Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4365: Seed beans

Now because of Chen Feng's words, he has fallen sharply by 10%, leaving only about 70% of his strength at his peak!

In fact, Chen Feng did not just do it for mockery.

On the contrary, he did so with foresight.

If Chen Feng were to run away, he would never show up, he would run away quietly.

It's best not to let the soul slave find out that he is still alive.

In this way, the time for the soul slave to chase and kill can be delayed.

But the problem is that Chen Feng has nowhere to escape!

It is impossible for him to escape!

He has nowhere to go!

He wants to flee now, but there is only one direction, which is to flee outward.

If you escape, you will enter the ghost forest.

After entering the ghost forest, they will be besieged by those ghosts.

Then, Chen Feng is equivalent to entering an unfavorable home court.

Of course, he can also choose to escape to Soul Destruction Palace.

But those masters in Soul Destruction Hall would not listen to him, but would listen to soul slaves.

In other words, as long as Chen Feng chooses to escape, no matter which direction he flees, he will actually fall into a more disadvantaged situation!

Instead, staying here is the best choice.

The soul slaves accumulate so much power, no one in the Soul Destruction Hall dares to come here.

The ghosts even dare not come here to find death.

Chen Feng will go to other places and face more enemies.

If he wants to be here, he will only face a soul slave! ,

What's more, Chen Feng had planned for a long time before, in order to treat this place as a decisive battle!

He still needs to be here, waiting for someone to arrive!

Therefore, instead of telling the soul slave, he is here now!

He wants the soul slaves to consume these red flames and come out of the furnace of this heavenly emperor!

Then, come find yourself, chase yourself!

In the meantime, there is still a question: that is, how will the soul slave choose?

After all, the soul slave is an old monster who has not known how many years he has lived. Its scheming city government and its mind are hard to predict.

Maybe, he would give up his hatred when he thought about it calmly and take the next step more rationally.

That way, Chen Feng would never want to see it.

Chen Feng said this now to make the soul slave hate himself even more!

There are two goals in doing so.

First, it is natural to let the soul slave chase and kill him frantically, and don't stop.

And the second purpose is to reduce his strength!

He hates himself even more, so naturally he will chase himself!

And if he wants to hunt down himself, then of course he can't delay here too much!

If he can't delay more here, he will naturally get out as soon as possible!

He wants to get away as soon as possible, it is necessary to compare, he is here to slowly resolve the red flames, and pay a greater price!

For example, if he paid 50% of the power loss as a price, he could slowly deal with these red flames.

But if he wants to get out as soon as possible, he will have to consume 70% of his strength as the price!

Because, only in this way can he have time to hunt down!

Chen Feng's plan is one after another.

If it were not for planning the next step, he would not do these things here!

After speaking these words, Chen Feng looked at the soul slave and smiled coldly.

The hand stroked gently on the neck and made a throat cut.

After that, he laughed wildly: "Soul slave, you are here, enjoying these red flames!"

"Let's be transformed into nothingness by these red flames!"

"Excuse me, I can't accompany you!"

After all, he disappeared with Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang!

Chen Feng pretended to be escaping far away, but in fact, he didn't leave that far.

Chen Feng stood beside the Emperor's furnace, looking around.

Before, when he came, he was thrown directly on the platform after he came.

Then, he was thrown into the furnace of the Emperor of Heaven.

There was no time to look at the surroundings.

At this time, Chen Feng flew at the height of tens of thousands of meters, looking around.

At the end of the line of sight in the distance, there is naturally an endless gray cloud.

And above the head, there is also this gray cloud.

It showed that they were still in the Soul Destruction Hall at this time, within the scope of the ghost forest.

However, it should be the core of this.

And where they are, there is no gray mist in a radius of tens of thousands of miles!

Here is a huge mountain basin.

The radius is as large as tens of thousands of miles, extremely vast and vast.

On the periphery of this ring-shaped basin, there are nine huge pits and abysses.

In the abyss, there is still lava flowing out.

There are billowing smoke, flames, etc., splashing out.

The smoke formed nine extremely huge towering pillars, which went deep into the gray mist, with no end in sight.

Obviously, these nine abysses were once the nine huge volcanoes.

Nine volcanoes guard the basin.

And beyond the edge of the basin, it was the ghost forest again.

However, there is no ghost forest in the basin.

There was smoke everywhere, and the air was filled with choking smells.

Above the sky, there are countless huge flames like the rain of meteors and they continue to fall.

There is smoke everywhere, flames flying everywhere, like the end of the day.

However, to Chen Feng, this is nothing.

He glanced at it, then took Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang and flew towards the edge of the basin.

Soon, he came to the edge of the basin, in a small valley.

This valley is located at the highest point on the edge of the basin, behind the mountain is the ghost forest.

However, this mountain did not reach the scope of the ghost forest.

Therefore, I am not afraid of ghosts.

On the front side is a huge gap, which is quite wide.

Moreover, this place is facing the huge Tiandi Honglu.

He was able to see clearly what happened in the furnace of the Emperor of Heaven.

More importantly, the land in this valley does not know how many layers of volcanic ash have been covered in these tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, it is extremely fertile and soft.

You know, Chen Feng has to grow something next!

If the soil is fertile enough, then things will naturally go smoother.

He smiled slightly, his figure flashed, and he turned behind a mountain col.

That mountain col hides behind this valley.

If you look directly from the angle of Emperor Honglu, it is invisible.

You need to go into the valley and turn inside to see it.

Chen Feng nodded in satisfaction, and immediately took out the Qibao Yuanyang Shendou.

After that, he was buried directly in this fertile volcanic soil without hesitation.

And the moment Chen Feng buried the Qibao Yuanyang Shendou, Chen Feng suddenly felt a tremor under the ground.

Just like an earthquake!

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