Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4388: Dare you stop me?

Yes, only fear and shock!

But there is no time to sigh for them.

Because, that wooden armor magic soldier has already rushed up.

These wooden armored soldiers beheaded them, really destroying them, cutting melons and vegetables.

In just an instant, these dozens of disciples were beheaded, leaving only the last one.

He stood trembling, and his heart was full of fear.

Chen Feng looked at him.

The disciple suddenly weakened his legs and knelt to the ground, repeatedly kowtow: "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

Chen Feng didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, stretched out his hand, grabbed him directly, and said coldly, "Do you know where the Soul Locking Tower is?"

This disciple was still a little confused.

With a snap, Chen Feng slapped him with a big slap and finally woke him up.

The disciple's heart trembled, and he nodded quickly: "I know, I know."

"Okay, take me there."

Without any hesitation, the disciple of the Temple of Soul Destruction quickly nodded again.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, thinking about it.

Several wooden armor soldiers hurried forward.

In the scene that happened just now, everyone in a radius of tens of miles could see clearly.

There are not a few disciples in the Temple of Soul Destruction nearby here, there are always dozens or hundreds.

Originally, they didn't take this seriously, and didn't think this young man was any kind of strong.

But he didn't expect him to have such terrifying strength.

Everyone looked at Chen Feng with a bit of trembling in their eyes!

Suddenly, this area, which was originally quite noisy, became extremely quiet.

However, at this moment, there was an elder in the distance who came quickly and shouted sharply: "What are you still doing in a daze? Are you going to retreat when a strong enemy comes?"

This elder was also a courageous person, and he first blocked Chen Feng.

Behind him, the elder disciples of the Soul Destruction Hall followed one after another.

In a blink of an eye, a thousand people stood in front of Chen Feng!

There are no shortage of true disciples and some powerful elders in the Hall of Soul Destruction.

But even these elders are no more than Six-Star Wudi, and the Wooden Armored Divine Weapon has shown the strength of Seven-Star Wudi just now!

They looked at Chen Feng and others, and they didn't dare to step forward.

But it was blocked there, and it was unwilling to retreat.

The elder headed by him has a six-star martial emperor's peak strength, placed among the nine forces, and is also a first-class powerhouse.

He stared at Chen Feng and said coldly: "Who are you? What are you doing in my Soul Destruction Hall?"

Chen Feng didn't answer his words at all, but stared at him, saying, "Dare you stop me?"

In an instant, the elder's face was flushed.

He talked to a junior like this, but the young man ignored him, just said these four words so domineering!

No matter what, so he slapped his face fiercely!

A look of anger appeared on his face, and he sternly said: "Boy, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Dare you stop me?"

As he said these words, seven wooden armored soldiers stepped forward together!

The coercion of Emperor Wudi Qixing was overwhelming!

The elder shuddered under pressure, his legs softened, and he almost couldn't help kneeling to the ground!

This is the coercion of the seven Seven Star Martial Emperors!


And many of the elder disciples behind him, even kneeling on the ground, thumped directly under the pressure of this coercion!

More people screamed and vomited blood!

He was seriously injured directly by this coercion!

A cold smile was drawn at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, staring at him and all of them, and once again said those four words: "Dare you stop me?"

The coldness is coming!

When he came into contact with his icy eyes full of killing intent, the elder of the Soul Destruction Hall suddenly trembled.

He instantly understood the meaning of Chen Feng's eyes: "Next, he is going to kill someone!"

He wants to kill all these people!

The seven wooden armor soldiers continued to move forward slowly!

Every step forward, these thousands of soul-killing palace experts all step back!

Seeing, the wooden armored divine soldier was about to hit the elder, hitting among the thousands of powerful soul-killing halls!

He completely ignored the powerhouse of Soul Destruction Hall!

The elder of the Soul Destruction Hall at the front, when Chen Feng and others were about to arrive, could no longer stand the terrifying pressure!

The fear in his heart finally crushed him!

He yelled, gave way directly to the side, and gave up a road.

And behind him, everyone also rushed to make way!

No one dared to stop Chen Feng anymore!

Chen Feng laughed: "Just rely on you? You dare to stop me?"

His eyes were full of contempt.

After all, Chen Feng was driving the wooden armored magic weapon and slammed forward.

Along the way, all the disciples of the Hall of Soul Destruction shuddered to leave the road, not daring to resist.

This is also Chen Feng's purpose.

There are hundreds of disciples in the Temple of Soul Destruction, even if the wooden armor is strong enough, they don't know how long it will take to kill them one by one.

It's better to put on the power of thunder from the beginning, showing an extremely powerful posture!

Killing a very small number of people to Liwei, making everyone fearful and dare not stand in the way!

This is the fastest way!

At this time, facing him, everyone in the Soul Destruction Hall was already discouraged!

Under the guidance of the disciple of the Temple of Soul Destruction who was captured by him, Chen Feng went all the way, and soon came to the core of the Temple of Soul Destruction.

This is already halfway up the mountainside of this ten-foot-high mountain, and it is about to reach the top of the mountain.

It was dark everywhere, full of gloomy atmosphere.

The disciple of the Hall of Soul Destruction pointed to the black tower in front of him, and trembled: "That's it!"

"This is the Soul Lock Tower!"

"Is it here?"

Chen Feng took a deep breath and looked at the gloomy tower in front of him that was seven stories high and a full kilometer.

On the high tower, there are dozens of thick black iron chains.

Each of these black iron chains was thick and heavy like a water tank, and they were dark and heavy, and they didn't know what metal they were cast from.

I don't know how many ghosts were cast on the black iron chain.

These fierce ghosts were all bound by iron chains and suffered a lot.

It looked like it was like a scene in the **** of Sun Luo Hell.

Dozens of huge black iron chains trap the black tower in it, and on top of this huge black iron chain, there is a cyan arc flashing light from time to time!

Chen Feng felt that there was an indescribable pressure in the cyan arc-shaped electric light.

It seems that there is a special suppression of the soul.

Chen Feng took a closer look and found that there were countless lines carved on the black chains.

These lines combine to form a magic circle.

Each black iron chain is a separate magic circle.

Dozens of black iron chains are entangled together, it is a huge magic circle!

The disciple was observing his words and feelings, and whispered: "This is a soul-suppressing circle!"

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