Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4397: Weird!

This magic circle is not engraved on it, but is determined by the texture and characteristics of the Yin Xuan Jade.

It can be said that it is naturally formed, and it is amazing.

Suddenly, a suction came, covering Fan Qishui.

After brushing it, Fan Qishui was directly sucked into the Yin Xuan jade puppet.

The Yin Xuan jade puppet trembled violently, and froze in place for a while.

The next moment, the eyes suddenly opened, and there was a look in the eyes.

He walked around the place a few times and adjusted to his body.

Then turned to look at Chen Feng, and exclaimed, "Thank you, son!"

Obviously, Fan Qishui has already adapted to this body.

Chen Feng nodded and said solemnly: "My other promises to you will definitely be fulfilled."

Fan Qishui nodded repeatedly.

At this time, he trusted Chen Feng wholeheartedly.

He suddenly looked at Chen Feng and said loudly, "Master Chen, his subordinates also want to serve you like Pu Jingyi."


Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, and then he understood his thoughts.

Obviously he knows that following himself now is absolutely beneficial.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Okay, that's okay."

He looked at Pu Jingyi and said softly: "Pu Jingyi, next, I hope you go to Chaoge Tianzi City."

"My son, please don't hesitate to give orders."

Pu Jingyi said with a fist.

He felt even more deeply at this moment that he was right following Chen Feng.

Not only is the future absolutely limitless, Chen Feng also values ​​love and righteousness, making a promise.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said something to him in a low voice.

Pu Jingyi nodded repeatedly.

Then, Chen Feng gave them some of the gains from this trip, martial arts and exercises pills, etc., enough to allow them to improve some strength.

After the two thanked them, they left and hurried towards Ge Tianzi City.

Chen Feng looked at their backs and sighed softly.

In his expression, he was a bit tired, but more relaxed.

This matter is finally over.

Chen Feng suddenly shook and fell directly to the ground.

Han Yuer exclaimed: "Junior Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Feng slowly shook his head with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, it's okay, I'm just too tired."

He spread his hands and feet, just lying there, looking at the bright blue sky, the red sun, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his heart was unspeakably relaxed.

Yes, Chen Feng is so tired.

Since he started the layout three months ago, he has been exhausted and dedicated.

I'm afraid of going wrong.

It can be described as exhausted all the energy.

Today, there are repeated fierce battles. Anything wrong, the three of them have died thoroughly.

During this period, Chen Feng's heartstrings have been tight, which can be described as exhausted of mind and strength.

At this time, Chen Feng felt sore all over his body. He was so tired that he might faint at any time.

Even his thinking started to become dull.

Chen Feng raised his eyes to look at Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, only to feel that his heart was extremely relaxed.

There is no need to worry and panic anymore, the whole person is completely relaxed.

At the next moment, Chen Feng went into deep sleep.

At this moment, a cloud of lead suddenly piled up in the sky and it became dark.

The next moment, the heavy snow of goose feathers fell.

This winter seems to be exceptionally colder than usual.

Han Yu'er looked down at Chen Feng, feeling indescribable and tender in her heart.

She gently leaned down next to Chen Feng, rested his head on her thigh, lowered her head and lightly kissed him on the face, with a full smile on the corner of her mouth.

The smile is like a spring breeze, it seems that even the snow and ice in the sky can melt.

Suddenly, Han Yuer found Qingqiu Yaoguang on the opposite side staring straight at him.

She fluffed her hair gently: "What's the matter?"

Qingqiu Yao lightly chuckled and said, "Sister Yu'er, you just smiled so beautifully."

"In the past three years, I haven't seen you smile like this!"

Han Yu'er chuckled, glamorous.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Feng and others had left the Black Forest for several hours.

The direction of Qingluan Ruyizhou's flight is where the inner clan of Xuanyuan family is located.

Chen Feng planned to return to the Xuanyuan family's inner sect first, to finish everything, and then connect with the blood wind and go to Chaoge Tianzi City.

That's right, next Chen Feng will go to Chaoge Tianzi City.

The six sects have the most manpower and strength there.

Obviously, the real key to that Dadiqiao acupoint should be in Chaoge Tianzi City.

The focus of the Six Martial Arts' layout this time is also Chaoge Tianzi City.

Only when you get there, you can know more.

After all, Chen Feng had a deeper understanding of Qi Luck after he got the God Stealing Pill.

And the move of the Six Martial Arts is equivalent to stealing Qi Luck from the Dragon Vein Continent.

This is equivalent to stealing things from Chen Feng's house. How can Chen Feng tolerate it?

Not to mention, Chen Feng is also determined to obtain the treasure that is related to the luck of the Dragon Vein Continent that the Six Martial Arts want to obtain!

He knew that the focus of everything that followed was in Chaoge Tianzi City!

Qingluan Ruyi Boat rides across a huge mountain range, which is the remnant of the Zhongzhou mountain range, and it is also extremely broad and has a huge radius.

There are countless monsters inside.

Generally speaking, when the Qingluan Ruyi Boat rides over such a place, it is usually very noisy and noisy below.

Often powerful monsters flew up like demonstrations and provoked, roaring at Qingluan Ruyizhou.

Even some monster beasts will take the initiative to attack Qingluan Ruyizhou.

However, this time, it was exceptionally quiet here.

It was quiet below, without any movement.

If Chen Feng is sober, he must be able to feel that something is obviously wrong.

The monsters in this mountain range are very wrong.

There are thousands of monsters in a mountain range. These monsters do not have a unified will. Each monster lives according to its own ideas.

Therefore, in such a vast area as the Zhongzhou Mountains, where there are many monsters, countless monsters are fighting at every moment, countless monsters are hunting, and countless monsters are practicing.

They display a variety of different vigor and vitality.

But at this moment, right below the Qingluan Ruyizhou of Chen Feng and others.

This stretch of tens of thousands of miles around the Zhongzhou Mountain Range is an extremely strange sight.

Even, it can be said to be weird!

If they could go into the dense forest to watch at this time, they would definitely find that all the monster beasts in this mountain range maintained the same movement.

That's right, whether it's the monster emperors with the top strength or the ordinary monsters with the lowest strength!

All are to maintain one action!

They all stood in place, raised their heads, and looked to the sky!

There was a trace of violence and murder in his eyes, and he was vaguely expecting something.

Their ears are all pricked up, as if waiting for an order!

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