Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4400: Ancient survivors!

At this time, Chen Feng also had a general understanding of the character of the Tiancun Beast Slave.

This person seems to be ignorant of the world and has not walked outside.

His mind is very simple, but once an order is given to him, he will unconditionally obey the order.

He didn't want to kill himself, but the order, let him kill himself!

In short, this is a simple-minded killing machine.

This is the first time Chen Feng has encountered such an existence.

In the next moment, the expression on the face of the Tiancun Beast Slave changed into that kind of murderous intent again.

He looked at Chen Feng and said, "Well, Chen Feng, I have talked too much to you."

"Perhaps, you are the first person I have met since I came to Dragon Vein Continent, and what I have said to you has exceeded the sum of my past decades."

"just now!"

He looked at Chen Feng and shouted wildly: "Die!"

At the same time, he jumped and flew down above the golden winged dragon eagle, and killed him towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng watched the movements of the Tiancun Beast Slave, with a smile on his mouth, very calm and calm, without any fluctuations.

He even raised his arms, looking like he was watching a good show.

Chen Feng has sufficient confidence in himself.

In fact, he was also very curious about what kind of powerhouse Tiancun Beast Slave was.

Because, just now, from the first moment when he saw the Tiancun Beast Slave, after exploring Chen Feng's mental power, he was a little surprised.

Because he didn't feel any realm from the Tiancun Beast Slave.

That's right, it's not that the realm is low, but that there is no realm.

It seems that he is not a warrior at all.

Not even the most basic or lowest level.

But by the way, his strength and breath are so powerful that people cannot be ignored!

Chen Feng is also very curious about this.

But in the process of declining Tiancun Beast Slave, his aura increased crazily.

Chen Feng saw that the muscles on the surface of his body were flowing like water waves.

Those muscles have all turned into a thick yellowish color.

Yes, it is the color of natural yellow.

Generally speaking, in martial arts, if you are practicing earth system martial arts.

The more yellow the yellow is towards the orange, the brighter the yellow, the more clear and translucent, in fact, it symbolizes a higher level of strength.

The khaki, on the contrary, has a mottled and low feeling.

However, at this time, the body of the Tiancun Beast Slave was khaki.

But his khaki is a few calm and majestic.

It feels like that endless yellow hill with huge ups and downs stretching for tens of millions of miles!

There is no grass growing on this yellow hill.

There is only boundless loess.

The loess here is extremely heavy, revealing an unspeakable power.

Just like the beast slave at this moment!

His muscles were swollen, and his body shape grew up in an instant!

His size is about two meters high at this time.

The height of two meters is nothing to Chen Feng.

He has seen huge monsters measuring tens of thousands of meters and hundreds of thousands of meters.

But at this time, the two-meter-high bronze body of the cruel beast slave gave Chen Feng a strong sense of oppression!

In that body, there seemed to be infinite power surging.

That power, overbearing to the extreme, poured out overwhelmingly.

Every muscle on his body showed an unparalleled sense of strength.

It gave people the feeling that he could smash a mountain with one punch!

Chen Feng's pupils shrank.

"I finally know why the cruel beast slave has no realm on his body this day."

"Because he hasn't practiced martial arts at all!"

"He is not a warrior at all!"

That's right, Tianchou beast slaves are not even martial artists.

His strength is all concentrated on his tyrannical body.

He is not even a martial artist, he has never practiced martial arts, he just has an extremely powerful body!

Strong to a terrifying level!

"It's just that if you don't practice martial arts, how can your body be so strong?"

There was a question in Chen Feng's heart, and his brows wrinkled.

The number of martial artists is by no means a minority, but they also rely on various exercises and martial arts to strengthen their bodies.

For example, Chen Feng.

But on this day, there was no trace of martial arts practice on the canine beast slave.

"In other words..."

Chen Feng was shocked: "His natural body is extremely powerful!"

Thinking of this level, Chen Feng became even more excited.

"If the celestial beast slave is born purely by nature and has such a strong physique, then he is definitely not an ordinary human race."

"There is definitely an extremely terrifying and powerful blood in the body!"

"I'm afraid it is an ancient survivor, a wild alien!"

"What kind of race and blood is necessary to prevent him from cultivating and possessing the strength close to the level of the Six-Star Martial Emperor when he is an adult?"

The power displayed by the Tianchou Beast Slave at this moment gave Chen Feng the feeling that it was no less than the average Six-Star Wudi!

For Chen Feng, this discovery was nothing but a new world!

Chen Feng looked at the Tiancun Beast Slave, as if he saw a treasure, an extremely rare prey.

He changed his mind instantly now.

He didn't plan to kill the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave, he wanted to capture the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave, and then asked what happened to the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave, and how exactly this power was obtained.

No matter how the Celestial Remnant Beast Slave got it, for Chen Feng, his breakthrough and his cultivation level are all very good!

To reach the realm of Chen Feng, if you want to make a breakthrough, you must learn from the best of everyone.

Maybe, Tiancun Beast Slave could show him a new breakthrough point!

The next moment, with a bang, the body of the Tianchou Beast Slave fell heavily on the ground.

Chen Feng clearly saw that when he landed on the ground, the whole earth was normal.

And the power above his body was a little stronger again.

In an instant, from approaching the six-star Wudi to reach the early stage of the six-star Wudi!

He looked at Chen Feng, without any nonsense, and rushed up directly.

A punch!

This punch blasted, and the earth-yellow power oscillated between the sky and the earth.

Dozens of huge mountain peaks around them trembled slightly at the same time, groaning.

The ground trembled slightly.

At this time, they actually delivered a breath called fear and surrender.

"Fear, surrender!"

Chen Feng frowned, and then slowly unfolded!

At this time, he had vaguely guessed something.

However, he still needs further verification.

In the next moment, the fist of the Tianchou Beast Slave was already severely slammed in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at the Tiancun Beast Slave with a smile on his lips.

"Tianchou beast slave, your strength is pretty good, and it's pretty passable among young people."

"Unfortunately, in front of me..."

He shook his fingers slightly: "Not enough to see!"

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