemed that it took him so long to react.

Chen Feng showed an expression of interest, and there was a vague guess in his heart.

"I lost."

The Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng and said cleanly.

It seems to him that losing is not a shame.

However, for him, it seems that losing does not mean giving up.

He looked at Chen Feng, but his eyes showed strong determination: "I will still kill you!"

"I will use all my means to kill you!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, did not speak, just hooked her finger.

Chen Feng had roughly guessed what was wrong with the Tianchou Beast Slave, so Chen Feng didn't mind playing with him to see how many hole cards he had.

Now, Chen Feng is more and more interested in the Tiancun Beast Slave.

"Now, I want you to see my real strength! Really, killer move!"

Tiancun Beast Slave took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face.

Then, suddenly, he gently closed his eyes.

Between eyes opened and closed, a strange force radiated out.

This power spread out instantly.

Chen Feng couldn't feel how this power was in the body of the Tianchou Beast Slave.

However, when the spread came out, Chen Feng was aware of it all at once.

Chen Feng is very familiar with this kind of breath.

He had encountered it when he was fighting Murongguan!

This is the breath of summoning monsters!

However, the difference is that Murongguan needs Qibao bronze gourd to exude this kind of breath.

However, the Heavenly Cultivation Beast Slave, it was easy to release this breath without resorting to anything.

Obviously, the Tiancun Beast Slave was summoning the Monster Beast at this time.

But Chen Feng did not see any magic weapon for storing monsters.

There is no Qibao bronze gourd, and even at this moment, there is nothing in his hand except the bronze hammer.

But at the next moment, Chen Feng felt that power spread out wildly.

In the next instant, in the direction of true north, the earth trembles suddenly.

In the endless dense forest, a huge wave is looming, and it is constantly approaching here.

The ground was trembling, it seemed that a certain behemoth was coming here.

After about a dozen breaths, the behemoth was getting closer.

With a huge roar, Chen Feng suddenly looked back.

Then I saw that a huge mountain was suddenly uplifted in the north direction.

That's right, a huge mountain suddenly appeared!

But when Chen Feng took a closer look, he found out what mountain is this?

This turned out to be a giant bear!

A huge earth-yellow giant bear, this giant bear is so huge that it is a bit taller than the surrounding mountains.

As if a new mountain appeared!

This giant bear is full of earthy yellow color, with huge thick earthy yellow scales growing on its body.

Each scale has a radius of several hundred meters, and the thickness reaches tens of meters, which is extremely hard and heavy.

Its legs are extremely thick, and its arms are also very thick, with violent joints.

Above the four claws, there are extremely long, extremely thick, and extremely sharp claws.

Its body is covered with thousands of thick khaki thorns.

Chen Feng didn't recognize this monster, but he could feel its strength!

The peak of the five-star monster emperor!

Its strength is comparable to the six-star Wudi peak martial artist!

"Is there a six-star Wudi peak?"

Seeing this situation, Chen Feng not only didn't panic at all, but a look of excitement appeared on his face, eager to try!

"Also, in the previous battle with the soul slave, his strength is far better than mine."

"Although in the end, I counted him to death, but in fact it doesn't make much sense for my actual improvement."

"Now that I have someone comparable to me, it's just time to practice my hands!"

That's right, even the six-star martial emperor peak-level monster beast, in Chen Feng's eyes, is nothing more than practice!

This is his confidence!

The khaki giant bear looked at here from a distance.

Then, it saw the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave, the one who summoned it.

Obviously, this khaki bear was not a monster beast that had been tamed and tamed by the Tianchou beast slave, but was newly summoned, so it was extremely rebellious.

It barked its teeth fiercely and let out a fierce roar at the Heavenly Cruel Beast Slave, with a fierce and greedy light gleaming in its eyes.

It seemed that he couldn't wait to swallow the Tianchou Beast Slave in one bite.

Chen Feng raised his brows next to him, watching with interest.

It seems that this khaki giant bear still wants to beat its owner!

This situation is extremely difficult for the summoner to solve.

Generally, it can only be suppressed by force.

Chen Feng wanted to know how to deal with the beast slaves.

But the scene that made him surprised appeared. When the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave looked at the direction of the khaki giant bear, he danced with his hands.

His movements are full of ancient primitive aura, with strong ancient clumsy meaning.

It is strange to say that when he danced, the raging and violent khaki bear disappeared.

It looked at the Tiancun Beast slave blankly, dumbfounded.

After a while, it also jumped up.

That huge body danced awkwardly, which seemed ridiculous.

After jumping for a while, the Tianchou Beast Slave stopped, and he shouted at the khaki giant bear again, and roared twice.

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