Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4375: Soul slave! Get out of trouble!

After a while, the golden mental power completely disappeared.

In the center of Chen Feng's right palm, there is an extra black character.

Very profound, full of ancient aura.

The edges of the characters are golden.

There are strong mental power fluctuations, flooding the edges of the characters.

Chen Feng raised his right hand in front of him and looked down at the magnificent ancient black character when he saw the black swirl.

In an instant, all the attention, mental power, and even the soul of the whole person have a feeling of being absorbed, directly trapped and imprisoned by the power of this black vortex, and being absorbed fiercely!

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that his soul was about to split out and plunged into the black whirlpool.

Chen Feng hurriedly roared, bit his tongue, and spouted blood!

There was severe pain, and the whole body trembled, and the spirit was stabilized.

Never dare to look at the black vortex again.

Chen Feng still had lingering fears, and whispered to himself: "This black whirlpool is so terrifying, really amazing!"

"I have a physical body and I am so full of Yang Qi that I almost got my soul sucked in."

"If you change to a soul body, I'm afraid..."

A smile was drawn at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, his sleeves rolled, and his right hand clenched, quietly hiding the mysterious ancient characters.

"This mysterious and ancient character with Phnom Penh should be a sign of the solidification of my heaven and earth repetitive reincarnation art!"

"When you touch your opponent with this mysterious ancient character, you can pull the enemy into the heaven and earth into the magic of reincarnation!"

Chen Feng sighed softly: "And this also means that my heaven and earth reincarnate magically!"

"Already! It's done!"

If others know it, I'm afraid I will be extremely jealous.

Such a difficult ninth rank technique of Heavenly rank was easily accomplished by Chen Feng.

This is the power of Zhu Jiu Yin Wuhun!

"Just, why is there only one character?"

That's right, only one character.

But at a glance, the mysterious vortex loomed in the characters, as if there was a world inside.

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "Just now, I saw a lot of mysterious and ancient characters, and there is a world in each one."

"Now, there is only one solidified in my hands."

Chen Feng thought for a moment, and then he knew why.

"Presumably, it's because I only practiced the first level now, so I can only solidify one character. I can only get this world of spiritual reincarnation!"

"When the state is improved in the future, I am afraid I can get more!"

"However, one is enough now!"

He looked up at the immense world, the soul slave of Hong Lu whispering to himself, I can expect you to come out soon, I'm ready for this great gift.

At this moment, in the emperor's furnace that day, the soul slave was still constantly fighting against that Chiyan Earth.

He is now rushing to consume Chi Yan Geocentric.

The fight is who has the stronger original strength and can afford it.

This is certainly a stupid method, but it is also the most effective and best method.

Now, three or five hours have passed, and the speed at which his original spirit power appears is getting slower and slower, and his strength is getting weaker and weaker.

The original spirit power that appeared each time was about half weaker than before, even the light was dimmed a lot, and the speed of appearance was also slowing down.

Obviously, its original soul power has been consumed enormously, and it can hardly be maintained.

But fortunately, fortunately, the flames of the Chiyan Earth's heart had already been consumed by him.

He used about five or six hours before, and finally consumed so much.

Looking at this posture, it should be possible to consume these Chi Yan Earth Heart Fire in about three more hours.

However, the hatred in the soul slave's eyes was even stronger at this time, almost bursting into flames, full of murderous intent.

He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Chen Feng, I must kill your dog!"

He really hated Chen Feng in his heart!

There is no reason for him, it is because the price he paid this time is too great.

At this time, he still didn't know that he was already played by Chen Feng between his palms.

Originally, the soul slave had lived for so many years, so powerful, and so knowledgeable.

In fact, he has many ways to resolve the situation today.

There are at least three of them, and he does not need to wear too much.

But now, he had to choose the most tragic result, the most costly, and the one that caused him the most harm.

The root of all this lies in Chen Feng.

Because he was afraid that Chen Feng would run away!

And the reason why he felt this way was because of what Chen Feng had done before.

This is Chen Feng's purpose.

He just wanted the soul slave to think that he was about to run and would soon be unable to catch up with him, so he had to choose the fastest but also the most costly method!

If he knew that Chen Feng hadn't gone far at all, and just deliberately said those things to calculate his words, I'm afraid he would even vomit blood.

Time diverges every minute.

Finally, another three hours passed.

At this time, it was nearly twelve hours before Chen Feng and the others left the Emperor Honglu.

Chen Feng glanced at the huge Tiandi Honglu, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: "Now the time is almost too!"

He suddenly got up, looked at Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang, and said loudly, "Senior Sister, Yaoguang, now the time is almost!"

"At this time, the movement caused here, I am afraid that those people in the Soul Destroying Palace will have been observing for so long, and they will already react, and they are all coming here."

"It is estimated that the defensive power around Soul Destruction Hall should be the weakest now."

"Let's go now!"

As he said, he blinked at the two of them.

Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang had received his hints earlier.

The two women smiled and nodded together: "Okay!"

And at this moment, suddenly, the Emperor Honglu made a huge and incomparable buzz that day, and suddenly trembled.

Then, the lid of the Emperor's furnace was like being punched from below!

He flew out without knowing how far, and slammed heavily on the ground next to him.

Then, an old hoarse, resentful voice rang from the Emperor's furnace:

"Boy, do you still want to escape? Can you escape?"

It was like a giant appeared in the furnace of the Emperor of Heaven.

The next moment, in the emperor furnace that day, a giant appeared as expected.

This is a giant composed entirely of soul power, seemingly illusory, but in fact it is a real giant!

His body is so huge that it gives people the feeling that the Emperor Honglu simply cannot accommodate him!

He held the edge of the Emperor Hong's furnace with his hand, jumped out of the bushes, stood there, upright!

He wore a gray robe, half human and half skull on his face, who was it if he wasn't a soul slave?

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