Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4383: A powerful wooden armor!

It not only has the delicate texture of wood, but also has extremely powerful and domineering power.

At the same time, a burst of green light flashed on the surface of their bodies, which was full of vitality.

This means extremely powerful vitality!

These seven huge wooden armored soldiers give people the feeling that they are full of incomparably powerful strength, solid defense, flexible size, and extremely strong recovery ability, and full of vitality!

It seems that this kind of wood and this kind of plant that compose them has both strong agility, strength, speed and vitality!

This is a wooden armor!

The wooden armor magic weapon bred by Qibao Yuanyang Shendou!

"It turns out that the wooden armored magic weapon is like this."

Then, the seven wooden armored soldiers walked in front of Chen Feng and knelt down together, making loud but low voices.

The voice was like two big woods colliding: "The subordinate has seen the master!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he nodded slowly.

At this time, the soul slave also recovered, and said coldly, "Chen Feng, didn't you expect you to have a hole card?"

"But, do you think these pieces of rotten wood can stop me?"

The soul slave sneered coldly: "You too underestimate me, the Eight-Star Martial Emperor! You underestimate the cultivation of the pinnacle figure in the Dragon Vein Continent!"

As he said, he roared and rushed directly.

And Chen Feng stopped drinking, and pointed to the soul slave: "Go!"

The seven wooden armored soldiers, without any hesitation, rushed forward.

But what surprised Chen Feng was that the seven of them didn't rush forward so recklessly.

It is actually impossible to deploy a seven-person formation in an instant.

This formation may seem simple, but it actually implies the truth of heaven and earth.

It is not only upright and generous, but also not lacking in smart changes.

The soul slave was surrounded in an instant.

The soul slave blasted out with a punch, and the poisonous soul power lingered out.

Hovering like a blue dragon, a wooden armored soldier, without showing weakness, directly meets!

The offensive formed by this original spirit power violently collided with each other.

Suddenly, this wooden armored soldier snorted and retreated several steps!

And his arms, already eroded by this virulent spirit power, began to disintegrate and break apart.

Seeing the next moment, it will disappear!

Chen Feng watched by the side, his eyes sinking.

"The strength displayed by this wooden armored weapon is at the level of the Seven-Star Martial Emperor, but even the Seven-Star Martial Emperor, facing the real eight-star Martial Emperor, the soul slave, is not an opponent at all. One move is to be repelled!"

"Moreover, the injury is serious!"

But the wooden armored magic soldier took a step back, and the other two wooden armored magic soldiers greeted him, blocking the soul slave.

The wooden armored soldier who was injured before shuddered, and a green light surged in his chest.

He came to his arms in an instant, and directly recovered those arms, without any injuries.

Then, they stepped forward to meet the enemy.

This cycle goes back and forth, as long as there is a wooden armored soldier injured, it will retreat into the battle, and naturally other wooden armored soldiers will meet.

Chen Feng slowly nodded: "The wooden armor is excellent in all aspects, especially the vitality and recovery ability."

"It is worthy of being bred by such gods as Qibao Yuanyang Shendou, and it is worthy of absorbing the power and vitality of the earth veins in a radius of 30,000 miles!"

The soul slave fought fiercely with seven wooden armored soldiers.

There is a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes are sharp and firm.

Obviously, he is very clear about his goal, which is to first abolish the seven wooden armored soldiers, and then behead Chen Feng!

At this time, he finally fully revealed the strength of his Eight-Star Martial Emperor.

Even if the seven seven-star martial emperor-level wooden armored soldiers set up their formations and besieged him, he did not lose the wind!

On the contrary, it is obvious that he has the upper hand, every move is extremely powerful.

The seven wooden armored soldiers retreated one after another. If it were not for their strong vitality and recovery ability, I am afraid that this formation would have been broken now, and seven of them would have been killed!

Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang were shocked when they watched.

Even Chen Feng took a deep breath: "This is the true strength of the soul slave!"

"This is the true strength of the soul slave, the eight-star martial emperor, the top powerhouse of the dragon vein continent!"

The soul slave was beaten heartily, and only felt that the evil anger received by Chen Feng broke out at this moment!

He laughed wildly, punched two in a row, and knocked the two wooden armored soldiers into flight.

Then, he turned around suddenly, stared at Chen Feng, and sneered:

"Chen Feng, do you think this can stop me?"

"Tell you, they can support at most one hour!"

"But, after an hour, they will all be abandoned!"

"And you will die miserably, hahahaha..."

He laughed triumphantly, as if Chen Feng's death was inevitable.

And Chen Feng also knew that he did not tell lies!

The seven wooden armored divine soldiers, although each had the strength of the Seven Star Martial Emperor, together they were still not the opponents of the soul slaves.

Chen Feng looked at it for a moment, and at this time, he also roughly judged that even with the matching formation, the soul slave would be able to withstand at most half an hour and would lose.

And even if they fight for their lives, they can only resist for an hour!

After all, at a realm above the five-star Emperor Wudi, each level of improvement is as huge as a chasm.

Emperor Wudi of Seven Stars and Emperor Wu of Eight Stars weren't strong at the same level at all!

The soul slave is right.

After an hour, these seven wooden armored soldiers will be killed by him.

At that time, Chen Feng will only have a dead end.

However, Chen Feng did not panic.

Instead, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, I was right."

"The gap between me and the soul slave is really too big."

"The realm has fallen by four major levels, and the strength has been inserted by two major levels!"

"Even if my organs are exhausted, the spirit of martial arts is promoted, the Qibao Yuanyang Shendou has hatched, and even the Heaven Stealing Shendan is swallowed by me!"

"Still not an opponent of soul slaves! The huge gap is difficult to fill!"

"But, so what?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Fengfeng's mouth: "Soul slave, soul slave, the gift I prepared for you is far from over!"

"Even if your strength surpasses me countless times, this time, I will count to death!"

It turned out that Chen Feng did not expect to be able to block the soul slaves by relying on these wooden armored soldiers bred from Qibao Yuanyang Shendou.

Because long before he buried the Qibao Yuanyang Shendou, he knew very well what strength the wooden armor magic soldier was.

With Chen Feng as a city man, how could he not count this link firmly?

These wooden armored magic soldiers, Chen Feng also has another use.

What Chen Feng had been thinking about was just relying on these wooden armored divine soldiers to be able to withstand the attacks of the soul slaves.

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